Hi all, and thanks for your well wishes! This is just a quick post to let y’all know that I lived and I’m doing fine. I got home yesterday afternoon and have been mostly laying on the couch and occasionally getting up to wander the house, take a pain pill, get some more water, and go to the bathroom.
Thus far, recovery is about what I expected. I’m actually able to lay down (as long as I have a pillow under my legs), which makes getting comfortable a lot more easy. I’m doing a LOT of snoozing in front of the TV. I’m keeping CNN on, maybe I’ll keep up on current events by osmosis.
I’ll write more about it next week, I’m sure, but I’ve got to tell you that my uterus, that fucking whore, got the last laugh. I know I mentioned in my Wednesday entry that I had endometrial tissue removed from my scar line a few years after the c-section that produced the spud. Well, guess what, unbeknownst to us all, has been growing in my abdominal cavity for the past 20ish years?
That’s right, more endometriosis. It was, in fact, all over my uterus and ovaries. My right ovary was actually adhered to my bladder with endometrial tissue. My left ovary was covered in endometriosis.
So my uterus, that whore, got the last laugh because I thought she was being evicted, but on her way out she took both ovaries (there was no saving them) and my cervix as well. I GUESS SHE DIDN’T WANT TO BE LONELY.
I am not thrilled about having both ovaries taken, but you know what? Who knows what kind of misery might have occurred if she hadn’t done the hysterectomy and we didn’t know that endometriosis was in there? And that my ovary was ADHERED to my bladder?
Stupid uterus.
(Also, the surgeon told Fred that my uterus was “mushy.” Gah!)
Seeing the gynecologist on Monday to have staples removed. I don’t expect to be online much between now and then, there’s too much bad TV to be watched.
Have a good weekend, y’all, and please be advised that you are legally required to be my valentines, every damn one of you.
Hmmmm. A “mushy” uterus, huh? The surgeon just HAD to share that, I guess.
Glad you’re okay! I’m sure you have a cat or two to keep you company in bed, yes?
Loosing your ovaries isn’t so bad. When I had my uterus out, it was the size of a basketball & weighed 3 lbs. It took my (one remaining) ovary, cervix and appendix–my scar starts down and goes up and around my belly button and up another 3 inches! They had to scrape the endometriosis off my colon. YUCK! The med student who came in to talk to me after assisting said “wow, you must have been in a LOT of pain!” YOU THINK? This was after it took 7 docs before one would even to an ultra sound, because my spotting, hemorrhaging, and pain were “normal” and if I just lost the weight, everything would be all better.
Stupid docs.
Doctors insist that my chronic back pain is due to my weight. I’m 100% certain the weight isn’t helping matters, but the pain began when I was 15, 5’11” tall, and 140 pounds. So what was it “due to” then?
Another doctor tells me that the skin infections on my left inner thigh is because of “my thighs rubbing together” when I walk – and indeed, that does certainly aggravate/irritate them. But she didn’t have any explanation for the *exact same infections* – by which I mean, they look the same, act the same, flare up at the same time, and have been cultured and grew out exactly the same as the ones on the thigh – that are also present on my left outer upper arm – which also began when I was about 14/15, long before I got fat.
I long for the day most doctors take most patients seriously, instead of it happening so rarely that it feels like winning the lottery when you get a doctor who listens. (Failing that, I hope that all the jerk doctors come down with mystery illnesses and pain that no one will take seriously except for telling them to lose some weight.)
Oh, Robyn, you make me laugh! I hope you’re not laughing too much; I remember that kinda hurts at first. Just for reassurance, I’ve lived without my ovaries and cervix now for about 15 years and have never missed ’em. I know there’s all that stuff out there about hormones and stuff… but honestly, I’ve not had hot flashes or any of the negatives. Just blessed, unbloody peace.
Fred should bring you some bonbons on the couch.
As for that “mushy” uterus–who cares? She’s gone! (And was she supposed to be hardbody firm, or what?)
“Fucking whore” I am DYING. Eh, good riddance to the lot of them. Nothing but troublemakers!
Excellent news! Glad everything is okay.
Discovered this morning that SCOOP HANDS are great for removing snow off the car!
Glad you’re home and resting well… and, given the way the surgery proceeded, I guess the email suggestion I sent you yesterday wouldn’t work anyway, heh.
Robyn glad you are home recuperating. I would say YOU got the last laugh because the beyatch is GONE! Never to inflict pain and misery again. Hugs.
Here here! I agree. The bitch is dead!
Oh Robyn, you have my sympathy. My Mom had a similar scenario when she had her total hysterectomy-endometriosis and a precancerous condition in the lining of her womb. You can’t get cancer in something thst is no longer there! She was 44 when she had it done and doesn’t miss it either.
