2/1/11 – Tuesday

New month, new banner! Thanks once again, Christine – you rock!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   A quick one, in bullet points because I’m jumpy and twitchy and irritable and expect I will be ’til this surgery … Continue reading “2/1/11 – Tuesday”

New month, new banner!

Thanks once again, Christine – you rock!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


A quick one, in bullet points because I’m jumpy and twitchy and irritable and expect I will be ’til this surgery is behind me (10 more days!).

1. Rhyme and Corbie are going to Petsmart tonight. When there’s room, Reacher will be going as well. I love my Bookworms and I’d love to keep them all here, but it’s just not in the cards for us – I’d like to go back to November and kick myself for bringing them all back here. Some of the permanent residents have taken it upon themselves to coat my house in urine in protest of the large number of cats here, and I can’t take it anymore. We’ve got to reduce the number of cats in the house and we’ve got to stop adding to the permanent population.

2. In direct contrast to what I said above about reducing the number of cats in the house, I’ll be bringing Drum and Clairee (two of my fosters from a year ago who were returned over the weekend) back here to stay in the foster room for a little while. They’re ready to go to Petsmart, we’ll just be waiting for a large cage to open up.

3. Annnd that’s it. See you tomorrow.

Corbie and Rhyme.

Corbie’s all “Why you gotta be up in my space, man?”

Snoozin’ Corbie.

Reacher and Rhyme, tussling.

Rhyme. “We’re going where, now?”

Princess Alice with the attitude.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Sugarbutt would like it known that the Room with a View is called “The Sug Cave” for a REASON.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: The Magnolias.
2009: No entry.
2008: Ripley kicks alien ass, I kick… flying insect ass!
2007: Stupid Mother Nature.
2006: No entry.
2005: What the hell is “California cuisine”?
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Just accept that I’m always right, why don’tcha.
2000: Like I’m going to just stand there all docile-like and let him kill me.

15 thoughts on “2/1/11 – Tuesday”

  1. I know that jumpy feeling too. I am super excited for you, it is so going to be worth it once you’re on the backside of surgery and recovery efforts are well underway.

    I only have 4 cats (me=rank amateur) and I guess it depends on the kitty personalities, but it’s almost too much. Fine, tenuous balancing act to keep us all happy. So far, so good. Best of luck getting those darlings good and loving homes and restoring some balance in your household.

  2. Hi – I’m a long-time reader/lurker (and lucky recipient of a holiday postcard thank you!)

    I’m just writing to my favourite cat blogger/guru with a query. We’ve just adopted two rescue cats here in the UK. They’ve settled in really well and we are loving having cats again after our old cat died in autumn last year. One small query though – one of the cats is obsessed with the water tap (faucet). He will frequently jump on the worktop or sink in the bathroom and lick the tap. Sometime the tap dribbles and he’ll sit and drink any water that comes out. I wondered if you’d had this problem with any of your cats and if anything can be done to discourage him? We put a full bowl of fresh water out every day for them, which they do drink from, but still doesn’t seem to stop the obsession with the faucet.
    Any guidance welcome – I just can’t help thinking it’s not too hygenic to be using water from a tap that a cat has licked !!

    Sending good luck for Corbie and Rhyme and hope they get adopted soon – and best wishes for you with your surgery.

    1. One of my cats is also fascinated with the faucet and loves to drink from it. She’ll lick the actual faucet sometimes but usually she’ll go for the puddle in the sink while waiting for me to turn the water on. She does drink from her bowl but prefers the faucet when she can get it.

      From everything I’ve read, this is fairly normal behavior for a cat. There are a couple of theories: the cat prefers the fresher water straight from the tap; she is attracted to the movement of the flowing water; cats like to “find” their food and water, so “finding” running water in the sink is more appealing than the stagnant water in the bowl; cats prefer their water source to be farther away from their food.

      As for the hygiene issue, I never really thought of it and don’t really know if it would be a big deal at all. I suppose if you’re worried about it, just running the water hot for a few seconds might wash away any germs left behind. Or you could always keep disinfecting wipes nearby and give the faucet head a quick wipe before using it. But I would probably be more worried about the cat ingesting any chemicals from the wipes!

  3. Good morning, Robyn!

    Question (and if you’ve already addressed this, I apologize; I promise I’m not a Damn Skimmer!): What does your doctor say is your expected recuperation period following the surgery? You always seem to bounce back really quickly, but I was wondering, with numerous body parts involved this time, if you were going to be out of commission a bit longer than usual.

    Recuperation aside, I am ridiculously excited for you, while insanely jealous at the same time, and can’t wait to see the “after” pictures. And if you need anybody to snuggle kittens or scoop litter, let me know!

  4. My gut tells me that I need to drive across the country to adopt Corbett and Rhyme. My brain is telling me that I need to stay put (and married). I hope Corbie and Rhy find fab permanent homes soon.

    I just adore this month’s banner. Best yet and I always like them.

    Your surgery will go great and you’ll be so glad you did it. Smart, you are, to prepare so well for it in advance. 🙂

  5. Awww, does this mean than the adorable little Alice won’t become a permanent?

    Good luck with your surgery! I had my wls in 2004, lost 165ish pounds, and would LOVE to have something done about my problem areas of skin! 🙂

  6. I had a Robyn/Fred dream last night. I just showed up at your house, since you were always inviting people to just stop by. Not only that, I just walked into your house and waited for you to see me! You were dressed in a football jersey (you had long blond hair and weighed about 100 pounds) and were about to head off to a “player’s meeting”. You said this was your “first day back” but I didn’t ask where you had been, since I didn’t want you to think I was a skimmer! You made me hide in the bathroom when Fred came home and you were telling him about this crazy woman. Then I woke up. The End.

  7. Great banner for February. Love it. 🙂 Stay warm everybody — it’s gonna be a doozy of a month.

  8. I love the banner and I feel the same way. We’re in the middle of getting a bunch of ice right now. The first day it’s above freezing, I’ll do a “happy happy joy joy” jig in my driveway. 😀

  9. So who are the pee offenders do you think? (Or are they all crafty and make darn sure they can’t ever be busted?) I seem to recall you saying Sugarbutt has been guilty of it before. Do some of them get princessy? Hope they settle down soon! What number of cats do you think is good for keeping things stable around your home? (I hope MY looney Jake is not among them… I luurve him, and plan to steal him one day!;) )

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