got tagged to do this 10-things-about-me thing. I thought about not doing it, because I seriously, seriously doubt that there are ten things about me that y’all don’t already know, but then I woke up this morning (got myself a gun/ Mama always said I’d be the chosen one) and couldn’t think of a goddamn thing to write about, and the meme isn’t called the “Ten things you didn’t already know about me”, after all, is it? No it’s not.
So here’s 10 things about me.
1. I love cats. DUH.
2. I also like birds. I love to sit at my desk and look out the window at the birds frequenting the feeders. I think mockingbirds are my favorite, followed by those bright yellow finches and chickadees. I can’t seem to lure bluebirds to my yard, no matter what I offer. Stupid bluebirds.
3. I always have to force myself to go out and mow the lawn, but once I get going, I enjoy it. I’d probably enjoy it more if it didn’t take me three motherfucking hours.
4. I told Fred I put sunblock on before I went out to mow the lawn yesterday, but I totally didn’t. Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it.
5. I love the hell out of Miz Poo, but I think Sugarbutt’s my secret favorite kitty. He’s just so freakin’ happy all the time. Who can resist a purring kitty who’s SO THRILLED to be alive every moment of every day?
6. I spend too goddamn much money on shit I don’t need. I’m trying to improve on this, but it’s harrrrrrrrd.
7. I wish our house was further back from the road than it is.
8. I’ve been up at 6:00 almost every day this week. I hate being up that early, but I sure do get a lot accomplished.
9. I wake up at 2:19 every single freakin’ morning having to poo. YOU ARE WELCOME.
10. And one evil thing about me: There are various people who’ve said things about my relationship, some at the very beginning of it, some fairly recently, some at varying times in the middle. Some things were said directly to me, some to someone I know (who passed it along), some in places I stumbled across. Some of these people are people Fred or I know in real life, some are not. Every single one of these people has said something derogatory about my marriage, whether it’s how Fred and I relate to each other, or the fact that we sleep in separate bedrooms or whatever. And without fail, every single one of these people are now divorced. And sometimes I childishly want to email or call them, and say “Well. I guess you don’t know what constitutes a happy marriage AFTER ALL do you, Smuggy McAsshole? HA! HA! I WIN!” I don’t know what I win, though. Hopefully it’s not a divorce.
I’m supposed to tag 10 people. If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged.
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This meme is one I cut and pasted and saved at some point in the past. I don’t know where the hell I got it, but I think that since it’s another “10” meme, I’ll go right ahead and do it. Why the hell not, right?
Favorite Color: I usually say yellow, but I think it’s a tie between yellow and blue.
Favorite Food: Depends, but I always like chinese food.
Favorite Month: January, ’cause it’s all about ME.
Favorite Song: Right now, it’s Shpadoinkle Day (from Cannibal! The Musical!) (The sky is blue/ and all the leaves are green/ the sun’s as warm as a baked pataytuh/ I think I know precisely what I mean/ when I say it’s a shpadoinkle day!)
Favorite Movie: Eh. I don’t know that I have one favorite, but I always enjoy O Brother, Where Art Thou. (We thought you was a horny toad!)
Favorite Sport: None of them!
Favorite Season: Fall, followed very closely by Spring.
Favorite Day of the week: Wednesay. Things are calmest then, and I can usually take a lazy day (“Aren’t they ALL lazy days, Robyn?” Har. Har.)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla, or sometimes vanilla with Oreo chunks. Is that called Oreo ice cream? I think it very well might be.
Favorite Time of Day: Dusk.
Current Mood: Tired.
Current Taste: Wintergreen gum.
Current Clothes: Gray cotton pants, green t-shirt that says “My imaginary friend doesn’t like you either.”
Current Desktop:
This Sugarbutt picture.
Current Toenail Color: Plain. Uh, not painted, I mean.
Current Time: 7:34.
Current Surroundings: Computer room, Miz Poo in a cat bed on my desk, birds outside the window eating.
Current Thoughts: Vacuum, clean the floors, dust. What else do I need to do before they get here?
First Best Friend: First one I remember: Candi Rhoades.
First Kiss: John Bowie.
First Screen Name: Robyn (or Nybor, if someone else was using Robyn).
First Pet: Suzy, my birthday present when we lived in Guam. She had a litter of kittens, one of them being Charlie, my first beloved orange tabby. Good ol’ Charlie. He just disappeared one day.
First Piercing: Right ear, followed by the left.
First Crush: I can’t imagine. I had crushes on just about every male I wasn’t related to.
First CD: I don’t remember!
Last Coffee: I don’t know – years and years ago. I don’t like coffee at all.