You are my favorite crazy cat lady valentine. Catch up on the Real Housewives-holy cat fights. Do you watch Watch What Happens too? I love that as well. I hope Miz Poo and her minions and Fred are keeping you entertained and spoiled in a manner befitting the Cat Lady Queen while she recovers!
At 41, I’m going through crazy night sweats and irregular periods and all that CRAAAAAP so I kinda envy you for having it all gone! I adore you, thanks for the laughs. Feel better soon!
SHE LIVES~~~~ Thank goodness.Goodbye to the pimp and all her whores.(pimps can be female, see “HUNG” ) TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF thats an order. Thanks for keeping us posted.
So glad to hear that everything went okay and you got rid of that mushy uterus! Sorry about the ovaries and cervix but at least they won’t cause you any future troubles!
Take care and snuggle kitties (and Fred too!)
Glad all went well and you are on your way to a full recovery!
I sure am glad you convince your doc to take that bitch out, or you might have gone years and not known about the endometriosis! That stuff can cause some serious problems if left untreated. I would hate to think about it eating your bladder like it ate your ovaries!
Good riddance to bad rubbish, and hope you feel better soon.
Can I be Valentines with you AND all your kittehs?
Glad you made it out ok and are on the mend.
Silly uterus. Guess she figured if she was gonna go, she was taking hostages!
Have a stellar weekend, get rest and pet kitties!
Best thing I ever did for myself. I couldn’t keep too many of the components either, and until the hormones balanced out (with medication) the first year was hellish, but it’s been 8 years and I am quite happy being spayed.
It will be good, Robyn, you’ll see.
Oh Robyn, I am so glad that you are OK and that the doctor found all that mess and took care of it. I have endometriosis and the PAIN! It sucks so bad. And a mushy uterus? Ugh. That might explain the constant bleeding, huh? Just take it easy. This is a great time to dramatically sigh and ask Fred for stuff:-)
Robyn, I’m glad you’re home and on the mend!
ready for a scary uterus story?
my grandmother had to have a hysterectomy and when they removed her uterus, they found a calcified fetus in there! this was years before ultrasounds and MRI, and it just showed up as a blob on the x-rays.
my family has repeated this story so many times, when i have plain old cramps, my husband asks me if it’s time to birth my calcified fetus. if i ever do give birth to a petrified fetus, we are naming it cletus!
OMG! That’s gross but funny at the same time. How creepy. Cletus – LOL!
I guess if it was mushy, it can’t be bronzed too easily. What did you do with the b*tch?
Glad you are home and doing well. Mushy uterus-does that mean it cried at AT&T commercials?
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
I hope you rest up, take care of yourself, and have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Robyn, THANKS for the post. Goooooooodbye to that horrid mushy bitch of a THING THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED.
Enjoy the TeeVee.
I’m not lion, I’ll be your Valentine
Stupid uterus.
You’ve been neutered! Welcome to the club!
Rest up and get better soon, pet the kitties for me, and enjoy your weekend!
So glad you came through it well, and I’m sure you’ll recuperate just as well.
I guess what is appalling is that even though you were having regular pap smears, and complaining about all the pain/bleeding, the gyn still didn’t discover the endometriosis. Glad it’s all taken care of, but doctors…sheesh what can I say? Wonder if we could start getting refunds when they make mistakes, and wrong diagnosis?
Take care of yourself, I’m sure the kitties are happy to lie around with you and snuggle!
P.S. I LOATH being in the hospital too, and could never, ever work in one, not even volunteer for anything.
I love you, Robyn. I don’t know how you can make having a hysterectomy and endometriosis funny, but somehow you do! Glad you’re on the mend.
Yes, much better that they took everything if the endometriosis was running amok. You never know what kind of horror that endometrial tissue could have caused down the road! Who wants to pee into a bag?!
I’m glad you’re feeling okay and I’ll TOTALLY be one of your valentines!
You can now explain to foster kittens that being fixed isn’t the worst thing of all time!
You don’t need no stinking ovaries anyway. Good riddance! Glad you’re doing well. Happy Valentines Day to you and Fred, and have a great restful weekend.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Just out of curiosity, was there any way for the docs to have discovered the entrometriosis without opening you up?
Glad you’re on the mend.
no, it doesn’t show up in ultra sounds or cat scans,.. they can only confirm you have it by doing a laparoscopy.
Thanks for letting us know you are on the mend! I do hope this means you need no more surgeries for a VERY VERY long time! xoxo
Hey Robyn, so glad that you are on the mend and feeling good(ish)!!! Sorry to hear of the complications, but glad that you got all that mess out of you. And I have been waiting for DAYS for you to ask us (read: demand) that we be your Valentines. LOL
Give the cats a pet from me, and keep feeling better!
