Today, three videos for y’all!
In the first, Ciara says “hi.” Watch all the way to the end to hear her loud, happy purr.
In the second, Molly reacts to Jake’s intrusion into her territory.
And in the third, the Peppers – already STRANGER DANGER! tense from the invasion of Jake – are startled by a certain evil man who thinks there’s nothing funnier than making a cat jump. (Note that after I told him a couple of times that he was evil, I asked if he’d gotten it on video. Heh.)
Sheriff Mama likes to spend her days on the washer, which is by the back door. The metal keeps her tummy cool, and if anything happens in the back yard, she can zip out the back door to put the smack down on whatever needs smackin’.
2010: Martin thinks he’s big and bad ’til he comes face to face with Godzilla, I’m telling you.
2009: He was a regular fucking Pop Goes the Weasel.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: SqueeSqueeSQUEESQUEE! the bird squealed.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: My computer is getting so freakin’ slow that it’s driving me absolutely batshit, and I’m spending way too much time swearing at it.
2000: No entry.