
reading: Little Children, by Tom Perrotta. By “currently reading”, I mean “I’ll probably start reading it today.” Just so you know. Awesome reader Martha sent me her copy. Martha rocks! Finished last night: Blind Pursuit, by Brian Harper. As I say far too often these days, I ended up staying up really late last night to finish this book. There was one part during a chase scene where I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest. A damn fine book, this one.

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We ::gasp!:: left the house yesterday and ::gasp!gasp!:: went to the movies, to see War of the Worlds. The last time we went to a movie together was when we saw Minority Report two years ago. In the same theater, even, I think. Not a bad movie, War of the Worlds. I was a dumbass and forgot to bring my long-sleeved shirt from the car, so I sat in the theater and froze to death the whole time. Probably, that $4 medium-sized Diet Coke with six pounds of ice didn’t help, either. I do love that cute little Dakota Fanning, and the kid who played Tom Cruise’s son was pretty good too. He bore a striking resemblance to Tom Cruise, too, I thought. Fred thought the ending was kind of a rip-off, but I thought it was okay. Speaking of movies, we watched Office Space Saturday night. That movie just never gets old, it really doesn’t.
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While we were on our way to the movie theater, we were at a red light, and Fred said something about a pigeon that had landed on a bit of grass on the other side of the red light, and I turned my head and looked at him and said something, and then this battered car pulled up next to us. In the battered-looking car were four guys – mid-twenties, I would guess – and I think some of them had tattoos or piercings or whatever, and I glanced over at them as the guy in the front passenger seat turned his head toward us, and then he said something to the other badass-wannabes in the car, and one by one they all turned and looked at us – or rather, I guess, they looked at me, since Fred was staring at the red light and waiting for it to change. “Why are those boys looking over here?” I said between clenched teeth to Fred, and leaned back so they couldn’t see me (or, at least, as much of me). “I don’t know, stop staring at them!” Fred snapped. “I wasn’t STARING AT THEM, I was looking at you, fucker!” I said. And then the red light turned green, and there was the squeal of tires, and I said “Was that you?”, and Fred said “That was not me.”, and the battered-looking car with the four badass-wannabes went zooming by us, and then one of the wannabes hung him arm out the window and gave us the finger. And we burst into laughter, which was probably not the shaking, quivering, scared-to-death reaction they were looking for. But really, is there anything less threatening than giving someone the FINGER? Pull my hair, scratch me, kick me, punch me, but PLEASE. PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT GIVE ME THE FINGER!
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Y’all, I am sad today. I went to the petstore this morning to clean ‘n feed, and there were two empty cages. I think this means that the kittens will be going to the petstore shortly, and I am going to MISS those little fuckers. I expect to get an email or call at some point today or tomorrow, and the lady who runs the shelter to tell me to take the babies to the store. WAH!
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Speaking of cat-related things, so far we’ve raised $1399.40, which is SO awesome! The first few checks arrived in the PO Box, which is cool, and the PayPal funds from Friday have arrived in our checking account, which means I’ll be running up to the shelter tomorrow to give them the first big check. Thank you all so very much for your donations – and if you haven’t had a chance to donate yet, please consider doing so. Every little bit helps more than you can know.
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The kitten section. Remember how the other day I told y’all that Peanut and Flossie like to savor their water? Well, describing it doesn’t quite do it justice, so I got a little movie of Peanut doing it. Check it out. Last night I told Fred that if they were characters in a novel, Oy would be the brilliant, evil brother, and Edgar would be the slow, good-hearted brother who triumphed in the end. I swear, Oy bounces around so bright-eyed and full of energy that it’s hard to get him to stand still. Last night Fred stood up with a blanket over his shoulders, and Oy FLEW across the room and climbed up the blanket to Fred’s shoulder in about two seconds. He’s full of it, that one. Edgar, on the other hand, enjoys playing, but he also really likes to be up again my leg, playing with his tail, or watching his brothers and sisters run around. He’s the one with the loudest purr, too. I pick him up, and you can hear him from two rooms away. Edgar’s the one I worry most about, as far as being adopted, because he’s not as cute as his brothers and sister – he reminds me of a boxer who’s gone a few rounds – but he’s such a sweet, sweet guy. Well, I worry about Flossie, too. She can be so timid and unwilling to be held, though in the last few days she’s gotten to the point where she’ll stand in front of me and put her paws on my chest and ask to be petted. Damn, I love these kitties. Dsc04890 Peanut, taking a moment mid-fight with Flossie, to lick his nose. Dsc05855 Egg decided he needed to be in the sleeve of my sweatshirt. He climbed in, hung out for a few minutes, then… Dsc05862 …turned around and came back out! Dsc04903 Miss Flossie shows off her fangs. Dsc05423 Oy gives someone the Manson lamps. Dsc05570 Egg prepares for the dismount. Dsc05749 “Egg! Egg! Hey, Egg! I’ve got some primo catnip, come get some! Don’t tell Oy, though. He’s a ‘nip hog.” Dsc05753 I love the way his toes are just sitting there, over his shoulder, for no apparent reason. Dsc05841 “Bahahah! Ha! Hee! Whoo, I think that catnip made me high…” Dsc05846 The yawn-and-stretch. Is there anything cuter than little pink cat toes? I think not!
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Dsc05662 “How YOU doin’? You wanna come up to my place, sniff some catnip, and check out my new cat toy?”]]>