Just a quick one today!
There’s a group of more than 20 abandoned cats in Limestone County here in Alabama. Forgotten Felines, a local cat rescue, is spearheading an attempt to save this group. They need donations, please help out if you can!
The ChipIn page is here, with lots of pictures. Forgotten Felines’ Facebook page is here. Please spread the word!
So, that group of 20+ abandoned cats I mentioned up there? Well, it just so happens that since the Peppers are going to start to go to Petsmart, and since they’ve been out in the house 24/7 lately, the foster room was available. Last night, we got this sweet girl from Michelle at Forgotten Felines:
Oh, and? She’s in a family way. Which means KITTENS up in this house! Possibly soon!
She’s scared to death, and we haven’t been able to get our hands on her – she hisses and growls at the idea of being petted, she’s not eating despite the many different foods we’ve offered her. Mostly, she hides. We had to take the cat tree out of there, because she was hiding on the bottom of it, and I’ll be honest – I didn’t want her to give birth on that cat tree ’cause it’s less than a month old! I had put the kennel in the room, and she hid behind it, so I moved it against the wall so she can’t get behind it. She sat in the wall basket for a while, and then finally made her way into the kennel.
Fred got her to “talk” back to him a couple of times, but for the past few hours she’s been in the kennel, curled up in one corner, ignoring any attempts we make to engage with her.
I haven’t honestly been able to get a good look at her midsection. I only know that she’s pregnant because I’ve been told – Michelle was able to handle her briefly and said that she’s lumpy. Fred said that she’s “huge” (which, let me remind y’all, is what he said about Maggie last year, and then it was weeks before Maggie had her babies). If I were given a choice in the matter – and I know it’s certainly not up to me – I’d like it if we had at least a week to try to get this new girl to warm up to us. It’s been less than a day, and honestly we don’t know what she’s been through in her life – she was living in an abandoned house with a bunch of other cats, then she was snatched up into a carrier, taken to a vet to be tested, driven to a place she’s never been, and put in a room by herself.
I’d be scared too!
Fingers crossed that she comes around and that she starts eating. We’ve tried tempting her with canned kitten food, baby food, the stinkiest canned cat food we have, Bonito flakes – she’s just too scared at this point, I think. If I have to, I’ll run over to the store and buy some canned mackerel and see if that won’t get her interested. I know that their appetites drop down to just about nothing in the day or so before they give birth, so we’ll see. We’ve certainly had kittens in the past who were this scared or even scareder, so I’m not giving up hope.
She doesn’t have a name – we haven’t even really discussed a naming theme yet. Fred wants to wait ’til the kittens are born, maybe we’ll do that. We’ll see!
How funny is it that this is the third pregnant cat we’ve had, and they’ve all been brown tabbies?
Everett likes to pick fights with his sisters, who are VERY annoyed by him. The other day he and Sally were hanging out on the walkway around the kitchen, and he decided to get obnoxious.
Sally’s minding her own business, and Everett comes over and gets all up in her space and is like ::SNIFFFFFF::
Sally’s appalled and is all “RESPECT THE BUBBLE!”
“Oh, THIS bubble right here?” ::poke::
“Stop TOUCHING me with your nasty, stinky boy paw.”
“Ugh! God! Stupid boy! Get away from me!”
“Ugh, you are SUCH a jerk!”
“I can’t wait to go to Petsmart and get a cage by myself away from YOU!”
Then of course Everett is like “Wait – where ya goin’?!”
Pardon me, Sir, your tunes appear to be loony.
2011: Higggggggggggggggggggh.
2010: Gone for a week and a day and THAT GODDAMN UTERUS is still makin’ my life difficult!
2009: I held up four fingers. “I. Have. A. TOTAL. Of. Four. Buckets. Of. Litter.” I said slowly.
2008: This is my “What the fuck am I supposed to do here with this board that isn’t as tall as the others?” face.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Amazon is the Jonathan Baker of boyfriends.
2004: I could have crowned myself “The Queen of Fuck.”
2003: Because M&Ms rock, and so does my husband.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have I mentioned that three-day weekends rock? They surely do.
Cool pics! Sally and Everett look like two cat statues up there.
Babies! I’m sure that Fred, cat whisperer, and you will get the mommy to come around quick. She looks so scared. Poor mommy.
Awww, poor scared kitty… I’m sure she’ll come around soon… I hope!
Robyn, if anyone can make a cat comfortable and relaxed, it’s you and Fred.
The Crooked Acres Home for Wayward Tabby Mothers *grin
I’m sure that she’ll figure out that she’s in a safe place and warm up to y’all soon. I’d imagine that much of her growliness is an effort to protect her kittens in addition to just having to deal with all the new “stuff”.
KITTENS! Kittens kittens kittens kittens kittens!
hahaha that phrase is running through my head, too! I can hardly wait!
I’ve always had Russian Blue mixes, but your tabby pics are turning my head! I think the new girl looks like her name should be “Tempest”. It just sprang up at me when I saw the first pic.
POOR MAMACITA!!! Sweet baby just looks so uncomfortable and unhappy.
The good news is that if anyone can make her feel safe and secure about her environment and about being in a “family way,” it’s you and Fred. So whether she knows it or not right now, she’s a lucky lucky lady.
Wishing ALL of you the best… except Everett, because I swear THAT IF HE DOES NOT KEEP HIS HANDS TO HIMSELF I’M GOING TO PULL THIS BLOG OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND… and… uh…
Not that I do that sort of thing IRL… ::: blush :::
Ahhhhhhhhhh! KITTENS!!!! I’m so excited!!
I am, however, gonna miss Everett and the other Peppers. Of course, I miss all your fosters when you send them off, but some more than others. And I’m gonna miss Everett’s leaping antics. They are such pretty babies!
Just a thought: I think you had mentioned maybe (aging/old … excuse me, CLASSIC) rock star names as a theme one time? Rod Stewart. Joan Jett. Stevie Nicks. Ted Nugent. …
I like that idea a lot
This line
“Stop TOUCHING me with your nasty, stinky boy paw.”
is so awesome — I have GOT to find a way to work it into conversation this week.
(would probably be easier to do if there was a man in my life LOL)
I Loved that too. It is SO like what real siblings would say if they were fighting. Robyn has the best cat captions!
The poor frightened Mama cat is so pretty. You are making me appreciate the brown tabbies more and more, Robyn. Like everyone said she will figure out how lucky she is and settle in soon. I’m very excited for the babies too but fingers crossed you get a little more adjustment time first. It would take major stomach issues or kidnapping by a serial killer to put me off my food if I were PG I imagine. I just remember how ravenous Maggie was. Poor girl I hope she can eat soon.
Loony Jake <3<3<3
That picture of The Loon is priceless!