
My Humps” song, because if I find myself singing What you gonna do with all that junk? All that junk inside that trunk? I’ma getgetgetget you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump. to the cats ONE more time, I promise you there will be a shooting spree and it will NOT be pretty. And while I’m talking about songs, someone please explain “Hollaback Girl” to me. What the HELL is a “Hollaback Girl”, and is being one a bad thing or a good thing or a neutral thing? Is Gwen all “I, myself, am not a Hollaback Girl, but there’s nothing WRONG with those of you who prefer to be one. Because to each her own and that’s cool and everything, yo.”, or is she saying “It is a horrid thing to be a Hollaback Girl, which is why I must profess ten thousand times that I, myself, am NOT a Hollaback Girl, because being mistaken for a Hollaback Girl is something I don’t want.” Also, if Hollabackness is a desired state of being, how do I go about achieving it? Y’all know a lot about a lot; enlighten me, would you?

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The other night I dreamed that I was watching Nip/Tuck. It was the season finale – which comes on tomorrow night, which means that we’ll be watching it Wednesday night since we (Fred) couldn’t possibly stay up that late to watch it – and to my shock and surprise I found out who The Carver is. Kitty Foreman. Yes, Eric’s momma is the dastardly bastard who’s been carving up all those people. Anyone who pretends to be that happy all the time has some serious hidden anger issues, that’s all I’ll say. Sorry if I spoiled it for you.
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I think perhaps I didn’t mention that I’ve gotten myself a new camera, a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P200. Yes, yes, YES, shaddup, I know I go through cameras like Bob goes through catnip, but I’m getting money from Fred’s parents for Christmas and I’ve been eyeing this camera for a while, and it’s just SO DAMN CUTE and tiny and starts up in a tenth of the time the old camera starts up in – I swear, you hit the power button and the thing is ON, there’s no waiting for it to slowly wake up and decide what the hell it wants to do. Anyway, here’s a comparison picture of the old camera and the new:
Fred likes my new one so much that we’re going to sell we’ve sold both our old cameras (we each had our own DSC-V1s) so he can get a new one like mine. Only probably not red, so we won’t mix ’em up.
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Currently reading: Puppet, by Joy Fielding. Finished recently: S is for Silence, by Sue Grafton. Loved it! Kinsey didn’t make any trips to McDonald’s, though, and I must say I’m a tad disappointed. At the rate she’s going, I’m a little worried that Sue Grafton won’t finish out the alphabet before she dies. I wish she’d SPEED IT UP a little, damnit.
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Something tells me it must be snack time.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2004: Apparently she’s a princess now. 2003: Three things. 2002: My shit list. 2001: Emailing gets me all excited. 2000: I sure whine about the weather a lot, don’t I? 1999: Disaster averted!]]>