
* * * So, remember that quilt I was so happy about a few months ago? The one I found on eBay and was thrilled that it was so inexpensive, because I like quilts and I bought it and started using it as a comforter on the bed in my room (you can see what it looked like in the picture of Meester Boogers and Spot at the end of the page)? Yeah, that didn’t last long. For one, Spanky barfed on it while I was in Maine, so Fred had to run it through the washer and dryer (yeah, I know – but the directions that came with the damn thing said it was okay to wash and dry it if needed), and then the day I got home from Myrtle Beach we had to wash it again, since Spot was snuggled up with a dead bird on the bed and I didn’t want to get mites or lice or whatever the hell it is that wild birds carry. Then, a few weeks ago Fred was moving his legs around or something – to be honest, I have no freakin’ clue what exactly he was doing – and a square ripped. I tried to sew it back together, but I’m no seamstress and was too impatient, so I never did get it done. Also, the fabric of the quilt was starting to pill, and I finally got annoyed, and decided it was time to buy a new comforter. Like I mentioned, the spud and I went into Dillard’s and McRae’s to look at their comforters, but not only did I not like anything I saw, but everything there was in the area of $300, and the days when I’d spend that much money on something the cats will destroy in – if I’m lucky – a year are long, long gone. We went over to Linens ‘n Things, where there were more way-too-expensive comforters. All the ones I really liked were $100 – $200, and that’s still more than I want to spend. I found a “bed in a bag” that I could live with (I find it pretty funny that to spend less on a comforter, I have to get the set of sheets, shams, and bedskirt too, whereas with the expensive comforters, all you get is the comforter) and said something like “Well, it’s ugly, but I can live with it. I’ll only have to look at it for a year, anyway.” The spud said “Why don’t we go to Bed, Bath and Beyond? You might find something you like there!” “But if I don’t find something I like there, I’ll have to come back here!” I said. And then I remembered that the last two or three comforters I’ve bought have come from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and I decided I might as well take a look. So, long story short (too late!), I found a bed-in-a-bag that I disliked less than the one I’d found at Linens ‘n Things, plus it was blue, so I bought it. I ended up spending ten dollars less than I would have on the other one, too. I need to remember to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond next time I need a comforter.

The only problem is that I always prefer to buy comforters in king-size, because the queen-size really don’t cover the bed as much as I’d like, but my bed’s a queen-size and thus king-size sheets wouldn’t fit. I solved this dilemma by remembering that Fred’s bed is king-size, so I could get rid of one of the crappy set of sheets I’ve been using on his bed, and use the new sheets instead. Problem solved. Everyone’s happy. I give it two weeks before someone barfs on the new comforter.
* * *
I’m amazed that Spot would let Meester Boogers sleep so close to him. Usually he gets up and walks away in a huff if Meester Boogers tries to snuggle. Maybe he doesn’t realize Meester Boogers is there…

22 thoughts on “2004-11-30”

  1. Technically, I hooked a square of the quilt with one of my talonlike “Dumb and Dumber” toenails and ripped it.
    It’s a gift.

  2. What’s with cats and barfing. I just wish they’d just stop it! Unluckily, my cats just barf on the carpet. I’d prefer the comforter. That’s easier to replace dang it!

  3. This comment is regarding your blog of Sunday, regarding the book “Losing It”. You are never going to lose the weight you want, if at about age 35, you are still blaming your mom. Get over it. Lets say that the writer is correct, and your mother was the cause of your weight problems. How does that today help you lose the weight you want to lose today. If it doesn’t get you to eat better and get on a treadmill, it is worthless information. I will put it bluntly, and I am not saying this to hurt you, but to motivate you. You don’t work outside the house, you only have 1 kid, you spend too much time sitting in front of the computer, boob tube, and reading. You seem to have some bucks, go get a personal trainer. Once you get medical clearance, go for it.

  4. You might also look at an awesome website called overstock.com. They have great beddding on there… fancy high-threadcount sheets and all… for really low prices. I’m with you on the not spending a lot on a comforter… I have puking (and other exciting action) cats too! 🙂

  5. Hey thanks, Anonymous. You cured me! All I ever needed on earth was your tough love. Thank you so much. You mean I spend too little time exercising and too much time eating? I had NO idea. My god, you’re a genius. I feel SO motivated, I really do. Has your genius plan been marketed?

  6. Grace – Nah, it’s not that bad. It just wasn’t my favorite!
    Margaret – I could put a comforter made out of nails on that bed and he’d happily sleep on it, I swear.
    Fay – Thanks, I’ll check it out!

  7. *Snort* Oh Robyn, go get a trainer……….that will solve ALL of your problems! Oh wait, you dont work, only have one kid and appear to have money………you cant possibly HAVE any problems!

  8. Robyn: I’ll put this bluntly and I’m not saying this to motivate you. . . but you are not alone in your struggle to understand the issues surrounding being overweight. Since it’s obviously EXTREMELY easy to correct the situation, I’m sure that you, too, will very quickly arrive at a foolproof solution. At that
    point, I know that you will share it with me and every other overweight person in the world and we will ALL be perfect and then we can all give free advice as to how EASY it is to get and stay thin.