Last Drink: Alcohol, I assume this means. I don’t know when that was, either – years and years ago. I keep telling Fred that we should go out to a restaurant where I can get a drink and see how long it takes me to get plowed (people who’ve had wls are notorious lightweights), but I have no follow-through on that. I don’t particularly want to get drunk.
Last Car Ride: Yesterday morning. I drove to the pet store, stopped by the grocery store, and came home.
Last Kiss: At 6:00, when Fred was leaving for work.
Last Movie Seen: Uh.
The Grudge 2? No, we only watched about three minutes of that one.
Music and Lyrics was the last one, I guess.
Last Phone Call: The spud, calling to let us know she was going to study at her friend’s house after work last night.
Last CD Played: The
Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack.
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: Nope.
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yep.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yep.
Have You Ever Been on TV: Yep.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know: Nope. (How boring am I?)
Thing You’re Wearing: My red Big Dog “Her Royal Highness The Queen But You Can Call Me Mom” nightgown.
Thing You’ve Done Today: Cleaned out the litter box, put some laundry in to wash, procrastinated cleaning the bathrooms.
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: The washer going.
Thing You Can’t Live Without: My iPod (though of course I COULD live without it – I just don’t wanna.)
Thing You Do When You’re Bored: Read, surf the ‘net, find kitties to pet.
1. The bathroom.
2. The bedroom.
3. The laundry room.
4. The clothesline.
1. Fred.
2. Debbie.
3. Liz.
1. Black or White: White – black shows the cat hair too damn much.
2. Hot or Cold: Hot (right now, I am COLD. It got really cold overnight. I hate when that happens.)
Go on a world tour, hitting countries like Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, England, Ireland, Greece, among others.
* * *
I just called my parents. They’re west of Knoxville, so I guess I have four or five hours to get the house dusted, vacuum, and clean the floors before they get here.
From my comments:
is this the second time a gay couple looked at that house? because when I read this yesterday, I could have sworn that I’d read it before. Except not in that deja vu way. I mean for real.
Probably you’re remembering Fred’s entry from a few weeks ago when I called to let him know that there were a couple of men looking at the house, and he suggested they might be a gay couple. Do we have gay couples on the brain, or what?
As for the potential neighbors: $50 says there’s either a treasure or a body buried under the cement slab, and they’re only pretending to be interested in the house so they can get to it. And for God’s sake, woman, what did the note say?!?!
If there’s a body under the cement slab, they’re welcome to it! The note, paraphrased, said “Dear Robert, you’ve been leeching off Momma and Daddy since last April, haven’t paid a lick of rent, haven’t offered to pay the electricity or water, and we want you the hell out of there. You have ’til the 11th to get your shit and get out, and if there’s any of Momma and Daddy’s furniture missing, we’re going to take your ass to court to get money for the stuff you stole, and WE KNOW you sold (the people who sold us this house)’s dog run, because we have a witness who saw it happen [that would be Fred]. Any shit you leave behind, we’re going to move into the shed in the back yard. This is bullshit, you’re an asshole, and you SUCK.” It was said much nicer – they’re good christian folks, after all – but that’s the gist of it.
If I were you and Fred … I would be looking at planting some sort of “screen” between the properties. Bamboo comes to mind – it grows amazingly fast, and there are species that if you plant them properly so they are contained, it won’t spread outside the area where you need it.
We’re talking about planting something along the property line – maybe fast-growing evergreens. I’d love to see bamboo there, but when I suggest it, Fred looks at me like I’m a lunatic. He’s not a fan of the bamboo.
Could the bird be an Indigo bunting?
I believe it is! I’d share more pictures of him, but he’s very skittish and if I get up and walk toward the door, he sees me and flits off. I’m not going to give up, though!
I’m going to be in Nashville in mid-September with my husband. He has a work thing to attend. We’ll be staying at Opryland Resort. Any suggestions for me for fun stuff to do solo during the days he is in meetings? I live in Oregon and I’ve never been to the South. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I have no suggestions for things to do during the day (though I think there’s plenty of shopping to be done!), but I’m sure someone else will have plenty of suggestions!
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Okay, I’m off to finish cleaning the house. Updating will be spotty next week while my parents are here! Y’all behave yourselves.
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Vampire Kitty likes to spend his days on top of the cupboards, where it’s warm and relatively dark.
* * *
2006: I walked over to them and threw Cheerios at them, and they looked at me as if I were mentally disturbed.
2005: Which he proved by dancing lightly about the room once I’d said we should just stay home.
2004: He asked questions, he really listened to the answers, and he was just really a nice guy.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: She’s obviously picked up her mother’s bad attitude.
2000: My day in pictures.]]>