
October’s logo was created by the wonderful and talented Susan. Thanks, Susan, every time I look at the logo, it cracks me up!

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Thanks, everyone who posted and emailed recipes. They all looked really good, and I printed them out and will go over them in the next few days to decide what’s doable for us and what isn’t. Y’all rock, you know that?
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We didn’t actually watch the debate last night, because we knew we’d hear all we wanted (and more!) about it this morning, spun to hell in every direction. The Kerry lovers claim Kerry won and Bush is a blithering idiot. The Bush lovers claim Bush won and Kerry is a flip-flopping fool, and ne’er the twain shall meet. All I know is that at one point we flipped over to see what was going on, and the President had this exact look on his face:
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There’s a new meme in town I’m going to try: Think of 3 pictures you’d like to see. Leave whatever you’d like to see in the comments. Things around my house, or whatever… something I can take a picture of easily. Once I have enough requests, I’ll start posting them. If I can’t, or won’t, take a picture of something you’ve requested, I’ll let you know. I’ll give you guys ’til, say, next Wednesday (the 6th) before I start taking pictures and posting them. (via PeskyApostrophe)
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Stupid City of Madison. This is what I see when I look in my backyard:
Yes, they’re STILL working on the friggin’ road back there. It’s been, what, six months? How friggin’ long can it possibly take to dig some ditches, toss down cement tube THINGIES and cover them up? I could have done a faster job with a measuring spoon and my ass. Fuckers. (Yeah, I don’t know where my ass would come into the equation. It just seemed like the thing to say.)
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I went to the post office this morning, and I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but they’ve recently installed this do-it-yourself kiosk where you can weigh your package, decide how to send it, pay for the stamp, and drop your package into the package… drop… thingy… all without having to deal with a single, solitary person. Now, if that wasn’t created with ME in mind, I don’t know what was. The only thing that sucks is that it doesn’t give you a media mail option, so you have to send everything parcel post, priority, or express. Or, if the package is light enough, you can send it first class. But no media mail. Ah well – I guess nothing’s perfect, eh?
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Okay, time to clean off the memory stick…
Lickety lick-lick, lickety lick-lick, look at Stumpy liiiiick! STOOOOOOOOOOOP in the NAME of LOVE! Well, he’s a clean little bastard, you’ve gotta give him that. After licking the parmesan and seasonings off the popcorn in The Daddy’s bowl, Meester Boogers frantically licks the evidence from his nose.