Wow, haven’t read all the comments, but did not skim your entry! That sounds like a big old mess and I’m sorry things didn’t go as planned. I’m so glad you’re doing well & home snuggling. Are the cats avoiding walking all over you? I bet if your ovaries were all adhered & stuff, you will not miss them. So I’d say YOU got the last laugh – those things were messing you up & got evicted, no hearing, no appeal, buh-bye! I know you’ll take good care! x0x0 Kathy
MUSHY??? What the FUCK does THAT mean??? Or do I even want to know…?
SO glad everything went well, and very sorry for the abrupt departure of the other ladybits, but it does sound like it was for the best. Oh, and, Uterus? WHO’S SORRY NOW??? (heh heh heh…)
Happy Valentine’s Day, m’dear!!!
Glad to hear you’re on the mend, Robyn!! Relax and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Geez, Robyn! Sounds like your uterus is a super bitch and really didn’t want to go! I’m glad she’s gone. Sorry she took the other kids with her from the reproduction department. Have a good weekend sleeping!
What a good job you were insistent on having it removed, you could have ended up with much more trouble later.
And you may have lost the nursery but the playpen is still there
Glad all went well and that you are getting good couch time
Hope you both have a happy and restful valentine weekend snuggling furry hooligans.
I keep misreading all the comments about the “mushy” uterus as “musty,” and keep thinking, “Well for fuck’s sake, why is anyone SMELLING it?!”
Glad you’re home safe and sound. Try to keep Fred busy at least once an hour – just for the heck of it. Oh and give the kitties a smooch! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!
Valentine Hugs to you and Fred, and wishing you a painless recovery.
Thinking about you and hoping you feel better very soon. Sending you many hugs.
So glad to hear you’re home and doing okay. Get lots of rest and get well soon! Happy VD to you too (and the two of you, too).
Glad to hear you’re home and resting! Hope you feel better soon… and Happy Valentine’s Day!
So will you go into menopause now?
I didn’t even know that endometriosis could do all that. And an ovary adhering to your bladder? ugh. All I can say is good riddance, and hope you mend soon. And I do say for real this time, milk it for all it’s worth!
Get well.
my mom is betty, she’s been a friend of yours for awhile and she sent me this to see it. i’m very sorry to hear that you had to go through this. i’m 21 and in november i had endometriosis implants removed as well, and i found out last week that because of complications i have to have more removed, and mostlikely my uterus has to come out because the implants are too close to my bowel,.. less than a millimeter, if not already adheared.. if u have any advise on how i can get through this, it would be greatly appreciated. i hope your recovery goes well and i’ll pray for you.
Oh Miz Robyn, you are certainly my Valentine! I’m glad you’re out and even though it wasn’t as planned, hopefully it will solve your current issues and head off what might have been a problem down the road.
You’re still hilarious, so that bitchho uterus didn’t take your humor with her!
Robyn, I’m so happy for you that you’re through with your “female problems”!
…Thank God for “modern” medicine… Just take it easy, don’t push yourself. And look at all the $$ you will save down the ‘female’ aisle at the store !
Happy V-Day, and glad you feel better!
Happy you are home cuz there’s no place like home! Happy you are feeling purty good, as you well know, it’s cake from here on out. Same shit happened to me, fuckin endometreosis wrapped all around my girly bits so out they all went and it was glorious not being in pain. 10 years ago and still no regrets at’all.
Hang in there, Babe and keep feeling better!
Glad you are home and recovering. It sounds like the decision to spay you was the right one. I could only wish. I did survive yet another month this week. No embarrassing “accidents” this time – just the normal home confined ones. Now to worry about next time.
Ding dong the bitch is gone! Sorry to hear about the endometriosis but glad you’re on the mend.
Glad to hear you’re doing well. Sorry about having all the ladybits removed. Hope they put you on some hormone replacement meds, surgical menopause can be quite a shock to the system. Lost 1/2 my bits at 16 to ovarian cancer and the other 1/2 at 30 to a reoccurence and I had my first hotflash before I was out of the recovery room. SUCK! After trying many different HRT’s I use an estrogen patch, change it once a week and never think about it, but it did take alot of trial and error w/the meds. Email me if you have any questions. Happy Recovery. Hope you get lots of loves from the cats and lots of good nursing care from Fred.
I need to go look at some anatomy texts – for the life of me, I can’t imagine how the rest of the guts and stuff stay inside without the internal ladybits.
I knew I should have paid attention in school – but until I do more research, make sure you don’t jump up and down!
Get well soon!
Glad you are ok. Trust me – you won’t miss any of that stuff.
Glad it’s ALL out–now you will never have to worry about getting ovarian nor cervical/uterine cancer!