
reading: Death of a Butterfly, by Margaret Maron. Finished last night: Skipping Towards Gomorrah, by Dan Savage. It started out good, got a little boring in the middle, and finished off strong. Definitely worth a read, but I wouldn’t run right out and buy it, unless (like us) you like to throw your money away on books you’ll only read once and then give away.

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Okay, those of you who clicked on the “movie” link yesterday and ended up with the movie of Tubby, the direct link to the Booger movie is here. I changed the name, so y’all should have no problem seeing it now. Of course, when I put a new movie up, that link will give you a 404 error, so if you want to see it, check it out soon! And I expect to put up a new movie next week. I got some great footage of Spot that I HAVE to share.
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I was folding laundry this morning, and I had CMT (Country Music Television) on in the background. Commercials were on, so I was only half paying attention, but when a woman started talking about her busy, busy life and how hard it was to take a pill every day, I looked at the TV. It was a commercial for the birth control patch – how convenient! You put the patch on, leave it on all week, and replace it with another patch after the week is up – and the busy busy woman with the busy busy life seemed inordinately thrilled at the idea that she wouldn’t have to take a pill every day. Now, I don’t know. I think that if your life is SO BUSY that taking the time to put a little pill in your mouth throws your entire schedule off, then perhaps it’s time to reorganize your life. Maybe do a little less house-cleaning or ferrying the kids to soccer games? I’ve been on the pill for almost 9 years now (yes, Fred is vasectomized, but a man isn’t immediately sterile once he’s had a vasectomy, and if I went off the pill and got accidentally pregnant while he still had sperm roaming around in his system, I’d have to throw myself off the nearest cliff) and never once have the words “Oh, CRAP! I spent so much time cleaning and driving and working that I DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO TAKE MY BIRTH CONTROL PILL!” come out of my mouth. Okay, okay, I jest. I know her issue isn’t really not having time to take the pill – even though she IMPLIED that it was – her issue is really that she has a hard time REMEMBERING to take the pill every day. And, really, I’ve gotta ask: if you can’t remember to take a pill every day, what are the chances that you’ll remember to replace the patch every week? And for the record, I have forgotten to take a pill once or twice, but for the most part I have such an established pattern at bedtime – take the pill, brush my teeth, take out my contacts – that I almost never forget.
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I had a dental appointment this morning, to have scaling and root planing done on the other half of my mouth (the left half. The right half was done at the end of April, in case you’re curious). The hygienist took a look at my gums and declared that they were already much better, even the side that she hadn’t scaled and planed, due to my rigorous use of the Rota-Dent. I’m really getting the hang of using the Rota-Dent, by the way. When I first started using it, it took me about ten minutes to clean my teeth at night. Now, it’s more like five minutes, which is a lot better. Because who the hell wants to spend ten minutes cleaning your teeth every night? NOT ME. (Thus, the reason I developed periodontal disease, I’m sure. Damn my laziness!) The hygienist scraped around for a little while, took some gum measurements, and then commenced to scaling and planing. MY GOD was it uncomfortable. I wouldn’t call it painful, but it was certainly uncomfortable right up to the line of pain, and I was seriously glad when it was over. I guess the left side of my mouth is more sensitive than the right. I go back in another couple of weeks so she can check my gums and polish the dinginess off my teeth (the medicine I use with the Rota-Dent makes my teeth dingy). I’d complain about having to go to the dentist all the time, but as it’s MY OWN DAMN FAULT, I won’t.
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There was a woman on Oprah last week who has 81 cats. EIGHTY-ONE cats. Fred wandered by while I was watching it, and said “That’s how many cats YOU’d have if I’d let you!” I don’t know – sometimes I feel like we already have too many cats. I can’t turn over at night without dislodging either Miz Poo, who sleeps on a pillow next to me, or Mister Boogers, who likes to sleep pressed against my leg and gets all pissy if I have the nerve to move. With one on each side of me, it’s generally a five-minute effort to extract myself from under the covers when I need to get up and pee. I can’t imagine having 81 cats in this house. I’d probably have twenty cats on the bed, pinning me down, and I’d have to become a bed person to avoid displeasing them. 81 cats? No. But I could go for another couple of kittens. Mister Boogers needs some kittens to keep him on his toes, don’t you think?
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Hey, look! Smart and Sassy is a year old today! Happy birthday to us! Has it really been a year? My, how time flies. Now, where the hell’s my birthday cake?
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Such a pretty boy. I have no idea what he’s looking at, but he sure is pretty, isn’t he? ]]>