2/16/12 – Crooked Acres Thursday

Sights from around Crooked Acres. Toasty the rooster, standing in the mud. It’s so muddy in the back forty right now, ugh. Pretty rooster with no name. Isn’t he gorgeous? Chickens near the now-full pond. That fence to the left is the back part of the pig yard. Places to go, things to do, outta … Continue reading “2/16/12 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

Sights from around Crooked Acres.

2012-02-16 (1)
Toasty the rooster, standing in the mud. It’s so muddy in the back forty right now, ugh.

2012-02-16 (2)
Pretty rooster with no name. Isn’t he gorgeous?

2012-02-16 (3)
Chickens near the now-full pond. That fence to the left is the back part of the pig yard.

2012-02-16 (4)
Places to go, things to do, outta my way!

2012-02-16 (5)
Pretty rooster, flappity-flapping.

2012-02-16 (6)
Ducks, waiting patiently for their scratch.

2012-02-16 (7)
Ducks of a feather, sticking together. Always, always together, these four. If one wanders off, one of the other three will stop and call to the fourth, and wait until she (it’s usually one of the girls) comes running, then escorts her back to the group.

2012-02-16 (15)
I’m pretty sure this is a Housefinch.

2012-02-16 (16)
Male Housefinch (I think). We’ve got a lot of Finches coming around right now.

2012-02-16 (17)
Cardinal keeping an eye on me through the glass.

2012-02-16 (18)
Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse. So CUTE.

2012-02-16 (19)
Chickadee in flight.

2012-02-16 (20)
Goldfinches. My seedshake brings all the boids to the yard.

2012-02-16 (21)
Chickadee flapping his wings (and Tufted Titmouse on the other side).

2012-02-16 (23)
Mister Bluebird in my back yard.

2012-02-16 (24)
Blurry Bluebird in the foreground, Red-Bellied Woodpecker on the Poltergeist tree (I’ve never actually seen his belly, so I can’t swear that it’s red, for the record.)

2012-02-16 (25)
I love my bluebird. I just wish he’d stop landing in the back yard where the cats are.

2012-02-16 (26)
Goldfinch in flight. He kinda looks like he’s walking on air with his wings all tucked away, doesn’t he?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2012-02-16 (35)
Groove is in the hearrrrrt!

2012-02-16 (34)

2012-02-16 (33)
“Okay, you stand still Jake. I’m going to climb on your back and then that bird will be MINE.”
“Yeah, dude, I don’t think so.”

2012-02-16 (32)
“Well, FINE, if you’re going to be like THAT. I don’t need YOUR help, forgive me for TOUCHING you, you loony bastard!”

2012-02-16 (29)
“One day, bird, you will be mine ALL MINE.”

2012-02-16 (28)

2012-02-16 (27)
“FINALLY. Hey. This isn’t a REAL bird. What the – ?”

2012-02-16 (30)
“That didn’t taste quite the way I’d expected.”

2012-02-16 (31)
(I love how his eyes match the floor.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2012-02-16 (38)
Watching for moles (there was, in fact, a mole in that spot where he was watching. I successfully distracted Joe this time, thankfully.)

2012-02-16 (37)
Joeby-Joe, the tuxie-doe…

2012-02-16 (36)
sure does love his scratcher, yo.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2011: No entry.
2010: Okay, so, a brief overview of the whole surgery thing.
2008: No entry.
2007: (”Rescue me! I’m a sad little practically-orphaned waif, adrift in this cold, cruel world, wahhh! Save me! Pity me!”)
2006: So, in summary, if we are to judge all female cats by Miz Poo, then male cats are nicer, but female cats are clingier.
2005: Don’t you wish I was responsible for your books?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001.: And almost wet my pants in terror.
2000: So, the nausea continues.

21 thoughts on “2/16/12 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

  1. Hey Robyn, got a question for you…

    Our neighbor’s rooster crows a lot every day. He usually sounds like a normal rooster, like the ones we’ve all heard on TV or in the movies. Once a week or so, he sounds like he’s dying of lung cancer but still trying his hardest to make that full crow. Do you know what causes this (apparently temporary) pathetic, coughing-type crowing?

