
Pretty, no? Catfish. ::shudder:: I’m supposed to compare Fred to Jay Leno or Quentin Tarantino (that was the deal when I asked if I could put the picture in my entry), but I think he looks adorable. Fred’s got more pictures up in his entry today, if you’re interested.

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M0vie G@llery has pissed me off for the last friggin’ time. I think I mentioned that we’ve been watching the first season of 24, which we’ve been renting from the movie store. We’d watched all but the last DVD and for the last two weeks have had no luck at all renting it. Every time we check the store – and we’ve been checking multiple times a day – it’s been out. I’ve checked every friggin’ movie store in the area with no luck. Yesterday I went in and there were no 24 cases at all in the TV Shows on DVD section. I fumed for a few moments, and then walked down the aisle to grab a copy of Mystic River. There were maybe ten Mystic River cases, but no DVDs. I fumed some more, grabbed Along Came Polly and The Company, and went to check out. “Do you not carry 24 anymore?” I asked the employee as she scanned my card. She glanced over at the TV Shows on DVD section. “There aren’t any cases over there,” I added. “Frank!” she yelled to the other employee. “Do we still have 24?” “Yeah, we’re moving them to the floor,” Frank yelled back. “They’re…” he shrugged. “In transit.” She shrugged at me. “We’re moving them.” UGH. God, this pisses me OFF. I called Fred and bitched at him for a few minutes, then went off to do the rest of my errands. H0llyw00d Video had Mystic River on DVD (which I rented), but no TV shows. Ugh. Which is when I came home and ordered Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD from Amazon. We’re going to watch the last disk of Season 1, and immediately turn around and sell the whole set on eBay. As we were on our way to the quarry last night, we discussed just how much money M0vie G@llery was losing because they SUCK: $4 for the last Season 1 disk, $24 for the entire Season 2, and $4 for Mystic River. From now on, though it’s a little more out of the way, I’ll be doing the bulk of my movie renting at H0llywood Video. And since I now watch movies while I’m exercising on the elliptical trainer, that’s bound to add up. I think it’s time to write a letter, is what I think.
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You know, I’ve been seeing more and more of that line of anti-boy t-shirts in the stores lately. You know what I’m talking about – Boys Lie, Boys Suck, Boys are Dumb, Boys are Smelly – Throw Rocks at Them, Boys are Full of it – Fling Poop at Them. (If you haven’t seen shirts or pens or notebooks or stickers like that, you probably haven’t been in your local Spencer’s). I’m not so crazy about the anti-boy stuff, in fact I’d go so far as to say I hate them. If there was a popular line of “Girls smell good. Hold them down and fuck them!” t-shirts, there’d be a hue and cry. But it’s okay to be anti-boy? Fuck that. Look, you know I have a sense of humor and I like the rude, obnoxious stuff. But these shirts just aren’t funny.
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Miz Poo thinks that boys are just fine as long as they worship her. Girls too, for that matter. She’s not sexist. ]]>