2/14/10 – kittehs

Awesome news – yesterday, Ouiser, Drum AND Clairee were all adopted! Drum and Clairee went together, Ouiser went on her own. We actually watched Steel Magnolias last night, and when it was over, I checked my email before bed to find the email from Susan letting me know. It seems like our last few litters … Continue reading “2/14/10 – kittehs”

Awesome news – yesterday, Ouiser, Drum AND Clairee were all adopted!

Drum and Clairee went together, Ouiser went on her own.

We actually watched Steel Magnolias last night, and when it was over, I checked my email before bed to find the email from Susan letting me know. It seems like our last few litters have found their new homes pretty quickly. I love that!

(I am doing fine, spending a lot of time on the couch, watching TV and snoozing!)

Won’t you be my Val-LOON-tine?

9 thoughts on “2/14/10 – kittehs”

  1. He looks LOONEY because his snout looks kinda like a teddy bear, it’s really kinda cute. Glad your feeling better!

  2. Cute boy. I imagine being around all that animal snuggliness will speed your healing exponentially. Oh, and Fred’s helping too. 😉 Did you see the heavy snow this morning before it petered off into a drizzle? Get well soon!

  3. That’s awesome! (would have been funny if Drum and Ouiser went together) 🙂

    Happy your recovery is going well!

  4. Yea, great news. Hope you are keeping warm and comfy. I think I need to get a copy of Steel Magnolias. I need a Quiser fix.

  5. Glad to hear they have all found homes 🙂 Good for you for facilitating that fact! Wish I could foster kitties or dogs but hubby knows me too well and know there would be no way in hell I would be able to give any up. Can you say crazy cat/dog lady?! You are so strong to do what you do. You are the ideal foster Mommy.

    Hope you are feeling better and first and foremost taking it easy.. healing.. Relish the time on the couch catching up on all you have to watch, reading and basically being a slug 🙂 Get better Bitchy Poo, we love you!

  6. He always looks like he’s smirking about something.

    For the next batch of kittens – and you know there’ll be one…
    How about the names from the Big Bang Theory? Have they been taken?
    Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Raj and Howard? If there’s another girl, Bernadette – for Howard’s girlfriend.

  7. I watched Steel Magnolia’s Friday when I was home sick. I cried. Shelby still died. I am glad the kittens were adopted early. It’s a good sign. Glad you are feeling better and taking it easy.

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