
hash brown casserole recipe is here. I must have made that a LONG time ago, because I don’t even remember eating it.)

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If the person interested in the song sung by Chemda (of Keith and the Girl fame) wanted to email me, I might find my way clear to making a copy of the CD I bought off eBay and sending it your way (since it’s no longer available in the stores or anywhere online). You’ve gotta make at least a $5 donation to KATG in return, though, or buy something from their store. I’m considering asking Fred to get me the KATG hoodie for my birthday.
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I’ve been tagged by Denise. The explanation: Obligatory intro: According to the rules…Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you’. People who get tagged need to write a BLOG of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your BLOG. 1. I desperately want to use the word “frippery” in a casual conversation, but I just can’t seem to make it fit in any of the conversations I’ve had recently, damnit. 2. I love peas. I LOVE PEAS. There’s no casserole on earth that won’t be improved by the addition of peas – preferably baby peas. I know that not everyone loves peas – my friend Liz reacts to unexpected peas in casseroles as if they are a personal affront and I think she fully believes that wars should be launched over the existence of peas – but I do. LOVE THEM. 3. There’s blog I am aware of, but do not read, that lists me under a column entitled “People who link to me.” I have never linked to this person, and sometimes I absolutely FUME that she has listed me as linking to her when I NEVER HAVE. I have no idea why it pisses me off so much, but it really really does. (Note: I don’t dislike the blog or the person, I just don’t read her, because I’m chronically behind in the journal/ blog reading I already do and don’t have room in my life for another blog unless I absolutely adore it.) (Note also: I fume about it, but I don’t email the person and ask her to take me off her list, because I know how fucking petty it is that it bothers me so.) 4. I can wiggle my ears like nobody’s business. If my ears were a little bigger, I do not doubt I’d be the Incredible Flying Woman. And to prove my ear-wiggling prowess, I present to you a movie I like to call “What a freakin’ dork” (you can really only see the ear on the left side of the screen wiggling, but trust me – they’re both flapping back and forth to beat the band): I was all amused by myself at the end because I got confused between wiggling my ears and raising my eyebrows. I’m a mental giant, is what I am. (Direct link here) 5. It doesn’t matter how many books I have
Books I own and have not yet read.
I always want MORE. It’s an illness. (Nance can attest to this one) 6. When I’m concentrating on something – usually reading – I wiggle my toes and my lower lip at the same time. Toes go left, lower lip goes left. Toes go right, lower lip goes right. I’d offer up a movie of that, but I’m afraid I’ve blow my badass cred already with the ear-wiggling thing. As far as tagging six people, well, if you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged! Or if you want me to tag you, let me know and I will. How’s that?
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When I went to make that ear-wiggling movie above, I discovered that I had quite a bit of Maddy footage that I didn’t even realize I had. I edited it together (poorly) and here ’tis: (Direct link here) Damn, I miss that evil little brat.
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A few months ago, after I posted this entry and said I will be so thrilled to see the ass end of him that I will most likely do the goddamn Cabbage Patch as he goes down the driveway., I got a couple of comments and some emails suggesting I post a movie or pictures of myself doing the Cabbage Patch. I don’t currently have a movie to offer you, but rest assured that I haven’t forgotten the request.
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I took the Christmas kittens to the pet store yesterday afternoon, and I was so proud of them. Unlike two weeks ago when I first got them, they were a little scared, but also very curious, so they didn’t huddle in the carrier and hiss at me. They wanted the hell OUT of that cage, of course, but they didn’t look terrified, and in the time I was there a lot of people stopped and exclaimed over how cute they were. (Before I left the house, I had to use my manicure scissors to trim some of the fur from around Jack’s behind, because the thing about longhaired kittens is that they tend to get nasty stuff stuck in their fur, and there was some nasty stuff stuck in Jack’s hair that I couldn’t just pull out with a baby wipe. Poor Jack. I also took the cat brush into the room with me yesterday morning to see how they’d react to being brushed, and they LOVED IT, Jack especially.) The volunteer who was there to clean the cages and I got to talking, and I discovered that she has fourteen cats. FOURTEEN. I said to Fred, “I know you think we have too many cats, but -” Fred said, “Whatever you’re about to say, keep in mind that I’m STILL going to think we have too many cats.” I said, “But (the volunteer) has fourteen cats. FOURTEEN.” “And we still have too many cats.” “Compared to her, though, we barely have any cats at ALL.” “And that’s still too many.” Hmph. When you give little kittens a lovely little snack before you brutally snatch them up and put them in a carrier to leave them in a cage where strangers will peer at them and exclaim over their loveliness, do not be surprised if they are so taken with the yumminess of said snack that they do the following: (A little bit of plain yogurt, and they were licking their lips for 45 minutes.) “Oh NO SHE DI’INT!” “Bob! Bob!! BOB! Dude, I need me some of that primo catnip like you gave me last ni- What? YES it’s already gone. There are five of us, you think I’m not going to share? Okay well, maybe I didn’t WANT to share, but I didn’t have a choice. Those girls held me down and threatened to kiss me if I didn’t share, and I do believe you’re aware that all females are infested with cooties, yes? I need the strongest ‘nip you have, my fine man. Stat!” “::Urrrp!:: Oh! ‘Scuse me. I’m still a little buzzed from last night. I think I got high and chased Kringle around and told him I was going to give him a slammin’ case of the cooties if he didn’t share, I can’t quite remember. It’s a bit of a blur.” Merry “Addled” Kitten is the new poster kitten for the upcoming “Just Say No” program. All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither. PS: I swung by the pet store this morning and Merry and Noelle had been adopted. Kringle, Jack Frost, and Faith were hanging out calmly in their cage, looking not scared at ALL. I thought about popping in for a quick cuddle, but thought that might get them worked up and sad, so I didn’t.
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Previously 2005: I imagine that when all three of our phones are in the same vicinity, we’ll get them confused and hijinx will ensue. 2004: Reader questions, answered. 2003: “Um, no,” I told Fred when he asked. “And not only no, but HELL no, and I’ll be out of the house whenever they come to interview you and tape you exercising and all that goofy-ass shit.” 2002: No entry. 2001: I guess he defines “tension” as “getting drunk and pawing every female in sight.” 2000: I practically woke up screaming, I tell you. 1999: Suddenly, it occurs to me that nestled next to my underwear is not the best place to put a bag of very potent catnip.]]>