2/18/11 – Hellooooooooo

Hi y’all! Just a quick post to let you know that I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m grumpy, cranky, and swollen. 2008 Robyn (who recovered from the lower body lift) might disagree, but I think the recovery from this surgery is harder than that one was. I’m having a hard time getting comfortable because so … Continue reading “2/18/11 – Hellooooooooo”

Hi y’all!

Just a quick post to let you know that I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m grumpy, cranky, and swollen. 2008 Robyn (who recovered from the lower body lift) might disagree, but I think the recovery from this surgery is harder than that one was. I’m having a hard time getting comfortable because so many body parts are involved this time around, and because I’m an absolute idiot, I thought it prudent to take myself off the narcotic painkillers earlier this week. By the time I realized that Tylenol and Advil weren’t doing the job, I had a hell of a time getting back in front of the pain with the narcotics, and then Tuesday night I developed lower back pain so severe that I actually woke Fred up and asked him to take me to the emergency room. He suggested I call and talk to the surgeon, and in the ten minutes the surgeon talked to me, the pain pretty much went away. It came back briefly a few times, but never as bad as it was, and as of Wednesday morning it’s been completely gone. I’m going to say that chances are good that it was caused by spending so much time in the recliner, which isn’t as comfortable as it oughta be. Putting a pillow behind my back helped some, but I spend a lot of time shifting because after an hour or so, my tail bone starts hurting.

Basically, my days look like this: snooze in the recliner in front of the TV for a while, get up and move around, take a pill every four hours, drink lots of water, settle back in the recliner, rinse and repeat.

Yesterday I showered and that was nice although it was so exhausting I required a nap afterward. I tried to sleep in my bed last night, but couldn’t get comfortable, so ended up back in the recliner. After a bad night, I tried the bed again after Fred went to work, and was able to doze for about 3 hours. That helped, but I am cranky and swollen and ready to feel better RIGHT NOW PLEASE.

I’m still not far enough out from surgery to know exactly how happy I’ll be with the results, but I suspect I’ll end up pretty happy. We took the dressing off from around my head Sunday (at the surgeon’s instructions) and I was able to see my neck. Despite the swelling, it looks good to me (ignore the Ed Grimley hair).


I saw the surgeon on Wednesday. He said everything looks good, and I had some stitches removed. I got me some fancy headgear that I need to wear for at least the next week so that my underchin area doesn’t swell up and stretch the skin. I’ve also got ace bandages around my upper arms. Nothing but dressing on my boobs, though, which surprised me. I had expected I’d be wearing a sports bra, but not yet (which had me a little relieved, actually, because I can’t stand the idea of pressure on them at this point.)

Speaking of my boobs, they are lower and further apart than I expected, but I believe my surgeon knows what he’s doing, so there you go. I haven’t taken a good look at everything, because due to the swelling and the stitches, nothing’s going to look like it will eventually, so why stress myself out?

This was me Wednesday. Aren’t I stylin’?

(That shirt is a men’s 5x, left over from Fred’s fat days. Thank god it’s so damn big, because I’ve got limited motion with my arms and I can’t fathom trying to put on a smaller shirt at the moment.)

The cats are being very sweet – I had to shake the can of compressed air at them a few times after I got home Saturday, but for the most part they’ve given me a wide berth. I think seeing me walking through the house with my arms held in front of me all zombie-like freaks ’em out a little. I did wake up to find Corbie nibbling gently on my finger tips the other morning.

Now if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to post this, take a pill, and get back into the recliner. I’ve got 20+ episodes of House on the DVR that are calling my name!

I don’t expect posting to resume anything soon – I’m spending very little time in front of the computer these days, though I check email and Twitter and Facebook every so often from my iPod – but that could change. Just wanted to let y’all know that things are fine (and I’m cranky and swollen and slightly miserable, but I know I’ll get through it okay.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Elwood would like you to know that he’s the king of the trash can!


“King! Of! The! Trash! ::slip:: ”

“I meant to do that.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: Gone for a week and a day and THAT GODDAMN UTERUS is still makin’ my life difficult!
2009: I held up four fingers. “I. Have. A. TOTAL. Of. Four. Buckets. Of. Litter.” I said slowly.
2008: This is my “What the fuck am I supposed to do here with this board that isn’t as tall as the others?” face.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Amazon is the Jonathan Baker of boyfriends.
2004: I could have crowned myself “The Queen of Fuck.”
2003: Because M&Ms rock, and so does my husband.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have I mentioned that three-day weekends rock? They surely do.

40 thoughts on “2/18/11 – Hellooooooooo”

  1. So Glad you are on the mend Robyn. Way to take it easy and let yourself heal. Can’t wait to see the “final” unswollen results.

