2/1/10 – Monday

New month, new banner! This was created by the wonderful Christine, who’s done a bunch of my (awesome) banners lately. Thank you once again, Christine – you are awesome!   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * … Continue reading “2/1/10 – Monday”

New month, new banner!

This was created by the wonderful Christine, who’s done a bunch of my (awesome) banners lately. Thank you once again, Christine – you are awesome!


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In lieu of a real entry, you can ponder this question:

Who the heck are…





and Drum?

Where’d they come from? What are they doing here? And are they the reason Steely Dan and Fagen are out in Gen Pop instead of confined to one room?!

More about them tomorrow!


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In the evenings, the cats take turns coming into the living room and staring at Benjie, trying to figure out what, exactly, he IS. They don’t seem to have quite figured it out just yet.


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2009: No entry.
2008: Ripley kicks alien ass, I kick… flying insect ass!
2007: Stupid Mother Nature.
2006: No entry.
2005: What the hell is “California cuisine”?
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Just accept that I’m always right, why don’tcha.
2000: Like I’m going to just stand there all docile-like and let him kill me.

11 thoughts on “2/1/10 – Monday”

  1. New cuties! Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favorite movies! Actually, that’s where our five year olf son got his name – Jackson, Julia Robert’s husband in the movie.

  2. Steel Magnolia’s is a forever favorite of mine too! Great chick flick! When a friend and I disagree she always tells me “You Know I Love You more than my luggage.” Cute new babies! Hope you had great fun with your parents and the snow didn’t mess up your plans too much!

  3. So cute. Truvy looks like my cat Tinker from my teen years. He was a sweet cat, but a momma’s boy. After I moved out and got my own cat, he started greeting me with hisses when I came come, but I still loved him.

    You have been hanging around your husband too long. Stop with the teasers, I’ll still come back tomorrow to read your blog anyway.

  4. There are so many great lines in that movie. The one about the husband being civilized because he stopped pissing in the sink comes to mind. Also, the only thing that separates humans from the animals is our ability to accessories. Man, I love that movie!

  5. They are the Magnolia’s! Yay! I too am a fan. “I’m not crazy- I’ve just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!”

  6. Oh, oh I know, even before I read the comments. Love the Steel Magnolias. Yea! Can’t wait to hear the story. Poor Benjie. Bet he just wanted to go home.

  7. I’m with Elaine. Poor Benjie – all alone. In a house with so many critters and so few friends.

    Steel Magnolias – nice.

  8. LOVE Steel Magnolias!

    How big is that tv, Miz Robyn???

    Also, bought the Kindle cover on your recommendation. It arrived last night and so far I love it! Thanks!

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