
new logo! This one was created by the lovely and talented Bonnie, who RAWKS. Thanks, Bonnie!

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I realized something yesterday when I was at the surgeon’s office, though I didn’t think of asking the surgeon about it. That is, my temperature seems to run a little low. It’s almost always right around 97.3 instead of the more accepted 98.6. As I said to Fred last night, if my temperature was 1.3 degrees over 98.6, they’d consider that a low-grade fever, but no one seems phased by the fact that it’s always 1.3 degrees lower. (Then he pointed out that 99.9 would only be considered a low-grade fever if my temperature was usually the normal 98.6.) Then he told me that his temperature tends to run a little higher than normal, usually in the 99s. So we have me, whose temperature runs a little low, and I’m always cold. Then we have him, whose temperature runs a little high, and he’s always hot. Coincidence?
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You guys, thanks for your comments on yesterday’s entry. Some of your comments cracked me the hell up. I still don’t know whether we’re going to put animals back in the back 40 or not, but if we do it’ll be something we do a few years in the future rather than right away. And I can’t believe no one called me on my bullshit belief that I’d have no problems killing chickens. Fred sent me a couple of links today, and after seeing pictures and movies of people (humanely) killing chickens, I’ve gotta say – no fucking way I could EVER kill a chicken. Good god, I have a hard time killing SPIDERS sometimes (though not always – like I’ve said, if they keep their webs neat I’ll let them stay, but if they let their webs get dusty and filled with bug body pieces, I’ll suck those fuckers up with the vacuum before they know what’s happening), you think I could possibly kill Miss Hennypecker, even if she DID peck me on the leg because I wasn’t fast enough with the food? I don’t think so. I think egg farming, rather than chicken farming, is in our future. I don’t know, though – Fred seems to believe that he could kill a chicken, so I guess we’ll see about that. A couple of you suggested/ asked about tractors and riding lawnmowers. The truth is, Fred has been excitedly pricing tractors every minute of every day since our offer on the house was accepted. We’re not only getting a tractor with a mowing attachment for the back part of the property, we’re also getting a riding lawnmower for around the house. There’s no way on god’s green earth we were ever considering mowing 4 1/2 acres with a push lawnmower, trust me.
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Lately, we’ve been watching The Job, the sitcom Denis Leary had on TV a few years ago, that only lasted a season. It aired in 2000 – 2001, and I know we watched at least the first few episodes of it, but never watched more than the first few. (Oh, wait. Apparently it was on for two seasons – a few episodes in 2001, and the rest in the 2001 – 2002 season.) Anyway, apparently Denis Leary and Peter Tolan have their favorite actors, because some of the actors in The Job – Diane Farr, Lenny Clarke, to name a couple – also showed up in Rescue Me. Even Jimmy showed up in a bit part in The Job, which we thought was very cool. Anyway, as we were watching the season finale of Rescue Me (Niki, episodes 9 – 13 will be on the way to you in the next few days!), I said to Fred, “Do you think Jimmy is Peter Tolan?” Because Peter Tolan’s name is all over Rescue Me, and I thought it would be neat, after all this time of wondering just who Peter Tolan is (yet being too lazy to look him up on Internet Movie Database), if we were to find out that Jimmy is Peter Tolan. So Fred went to his computer and looked and said “No, Jimmy’s name is James Something.” And then, at the end of the episode, as we were cursing Peter Tolan and Denis Leary and their goddamned cliffhanger season finales (and bitching about how we were going to have to wait nine months for new episodes, ASSUMING the series is extended for another year), we saw that Peter Tolan had been in the season finale in a bit role. What are the chances?
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Currently reading: Lost and Found, by Carolyn Parkhurst. So far it’s interesting, though I’m getting a little confused about who’s who. I always am at the beginning of books that have more than one character’s perspective. Recently finished: Revenge of the Kudzu Debutantes. I enjoyed it, but it seemed kind of all-surface no-substance. I would have liked it to be a little longer, and delve into the minds of the women a little more. It was good, though, and a very fast read. Also recently finished: This is Chick-Lit, which was sent to me free. I like chick lit, and I like many of the authors who wrote stories for the book. I don’t always like books of short stories, because I tend to get bored with the format after a while, but this book was actually the exception. I enjoyed all the stories (some more than others, of course), right up to the end. I recommend it. Finished before that: Mask Market, by Andrew Vachss. Oh, how I adore that damn Burke. I wish they’d start making the Vachss books into movies. I don’t know who I’d like to see as Burke, but if Andrew Vachss had anything to say about the casting, I bet it’d be kick-ass.
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We have a somewhat busy weekend planned. Saturday we’re meeting Fred’s mother and stepfather out at the new house so they can see it (since they’ve expressed interest in seeing the inside of it), then we’re attending the family reunion at a BBQ restaurant for Fred’s father’s family, then we might do a little antique shopping. Sunday, we’re going to a Trade Days in a faraway town (sorry, stalkers!). I don’t know what we’re doing Monday, but I’m going to try to drag Fred to a flea market. I’m really looking forward to the Trade Days. I hope y’all have a good weekend planned; see you on the flip side!
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DSC00881 Snoozin’ Sugs. DSC00907 Tommy goes for the jugular. Sugarbutt doesn’t seem to mind. DSC00885 The sunset from our back yard. DSC00918 Spanky, snoozin’ RIGHT where the Daddy’s legs go. But as long as Spanky’s comfortable…
All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: Ahhhhh, smell that fresh, crisp autumn air! Why, it’s down to 90 degrees today. I almost need a sweater. 2004: She turned 86 last Thursday. She’s the only grandparent I’ve ever really known. 2003: (and you KNOW he insisted on it, was all temper tantrumy, screaming and beating his fists on the floor, wailing “ACTOR AND NOVELIST! ACTOR AND NOVELIST!”) 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry.]]>