2/18/10 – Thursday

Somehow yesterday, during my rigorous schedule of doing NOTHING AT ALL (seriously, the most rigorous thing I did was watch an hour-long Biography channel show about Kristy McNichol), I overdid it. Today, my body informs me that I’m not doing a damn thing today OR ELSE. So I’m going to go lay in bed and … Continue reading “2/18/10 – Thursday”

Somehow yesterday, during my rigorous schedule of doing NOTHING AT ALL (seriously, the most rigorous thing I did was watch an hour-long Biography channel show about Kristy McNichol), I overdid it. Today, my body informs me that I’m not doing a damn thing today OR ELSE.

So I’m going to go lay in bed and read for a few hours in an effort to convince my nerve endings to stop putting out PAIN.

Gone for a week and a day and THAT GODDAMN UTERUS is still makin’ my life difficult!

“I TOLD her not to lift that car! I told her she’d be sorry!”


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2009: I held up four fingers. “I. Have. A. TOTAL. Of. Four. Buckets. Of. Litter.” I said slowly.
2008: This is my “What the fuck am I supposed to do here with this board that isn’t as tall as the others?” face.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Amazon is the Jonathan Baker of boyfriends.
2004: I could have crowned myself “The Queen of Fuck.”
2003: Because M&Ms rock, and so does my husband.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have I mentioned that three-day weekends rock? They surely do.

9 thoughts on “2/18/10 – Thursday”

    1. Has she come out of the closet? The show I watched was from 2007, I think, and at the end they said that she’d never married or confirmed that she was gay. I don’t remember much about her from when I was growing up (I never watched “Family”), I was far more interested in her brother Jimmy, who appears to have grown up cuuuuuute. 🙂

  1. I didn’k know she was gay! I thought she was just sick or something, ha! Feel better Robyn and no lifting cars!

  2. It really sticks when the body insists on being so totally in charge, doesn’t it? You’ll just have to lay around and read and play on the computer and watch tv. It sounds heavenly but I know it can get boring after a while, especially when your brain keeps saying, “OK let’s get up and go!” I hope you heal well and soon so you can resume your normal life. I thought of you today when I was watching Wendy Williams. Carson Kresley was on and he said yellow is a big color for this spring. I thought Robyn will like that. Shopping is so much more fun when your favorite color is popular. Rest up and dream of the pursuit of happy yellow things this spring!

  3. That’s what you get for getting restless. Your body said “Oh hell, no!”. I hope you are not hurting any more. Tell the kitties they have to scoop their boxes themselves.

  4. A heating pad made me feel so much better. I’d put it over my incision and turn it to low. Mmmm. Weird how it seemed to hurt more a few weeks after surgery.

  5. Oh man, sorry you are hurting. Maybe you can add a little of the oxy to help take off the edge. It is so hard to stay put after about a week. You get so antsy to do stuff and yet you pay the price. I think I watched every one of the episodes of Golden Girls when I h ad surgery. I only had the 2 cats but we were able to act out many of the scenes. I was always Dorothy or Sophia. The cats were Rose and Blanche. Maybe the medication had something to do with it I don’t know…

  6. Its called “hitting the wall” and usually happens about a week after major surgery. Thank goodness it only last a day or two and then (if you are being GOOD, snort) you get two steps forward in the healing process. Hang in there. Happy thoughts your way!!!

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