Photo entries all this week in an effort to clear off my hard drive. Of course, I keep taking pictures, so that’s not helping at all.
The Problem with Warm & Sunny Days.
The problem with warm and sunny days
is that the cats hate when it’s warm and sunny. Hate it.
Have you ever seen such miserable cats in your entire life?
No one should have to live like this.
“There are no babies here. Move along. Wait. Bring me a snack and THEN move along.”
A rare shot of all four. Corbett’s refusing to look at the camera, though. Brat.
He may be little, but Corbett is old enough to enjoy a good fart joke. He’s weak with laughter. WEAK, I tell you!
Sweet pink kitten belly? Check.
Kitten toes? Present and accounted for.
Kitten wondering how he got in this particular position? Got it.
Second kitten clearly thinking “Just what in tarnation is going ON back there?!” All set.
World domination to commence in 3…2…1…
Reacher notes that that talon is a leeeeettle too close to his eye. Luckily, he’s got cat-like reflexes (ha!) and was able to close that eye before any eyeball-poking could happen.
2009: (reCOOPerating, HA HA!)
2008: Shea Butters would be an excellent stripper name.
2007: No entry.
2006: It was so friggin’ cute I made Fred listen to it, too.
2005: I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently.
2004: A day in the life.
2003: What makes me crazy.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Okay, enough of the wallowing.