kidding. There was no actual big pile of money – it was theoretical, so I could bitch about how much money we had to spend on the car and the cat.
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Also, all y’all who are looking for Cat Town? It’s
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For some reason last night as I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep I started thinking about the time when I was in 7th or 8th grade, in History class (it might not have been History, but it was one of those boring classes). I finished my quiz and handed it in, and sat. As I was sitting down the teacher said (apparently it was a timed quiz) “Okay, class, you have thirty seconds to finish!” As I always carried a book to class with me, I reached over and opened my book, hoping to read a few paragraphs before I had to shut the book and pay attention.
The teacher saw me open my book, and he immediately began making fun of me for thinking that I could get much read in thirty seconds, told us all a story about how he’d been watching TV and trying to read during the commercials because he was reading a really good book, only he was reading in such short bursts that he couldn’t remember what he’d read and would have to go back and read it again. And then he mocked me some more for thinking I could get any real reading in.
And I just glared at him and thought to myself
Just because you’re too stupid and scatterbrained to read and watch TV at the same time doesn’t mean I am, jackass.
Seriously, I used to be able to have a TV show on and read while I was watching the show, and know exactly what was going on, on both the TV and in my book. Now, though, even if I’m sitting and doing nothing but watching TV half the time I only have a vague idea of what the hell is going on, which is why I need to read the
Television Without Pity recaps, so I can figure out what the hell happened. I guess I know what that teacher meant, now that I’m approximately the same age he was at the time.
I still think he’s a jackass, though.
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Pet store pictures from Monday are
here, and Tuesday (I covered for the regular Tuesday person) are
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Entries are pitifully short lately, aren’t they? I think it must just be the time of year. We’re going to Fred’s sister’s for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, so chances are good unless I have some good information to impart, there’ll be no entry.
In any case, y’all have an excellent Thanksgiving (or an excellent Thursday, whichever is the case for you), and I’ll see you on Friday!
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2000: Just a little more knowledge o’ Robyn y’all can add to your notes. You’re welcome.]]>
The teacher was a jackass. While I can’t read while watching TV, I do read during the commercials. I read quite a bit during that small time period and manage to remember what I read.
Meester Boogers looks like he’s saying, “How you doin’?” Ala joey tribiani! Hee!
I used to be able to do that when I was younger too, but now I can’t. I guess I should also take into consideration that my classes require me to read Shakespeare and Milton. In any case, I definitely agree that your teacher was a jackass. Happy Thanksgiving!
OH! Me Darlin Robyn, I guessed that you really did not have a pile of money in the corner, getting all dusty and dirty, but THANKS for clearing that up. When I was younger I could read and watch TV (No Problema), but now at the old age of 66, it’s all I can do to either do 1 or the other and I still can’t remember half of either one. As I said before “I love your journal”!! I only check it 56,000 times a day. It makes me smile, even when I’m down in the dumps. 🙂 Nanamama
OOps! Almost forgot (See what I mean) Hope ya’ll have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Eat some turkey for me! Nanamama
I know you can read and remember what you read in 30 seconds, but even for those of us who can’t it is rude to point that out, especially an adult to a student, the man is a jackass for doing so.
No pile O’ money? WAAH! I was gonna ask to borrey some *SNIFF*
You, Fred, Spud and the rest of your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
How could you resist not bringing home Amongous? What a personality. They are making my kitty hormones go into overdrive. Three is enough.threeisenough.threeisenough.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving to ya!
All caught up now. I’m goind shopping! Think I’m crazy? Well, your mom is prolly going shopping today too. Oh.
Man, I wish you had something exciting to write about.