
Or you can see a smaller (better) picture by going over to Fred’s site and downloading it off this page (the link’s toward the bottom).

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The spud (who, by the way, made it safely to California yesterday) informed me Monday night that she needs to get “one of those cards from the funeral” to bring back with her, to prove that she was gone at a funeral. They’re only allowed so many “parents notes” absences each year, apparently, and to not use up one of those allowed absences, she needs proof in the form of a funeral card. I think that’s a little crass on the school’s part, but probably they have a problem with kids claiming they’ve missed school for a funeral when really they were hanging at the mall.
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I think that y’all should know that there is nothing on this earth (aside from world peace (hee! I originally typed “world peach”!) of course) that I want more than an iPhone. Fred was all skeptical and pshaw-y about it until he took a good look at it, and now I think he wants one, too. I’d sell all the kitties into kitty slavery for an iPhone. And I will have one of my own by the end of the year, you mark my words, folks. Oh yes, I will.
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From my comments: Who did the picture above the fireplace? The brothers [Tommy and Sugarbutt] are so cute, do they tend to stick together when with all the other cats? That picture was done by Zhen-Huan Lu. I saw it when I was in Maine one summer and fell in love with it! Tommy and Sugarbutt sometimes cuddle up when the other cats are around, but then sometimes go for days acting like they’ve never seen each other before. I guess it depends on whether they’re in the mood for love or not!
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When Mister Boogers thinks about how much he hates us, is he thinking in a voice that sounds like Gollum from Lord of the Rings? Because that’s the voice I hear as I read his thoughts. In my head, he’s got a bit of the snooty French accent going on, but if you’d prefer to think of him sounding like Gollum, I can certainly see that, too!
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Robyn, you and Fred are doing such a great job on the Smallville house. When you get it all done – or to the move-in stage, you should do a whole page of before and after pictures – including the yard. It’s been quite a transformation already! We definitely intend to put up a “before and after” page when we’re done, probably before we start moving stuff in. I wish I’d taken more pictures of the yard before we moved in; I can only find a couple, and it looks HUGELY different than it did when we moved it!
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Oh my gosh! I didn’t think anyone else had even heard of “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”!!! My husband thought I was making it up until I found it online and played it for him. Do you have this link? I didn’t have that link, but thanks to you, I do now! When I was in Pigeon Forge at Christmas, I kept cracking up my nephew by singing the song. Which reminds me, I need to send him that song in MP3, so he can drive his mother crazy with it…
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Hi robyn – are you going to leave your packages on the front step for the postman to pick up so you don’t have to stand in line behind the crazy at the post office this year? If so, please let us know how that goes? I love the commercials, but I have little faith in my postal worker. I didn’t leave my packages on the front step for the postman to pick up, because I really don’t trust that they’d actually get picked up. I actually sent my packages out via UPS this year, because it’s a lot less expensive, and you get that convenient step-by-step tracking, which I didn’t realize until my sister pointed it out to me.
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I love the purse picture telling what everything is! I have to ask..why so much tylenol though?! Just wondering – how many different kinds of Tylenol do you have?! I had, I think, three different types of Tylenol in my purse back when I took that picture of everything in my purse: regular Tylenol, fast-release Tylenol, and children’s Tylenol. I had the children’s Tylenol because I wasn’t sure how fast Tylenol would release into my system after surgery, and whether regular Tylenol would help at all. I determined that regular Tylenol does just fine, so currently I only carry a small bottle of regular Tylenol. The irony is that I need MAYBE one Tylenol a month (it’s okay to take very occasionally, according to my doctor), so I was carrying three years’ worth around with me!
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I suppose I should have asked you long ago, because I have you linked on my journal under “Journals I read” or some such list. So. Do you mind that I have you linked? I won’t be offended if you’d like me to remove your name/link from the list, just let me know. I absolutely don’t mind being linked by people who read me, and no one even needs to ask permission. The only thing that’s really pissed me off when someone links to me is the one person who linked to me under a list of links entitled “People who link to me.” Well, I don’t link to her; I don’t even read her, though I’ve heard of her. Oh look at me, getting all pissed off about it all over again! I want to email her and demand she take me off her list o’ lies, but I’m going to take a deep breath and get the hell over myself instead.