    Love all the Crooked Acres pics today and those duckies are growing to be so lovely. They almost look fake like a painting of duckies.

    1. That sounds exactly how our young roosters sound when they first start crowing, like they’ve got a frog in their throat and are straining to get the crow out. I’m not sure what’s causing it in your neighbor’s full-grown rooster (I’m assuming he’s full-grown?), maybe he has a frog (literally!) in his throat? Maybe he’s been quiet too long and he has morning voice? It’s hard to know – but it’s certainly funny to hear, isn’t it?

      1. Okay, thanks for the scoop because you’re making me think that the neighbor probably has TWO roosters over there. One sounds great and one sounds like he’s hacking up a lung. I think there are two because today I heard both types of crowing within a short time.

        Coming back here again today I just had to look at that cardinal again. Stunning.

  2. As much as I love your pics of the kittehs, and I surely do, I really love your pics of the birds. Gorgeous!

  3. LOVE all your pics today and I am SO JEALOUS of all the birds you’ve got around AND the fact that you’re already gardening. It’s still, ya know, FEBRUARY here in the Northeast! 🙂

    1. If it makes you feel any better, we’re not actually gardening yet. We’re thinking about it, and talking about starting some plants, but right now the garden is a big mud pit. Also, last year we planted a little early and that damn TORNADO came through and we had to start all over again. Stupid tornado.

  4. I love me some Joeby-Joe. Like your weakness for orange kitties, I have one for the gray and white kitties.

  5. Robyn,
    Has any of your cats ever had allergic reactions? Our Snickers gets lumps on his chin that fester and then he rubs the area raw with his paws. Every few months our vet gives him a couple of shots, it heals up, but always comes back. This time it was also in his mouth. The vet changed his food, (of course he won’t eat it) If you or other readers have had this problem can you give us any advice.
    Snickers and Corbie are look-a-likes!

    1. Miz Poo is allergic to something, we’re not exactly sure what, but her lip swells up with a rodent ulcer and then she has to have a steroid shot. The vet thought it was a flea allergy (we had an allergy test done, and the results were that she was slightly allergic to fleas), and we’re careful to use flea preventative on all the cats, but Advantage and Frontline don’t immediately kill fleas, so she may still get bitten before the flea on her dies – this is all supposition on our part, really, we don’t know that it’s a flea allergy, but the test indicated no allergies to anything else.

      Anyway, my point here is that we have never found anything that works for her. In the last few years her allergy issue seems to have slowed down, and I think she only needed a steroid shot once in the last year, thankfully. I’ll post your question in tomorrow’s entry and we’ll see if anyone has any words of advice to share!

  6. I haven’t seen a single bluebird at our feeders (or anywhere else) since we moved here in 13+ years!

    Your duckies are so cute.

  7. Back in January, I got pics of a few little birds, squirrels, and woodpeckers in my yard using an old piece of shit camera that I had aimed through my filthy basement window. Compared to the gorgeous quality of your pics, mine look like they were taken with a blanket covering the lens of the camera! But the funny thing is, I posted them on my Facebook page and I used the same idea for the quote that you used for your Goldfinch pic today. Mine was: ♫ My peanuts bring pretty critters to the yard… ♫ So when I saw your post today, I just guffawed! I guess it’s true that great minds think alike. And great minds also share a deep-seeded affinity for Teeth…and Hair…and Fiveheads. 😀

    1. LOL! Great minds DO think alike!!

      I’m almost caught up to the current episode of Justified. I’m torn – I want to know what happens, but what am I gonna do when I don’t have any more episodes to watch?!

      1. Oh I watch every episode as soon as it airs! And I keep them in my DVR bank, so when I need to say “helllewww” to my Rayyyyylaaaan Giveeeeuuuunnnns, I just re-watch an old episode! But you know what? I hate it that Miss Mags had to die last season. I truly miss her and all the hell-raisin those Bennett boys did (even as rotten as they were)! But at least Dickie Bennett is still there. And Good Old Teeth still owes him for shootin Ava! 😉

  8. Robyn, What do you set your camera on to get those awesome action shots? And, what kind of camera do you have? Thanks!!!

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