
Marcia’s entry that I heard (read) about him laying into one of the senators from Louisiana. As always, I put Fred on the case, and within mere minutes he’d found a link to the video. The footage of the devastation was just incredible. I hadn’t seen much of it before last night, because I’d stuck to checking the news web pages, and seeing it in small pictures online is a world apart from seeing it on your big-ass high definition TV. That really brought it home for me in a way that the online coverage couldn’t. I can only imagine what it must be like to actually be there right now.

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Speaking of Fred (as I did up there somewhere), did you see his pretty new page? He’s all converted to WordPress, and his site is all moved over to our new server, so he’s said he’ll probably begin work on my sites this weekend. Like I’ve said before, things might be a little floopy for a few days. Just relax, things’ll go back to normal soon enough. We were laying in bed talking about all he has to do as far as moving my sites over (and for the record, moving bitchypoo.com is going to apparently be a huge pain in the ass, because not only will my Movable Type entries be going into WordPress, but he’s also going to convert my Dreamweaver-written entries (October 1999 through June 2002) into WordPress entries. Which makes no nevermind to you, but it makes things a little easier for ME.), and he sighed and said “Boy, bitchypoo.com is going to be a huge undertaking.” I have faith in him, though. He’s the King of the Geeks; no doubt he can write some little program to make the whole thing run smoothly. Because he rocks.
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You know what I hate? I hate when you order something online, and the company you’re ordering from decides to put you on their mailing list whether you want to be on it or not. That just pisses me off. Last night I got a newsletter from Knology, provider of our cable, internet, and phone services. Whenever I get an unwanted mailing list email, I get all horrified and indignant. Like, WHO are these motherfuckers spamming my inbox, and WHY do they think I care about their news? In fact, last night when I saw the newsletter from Knology, I actually said out loud “Hel-LEW, what the fuck do YOU want?” At least Knology had information on how to unsubscribe from their mailing list. The emails that piss me off the most are the ones that provide no unsubscribe information at all. Motley Fool, I’m lookin’ at you.
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I’ve started drinking Diet Dr. Pepper over this past week. It’s not that I’m tired of Diet Coke – at ALL – but when we were in Tuscaloosa for the funeral, my aunt had a bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper, and I thought that it looked good. So I had Fred buy a 12-pack of cans, and I’ve been drinking about one a day. For some reason, Diet Dr. Pepper makes me belch WAY more than Diet Coke does. Anyone else have that problem? Not only do I belch more often (I’m so sexy, you know you want me), but they tend to be really long, loud belches. Is there more carbonation in Diet Dr. Pepper, or what?
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Dsc07490 Last night’s sunset.
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Yesterday after I finished eating lunch, I went into the kitchen to put my dishes in the sink, and realized that there were about 300 ants crawling around on the floor. Upon further investigation, I realized that SOMEONE (who is not me) who likes to feed Mister Boogers leftover turkey on the kitchen floor had given Mister Boogers more than he was interested in eating, and there was a piece of turkey left on the floor. Apparently an ant on a reconnaissance mission had discovered it, and sent out the word to his ant brethren, who came running on the double to partake of some scrumptiously moist turkey. So I pulled out the vacuum cleaner, vacuumed up all the ants I could find, and when that was done I pulled out the Hoover Floormate and cleaned the floor in the hallway and kitchen in an attempt to erase the trail of “come and get it!” the lead ant had left behind as a trail for his brother and sister ants to follow. When I was done, I put everything away and then thought “Huh. I wonder where the kittens are?” The kittens were huddled together in their room upstairs, hiding in the kitty condo from the loud, noisy monster machines. I guess it’s a good thing that they consider that room their safe place, huh? Speaking of the kittens, Wednesday evening I had to take them to get their leukemia vaccinations, and I intended to leave the house at 5:30, so at 5:25 I went up into the kittens’ room and grabbed the cat carrier, and carried it downstairs to the computer room. Immediately, Jodie said “Hey, what’s this?” and climbed inside to explore. Ten seconds later Rambo said “Hey! What’s this?!” and followed her inside. I guess they haven’t spent enough time in carriers to know that they’re supposed to be scared of them. Mister Boogers and the kittens partake of catnip. Rambo shows the toy basket who the boss is. Rambo fights with a toy. This is the face Mister Boogers makes when he’s about to sneeze. It cracks me UP. Meester Boogers in his bed. * * *]]>