Declan and Ciara, scoping out the situation and trying to determine whether it’s worth it to escape the McMao cave.
Maggie, chilling out away from the babies.
Fergus Simon, exploring (that’s my camera lens cap his front paw is on).
Cillian. Everything is absolute, stunningly amazing to this little guy.
Fergus Simon, looking around. This one misses NOTHING.
“My paw smells funny.” (Declan)
2010: Five! How the hell did we even know we HAD cats with such a small number of them??
2009: Two long rows of tomatoes for two people. That’s not too much, is it?
2008: No entry.
2007: “Baby, I think someone in my comments just called me a complete idiot.”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: So, to sum up: for almost a year, they’ve spent time staring up their property line, ostentatiously walked up and down it, yet it’s never occurred to them to come knock on the door and say “Hi, blah blah our side of the property line, blah blah, stop? Thanks!”
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: “If we manufactured bon-bons, I would have sent you a package of those. Instead, this package should assuage the pain and horror of not working while you lay on the couch and watch Oprah and the soaps.”