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Happy New Year, Robyn! Sounds like you all had a great time – boy, you sure can tell Brian and the Spud are related. Is it just the photos, or do they look enough alike to be brother and sister? They absolutely look enough alike to be brother and sister. When they’re together, people tend to assume they are brother and sister, actually, it’s funny how much they look alike.
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Will you be cleaning the paint off wooden stairs? If so, what works best? I have to clean up some myself. I’ve found that the best way to get paint off wooden stairs is the use of Windex, a scrubby sponge (with the green scrubby side) and one hell of a lot of elbow grease.
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When you’re ready to put in your new woodstove, are you going to consider a pellet stove? They make them to look just like wood stoves, and the type of heat radiation from the pellets is similar to wood heat, but they do not grossly pollute the air the way woodstove emmisions do. Word is that eventually there will be a ban on wood stoves, although I think the newer ones are less polluting (better catalytic conversion) and of course who knows how and when the EPA will actually put any type of ban into effect. I would like to consider a pellet stove, but word from Fred is that we won’t be considering them at this time. I’m interested in them, though – this might be a dumb question, but I assume that a pellet stove takes wooden pellets? Where does one get the wooden pellets to feed into the stove?
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Did you ever decide on the best sports bra? The best sports bra, at least in my opinion, is the Enell. They make me look barrel-chested and kind of funny, but when you put one of those babies on, your boobs do NOT move and that can only be a good thing!
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Did you get many duplicate cards? I’m always amazed that I only seem to get 1 or maybe 2 duplicates, though I get nowhere near the number you do. This year, I don’t think I got any duplicates at all! I don’t know if it’s because of a wider selection in the stores or because more of the cards I got were handmade, but no duplicates. Usually I get two of at least one card, but not this year!
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So the other day Fred and I were despairing because Moondance was spending all her time hiding in her room (even though the door was open) or under the spud’s bed, and that is just NO existence for a cat. Then Fred got the bright idea of carrying her downstairs to see what she’d do, both of us fully expecting her to haul tail back upstairs, only she looked around, settled on the couch a few feet from Fred, and decided this whole “downstairs” thing wasn’t too bad. She’s settled into a routine of spending most of the day upstairs – with the occasional foray downstairs to see what’s going on – and once Fred gets home from work, she follows him downstairs and hangs out, giving him the Eyes of Love and all the other cats the Eyes of You-Go-To-Hell. It works out pretty well. She likes to show her butt as much as Mister Boogers does, and if the two of them ever got within a foot of each other, I’m fairly certain there’d be a nuclear-like explosion and we’d be screaming for Jack Bauer to save us. “I hate you, and you, and you, and especially you!” JoeBob (FNKAMM*) is a plant eater, much to my displeasure. At least he doesn’t barf up the leaves he eats on the carpet or the couch. Or at least not YET. Mudderly love. “I am IN the box, but I do not LIKE IT.” “Hey, I think Mom’s in the box!” “Mom, you in the box? What you doing in the box, Mom?” “Mom’s in the box! Hey look guys, Mom’s in the box!” “Hush up, you little monsters. Alls I want is some peace and quiet.” All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither. *Formerly Known As MoonMan.
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Self-portrait #15. “I’m sorry Healthy Back Bag, I swear I will NEVER toss you over for a Liz Claiborne Grandma purse again, I swear it! Forgive me?” Seriously, y’all. I’m two weeks into this daily self-portrait thing, and I’m out of ideas. How many damn ways can there be to take a picture of oneself? Give me some ideas to make it interesting, wouldya? (And skip the “We want to see full-body pictures of you in something that fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits.” I’m holding off on that because I’ll be posting full-body pictures of me in something that fiiiiiiiiiiiits for my one-year Surgery anniversary next week.)
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Previously 2006: “Y’all shut UP. I don’t hear you complaining when you run around FARTING on everyone.” 2005: Letters. 2004: No entry. 2003: I swear, I have no control over my body sometimes. 2002: The shithole on Goddard Street. 2001: Lucky for her I’ve calmed down to a growling grumpiness, or it wouldn’t be a very good time to be the spud. 2000: We’re a pathetic lot, aren’t we?]]>