
Liz, who suggested it. I think it fits pretty well! Thanks also for the case suggestions – I’m going to look them over and see what I like before I actually order anything. And because I am a boor, I slapped BobPod’s cold dead corpse up on eBay. I’m curious to see if anyone will actually bid on it. Other things are up for sale on eBay too, if you’re interested in bras or camcorders that don’t work.

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This is not an entry, but it’s going to have to suffice as one. I’m about to head out to Smallville to spend the day painting and doing other things around the house (I’m hoping to get some sunshine this afternoon so I can see well enough to switch out outlets and switches (yeah, that entry will be coming one of these days!)). I’ll be back tomorrow with a real entry – promise!
* * *
“She keeps abandoning us for that other house and those other cats. Let’s pee in her bed, Suggie!”
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Previously 2006: Holy hot dog! That’s a good freakin’ show! 2005: Questions answered. 2004: No entry. 2003: “Why, god? Whyyyyy?” 2002: He was in the room with me for less than 90 seconds. Was I happy? Oh, yes. Thrilled. 2001: I don’t know about that man… 2000: New vehicle.


9 thoughts on “2/21/07”

  1. Hey Robyn, the nomiker RodPod sounds just about right. I was curious as to what snacks/foods you take to Smallville with you — I don’t recall you mentioning having a full refrigerator (or a refrigerator at all for that matter) (for you & Fred , not the cats HA). I have been using the Sparkpeople free site for weight loss tracking online support and am doing pretty good (14 lbs. gone so far!). Have you checked it out? It has lots of blogs to read, to kill time with Ha Ha. My name there is BEECOMINGME.

  2. Do your cats fight over the right to sleep in the top of that cat tree thing? Ours do AND they use it as a launching point when they are racing around the house crazy style.

  3. Um, do you find it odd selling your “gently” used bras on ebay? Does it matter if a stalker wins them? Just curious, not judging. I’ve never sold mine because I’d be fraid — especially since my return addy is on the package!

  4. Not a comment, but a question – do you, or where do you plan to put your exercise equipment that you currently have in your garage when you move to Smallville?
    And how is your workout routine going? Are you back to it?

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