
DSC03687 DSC03647 Dsc06982 Dsc08309 Dsc01896 You can send the money to them via PayPal!

And if you donate, let me know so I can keep track of how much money we’re raising. I’d LOVE it if we could come close to the $2,200 we raised in Mia’s memory last year. Thanks in advance – I know how incredible y’all are, and I know that you sent a ton of money last summer when Mia died. It was an influx of funds the shelter sorely needed at that time, and it would definitely come in handy now. And by the way, Fezzik, Princess Buttercup, and Westley were adopted over the weekend, PB and Westley to the same person.
(And feel free to steal this image for linkage.)
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: I’m not holding much love for Tubby at the moment, believe you me. 2002: And also, I have short and stubby legs. 2001: I think that our dog thinks she’s a Mexican jumping bean. 2000: In fact, my new motto is going to be “Bitch, whine, moan. Lather, rinse, repeat.” 1999: I would name her Molly.]]>