George Michael is shutting down the forum on his website because people are taking potshots at him. Here’s what one braniac had to say:
“It’s a fans’ forum, it’s freedom of speech, and I don’t think it’s down to George to take his ball home and say ‘I’m not playing any more’.People have opinions and they are entitled to them; that’s what a forum is for.”
Well but, here’s the thing. It’s a forum for the fans… but it’s on George Michael’s site. The site that belongs to George Michael, who can do whatever he wants with the site that belongs… to him. Sure people are entitled to their own opinions (opinions are like assholes, and every asshole has an opinion), but he’s supposed to provide the bandwidth for them to have their opinions? Um, no. Don’t think so. I provide comments on this site so that people can comment, but if I started getting comments like “Why the fuck do you bother to call these things ‘entries’? They SUCK. Why don’t you DIE?!” all the time, chances are pretty good that I’d shut down the comments.
I actually think he should get kudos for leaving the forum open for a few weeks so that people who’ve made friends with other posters can make plans with each other.
And I’m not even a George Michael fan. Though “Faith” rocks the casbah.
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I put up some pictures this weekend. You can see the pictures I took in Gatlinburg back in May
here (there’s not a whole lot there, but I got some cool aquarium pics), and I put up the best of the quarry pics
here. Also, I have no idea if I ever actually linked to these pictures, but there are pictures from our trip to Vicksburg, MS last year
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I’ve been watching Sports Night while I work out in the morning, and I finally saw the episode from whence
Fractious Times got their name. I was, perhaps, a little more excited than the occasion warranted when I heard Dan say “These are fractious times”, but what can I say? It doesn’t take much to excite me.
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I was going to scrub the bathroom and dust and vacuum the rest of the upstairs this morning. I ended up just vacuuming the upstairs. It’s not like
anyone will notice if I don’t clean; I cleaned the upstairs last week, after all. I do need to clean the downstairs and mop the floors, because Fred will probably have his parents over while I’m in Hawaii, and I don’t want them to know what a pig I am.
The spud and I fed the cats at the pet store this morning (pictures up tomorrow), then we came home so I could shower and vacuum and do some laundry, then we left to go to Sam’s (where I bought out the entire store, I swear to god) and Target for some last-minute stuff to take to Hawaii. Did you know that they make travel size cans of shaving cream? Hey, anything to save a little room in my suitcase – I’ll need plenty of room for books, after all. And I need to take shaving cream, since I’ll be prancing around in shorts (gasp!) and need to keep my legs shaved more than the usual once a week.
I’m leaving for Hawaii in two days! Whee!
I know that at least two of you are going to be in Hawaii at the same time I am. If you happen to spot me, please come up and say hi – but ixnay on the ournaljay, especially if you happen to see a 60ish clean-freak type nearby. “Robyn? Hi! I’m (insert name) – I emailed you about (insert cat name of your choice) a while back!” will work well as a code, I think, and cut down on the necessity of explaining what an online journal is (“And I bitch about you ALL the time, Mom!”) to my mother.
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I have come to the conclusion that I don’t really care for the word “lady”. I came to this conclusion this morning when I read a site wherein the site owner said that he was on the lookout for “a special lady to share my life with.” Now, I’m sure he’s a nice guy and everything but the words “special” and “lady”, when put together just ooze cheese, don’t they? You just can’t use the word “lady” and not sound like a cheeseball. “Heyyyyy, sexy lady!”, “This is my lady friend…”, “My lady and I…”, “My special lady says…” See? Totally cheesy. Anything on earth would sound better.
“My bitch says…” see? Better.
The only time I can hear “lady” and not have a knee-jerk “Ugh!” reaction is when my friend Liz calls. She always says “Hey, lady!”, which harkens back to when we were 18 and cruising around the seamier side of Lewiston. I was sitting with my head out the window (it was the middle of summer and hot as hell), and we passed a gaggle of about 6 teenage boys.
“Hey, lady!” one of them yelled.
“Hey… man!” was my brilliant response.
Ever since, Liz greets me with “Hey, lady!”
From anyone else, though? Totally cheeseball.
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There, there, Musty.]]>