  2. Lookin great so far. Your Ed Grimley hair is what mine looks like every morning! Take the good drugs and rest.

  3. I’m glad to see a post — thought you’d been taken by a poltergeist from that glowing TV. 😉

  4. Glad to see you up and about and I love the hair, great stuff! Just don’t forget to take it easy – give it a bit more time before you start trying to overachieve! 🙂 Take care!

  5. Good to see you up and about (even if you are doing a zombie shuffle).

    Take it easy and have a speedy recovery!

    (So very, very jealous of the upper arm lift)

  6. I have loved you for many years, but posting that picture of your hair just swelled me heart for you a wee bit more. Also, I love that you totally have glassy stoner eyes in the front shot. I wonder how horrible it’s going to be to scrub that marker off when it’s time.

  7. Oprah has nothing on you in the self revealing photo department! That takes some real courage and you have it to spare.

    Hope you will continue to improve and feel much better.

    Looking forward to the future “after” pictures.

  8. So glad to see you posting and that all is relatively well. Love the hair! Keep on resting up and taking your drugs. Get better and do not overdo!

  9. You look gooooood Robyn. Your eyes look nice and shiny. 😉
    What a amazing woman you are! Typing up a blog and everything. You just live to make us happy don’t cha?

  10. Thanks for the update, Robyn. Get well soon! Looking forward to seeing before/after pics once you are all healed! 🙂

  11. Front hook sports bras with mini pads for cushioning along the incision sites work really great (been there, done that)

    The boobage will begin to take on it’s more natural shape after about a month.

    Rest a lot, take your meds and pamper yourself a lot. You deserve it girl.

  12. You sort of look like a nun in that picture w/ Fred’s shirt (the wimple effect), but then the arm pose makes you look sort of like a superhero. Are there any superhero nuns? You should maybe look into that as a side job or something. Once you’re back to normal.


  13. Doing a very gentle, very delicate, happy dance for You !!
    So glad you are feeling better- bit by bit… and I know all the kitthehs are happy Mama is home and recuperating too !!

  14. (In best Igor voice) “It lives! MASTER, IT LIVES!!!” 😉 Lookin’ good, lady. Don’t worry about the boobage or anything else at this point: NOTHING is where it’s going to end up. Just continue taking it easy, and for the love of all that is right and holy, PLEASE quit trying to be a hero with the pain meds. TAKE THEM. THEY ARE GOOD FOR YOU. THEY ARE FULL OF VITAMINS! AND MINERALS! AND THEY ARE HEALTHY! (Whatever you have to do to convince yourself ;-))

  15. Love the Ed Grimley remark. Glad you’re on the mend, Robyn!

    And when they start casting for The Stand, I think we have our new Trashcan Man. 😀

  16. Glad to hear you are ALIVE! lots of luv and good wishes being sent your way! use those pain killers and have Fred pamper you to the fullest!

  17. Hope you’re feeling awesome again very soon! Thanks for the update and news that you are doing better each day.

  18. Thanks Robyn, for keeping us posted. So glad you are doing well. I’m sure you will be very pleased with the new look. Take it easy and get well soon, and make Fred wait on you from head to toe. That’s an order.

  19. Just read the post, hadn’t checked your blog since I read your twitter. I’m so glad you’re on the mend, but it will take time.

    Call me stupid, but I was amazed at how they did your neck-lift. It looks like they took a snip beneath your chin, removing the extra skin? It looks good already.

    I have an extra-wrinkly neck due to years of taking a medication for a kidney condition that created that effect. Oddly enough, my face isn’t that wrinkled…even at 59. I always thought a neck lift would have to be part of a face lift, the skin taken from behind the ears. I know literally nothing about that kind of surgery though. But if I thought I could get rid of my wrinkly neck via an under-chin snip, I might consider it!

    Take care & get well soon! Can’t wait to the “after” pictures!

  20. Hey Robyn,
    I’ve been thinking about you and sending good wishes your way. Nice to see your recovering self.
    All my best and x|o,

  21. Hi Robyn, it’s Sunday night and thankfully I was finally able to access your site and see how you’re doing.

    Computers are indeed strange things!

    I hope you are feeling better than when you posted this. Sending you good thoughts.

  22. I wish you were feeling as good as you look, Robyn. At least you haven’t lost a bit of your sense of humor.

    It’s only going to get better from here. 🙂

  23. OMG, ED GRIMLEY! I didn’t think anyone else ever watched that, heh.

    “I did wake up to find Corbie nibbling gently on my finger tips the other morning.”


    Glad to hear you’re feeling better 🙂


  24. Glad the twitter connection is still up so we can see that you continue to be alive and kicking. I am sooooooooo sloooooooowwwww however, that I just now got the one about needing help dragging something heavy out to the pigs!

  25. I’ll bet you’re glad it’s all done with! I have to say in the photo with the reddish shirt you look somewhat like the spud!

  26. Robyn! Remember what I said earlier about bags of frozen peas? The Peas work wonders for hurting and swollen body parts. They disperse the weight really well so it’s not like having an ice pack lying on your incisions.

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