  9. Fred, we call those “Fritos” around these parts… As in: “Quit scratching my legs with your goddamned Fritos! God–don’t you ever use toenail clippers?!!”
    Also, Overstock is my new friend. I’ve found a couple of really good deals on down duvets there. [/pimp]

  10. I vote for the “Big O” (Overstock.com) too! I got a down comforter and a duvet cover for $99 total earlier this year and now i hate sleeping in another bed where there is no luxurious beautiful blue comforter.
    Not that I’m spoiled. And not that I spend that many nights in other beds. Hee! 😀

  11. Hey,Lakewood,NJ,come closer so I can smack you upside your big,stupid mouth.
    Our Robyn,yes OUR Robyn and I mean that in the most possesive,but non-stalker way ;op ),does not whine about being overweight,so keep YOUR pie-hole shut.
    Robyn,my mum wants to buy me a nice,new faux suede comforter as a xmas present. However,since my two feathered children,Jules and Mr.Kitty, are loose several hours aday(I keep an old sheet covering my bed when they are out),she has rethought that particular gift. Oh well, birdies come first I always say!

  12. “we call those “Fritos” around these parts”
    Ewww…I will never eat Fritos again.
    I love how Lakewood, NJ just automatically assumes you sit around on your ass all day eating bonbons like Peggy Bundy or something. He/She obviously haven’t been reading long enough to realize that you have exercise equipment that you (gasp) ACTUALLY use and all (but must have seen the bit about the pile of money 😉 I also love how he/she didn’t put a name down, but must have a degree in psychology, because wow, that was just an amazing analysis. He or she should go on Dr. Phil with that talent!
    My kitties never barf on furniture. It’s always the floor. But I’ve had to buy 2 comforters to rotate with, because of all the cat hair that gets on them (and I don’t have a big enough washer for them). I found mine for about 30-40 bucks apiece at Target (they’re just a plain khaki color), and they’ve held up pretty well.

  13. Gee, Anonymous, do you have any books you can recommend to Robyn about this newfangled style of weight loss? You know, there’s one out there called “From Chunk to Hunk: Diary of a Fat Man” – I wonder if she’s ever read it?
    *rolls eyes*
    Sorry, couldn’t help but be snarky. My real purpose in commenting, Robyn, is to let you know that your blog has become a household name around here. 🙂 My husband was sitting on the bed, rubbing our cat’s belly, and she started batting at his hands with her paws. He said, “Aw, who’s being a little bitchypoo?” The funny thing was, I was online reading your blog at the time. 🙂
    BTW, are any of your cats scared of your camera? I just got a digital camera and I keep trying to take pictures of our cat with it, but she hates the flash and runs from me whenever she sees it in my hand. Even when she’s asleep, she’ll wake up no matter how quiet I am and run if she sees the camera in my hand. It’s a bit annoying, really – I see all your great cat pics and I want to take some of my own, but I have a camera-shy kitty!
    ‘Kay, I’ll shut up now. 🙂

  14. I am kind of a quilt/comforter fanatic.. maybe I should get cats. Then when they are quickly destroyed I could go buy another guilt free 🙂 I’m serious! Some people covet shoes, clothes, smiley faced yellow items while others like me like changing my linens. “My name is amy and .. I have a problem”… well, all sorts of them but who is counting? I really like your new quilt btw..

  15. I have problems with all the fur too and we only have one inside cat. She loves comforters, anything fleece, basicly anything soft and cushiony that she can knead before circling a couple of times before settling in.
    Lakeview…things are always easier said than done. There’s no way anyone who deals with extra weight can ever be successful making lifestyle and food changes without making peace with the issues that have led them to gaining the weight. I don’t feel that Robyn was using her mother as an excuse but working thru how it contributed to her relationship with food. I’m fat, not just 10 or 15 lbs. overweight, and as myself and many others overweight will tell you…it’s not just what we eat or how much we excercise but coming to terms with our issues AND getting ourselves in the right frame of mind.
    BACK OFF…:) You’re not Robyn’s momma. Robyn’s doing what’s right for Robyn. Modifying a lifestyle involves Mind, Body and Spirit and takes a lot of emotional and mental fortitude to keep the faith.
    I now will step down from my soap box.

  16. Who died and left someone in Lakeview in charge of dumbass comments? She’s probably huge and overweight, and that’s why she’s an expert on the subject!
    *I* don’t think you whine, blame your mother…oh wait! I actually READ your journal and have been reading for five years.

  17. I got a fabulous king sized flannel comforter at Bed Bath and Beyond on Saturday. Marked down to $40 from $100…and a 20% off coupon on top of that!
    As for Lakewood…obviously, someone who doesn’t read your site on a daily basis, ’cause we all know you get out there and work it! Sheesh! Some people need to mind their own damn business!

  18. I was also going to recommend Overstock.com. I saw a lot of nice comforter sets when I was on their site looking for new sheets. I found 500 thread count sheets for about $60.

  19. Another satisfied overstock.com customer here. Got their ridiculously luxurious 1000tc sateen sheets and love them. However, I am a firm believer in cheap-ass comforter sets and find that brylanehome.com has some nice comforters/comforter sets/bedinnabag sets for real cheap, especially those on clearance. Check ’em out!

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