
Jack Bauer was saying. I got up, got dressed, trudged over to Fred’s bedroom, and tried to take a nap there. Fred’s bedroom is the furthest room in the house from the living room, and so I was sure I wouldn’t be able to hear the TV from there. Wrooooooooong. I had just started to doze off when Teri Bauer shrieked about something, and I sat up and growled that I hated the layout of this house, and I put my clothes back on, and went downstairs and sat in front of the computer and tried to surf. Except that I COULD NOT CONCENTRATE, because every word that every character on 24 was saying, was being drilled through my eardrums and directly into my brain. There was NOWHERE in the house to get AWAY from the sound of that FUCKING television set, and so I threw a temper tantrum. I stomped through the kitchen, grabbed my purse (which was sitting by the door), shot Fred a burning look of hatred, and slammed out into the garage. I was digging my shoes out from under the Preacher Curl/ Pushdown bench when Fred came out and gave me a curious look. “Where are you going?” he asked. “SOMEWHERE WHERE I CAN GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE SOUND OF THAT TELEVISION!” I bellowed. “Shhhh,” Fred said, since the garage door was open and he didn’t want the neighbors to know our bidness. “I CAN’T GET AWAY FROM THE SOUND OF THAT TELEVISION!” I bellowed, slid my feet into my sandals, and stomped toward the Jeep. “Well, it’ll be over in 15 minutes,” Fred said, sounding as if he might be amused. I didn’t look back to see if he actually WAS amused, because then I would have had to kick him REALLY HARD. “IT’LL NEVER BE OVER!” I bellowed, got into the Jeep, and left. (Yeah, I’m not sure what that was supposed to mean, either.) I drove off with the intention of driving to Tennessee to buy a lottery ticket so that when we won millions of dollars, we could build a house wherein the living room and master bedroom were NOWHERE near each other. But I didn’t want to drive that far, so I basically did a big loop and ended up home about 40 minutes after I left, a lot calmer. I know. He’s a saint, isn’t he?

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My favorite t-shirt from Hawaii (I bought this one for myself) Another of my favorites.
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I informed Fred yesterday that I’d already decided what my resolution for 2005 was going to be. (Shaddup, I know 2005 is months away) See that bookcase up there? Those are all the books I own, but haven’t yet read. I counted, and there are about 40 books on the top shelf, and the top 4 shelves are packed, so we can guesstimate that there are 160+ books on that bookcase. Now, that’s just ridiculous. Especially since I can walk into a bookstore or surf around Amazon and easily walk out (or check out) with 10 or more books that I want to read. So my resolution for 2005 is not to buy any new books, EXCEPT the books that my favorite authors put out (I’ll have to put a list together of the authors I consider my favorites). Anything else I want to read, I’ll put on my Amazon wish list, and by the time I’m ready to buy more books, no doubt half my list would have gone to paperback. The tough part is going to be sticking to that particular resolution! And maybe I’ll actually get that copy of Monica’s Story that I bought back in 1999 read!
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Several people have asked what episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! we were on. It was episode number 13 on (I think) disc 4, and the name of the episode is “Eat This!”, I believe.
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“I see dead people.” (Picture taken by Fred)]]>