
It’s Veteran’s Day, Americans. Take a moment to remember and thank those who are willing to serve and protect this country as well as those who died doing so.

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My god, I just love Gretchen Wilson to death. I’m not so crazy about “Redneck Woman” or “Here for the Party” (I’ll listen to them, but I wouldn’t, say, download them or anything), but “When I Think About Cheatin'” and “Pocahontas Proud” just send shivers down my spine. That girl has some serious lung power.
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Meme, stolen from Lynda: Press each letter in the address bar of your browser and list what the auto-complete function jumps to first. A – adamnthing.com B – baldmoses.org C – capitolone.com D – dienu.com E – ejshea.com/buddha.htm F – fallingstar.net/awakened/ G – geocities.com/marseeya/ H – happyhomewrecker.com/pom/ I – islandbathandbody.com J – jane’s guestbook K – kitykity.com L – la-the-sage.diaryland.com M – mail2web.com N – nebshit.com (Even though I know Nance is at work all day long, I still compulsively check her site 23,000 times a day!) O – opendiary.com (Jane Says) P – pamie.com Q – qnet.com (warning: a happy little song involved; turn your sound down!) R – redhairedgirl.com/sandbox.htm S – shauny.org/pussycat/ T – thefatdiaries.blogspot.com U – ullapopken.com V – valleymls.com (juuuust looking. And drooling.) W – willa.com/journal/ X – x-entertainment.com Y – yahoo.com Z – zwire.com
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Okay, I’m going to call that an entry, ’cause there’s nothing much going on around here – Fred and the spud had the day off and we’re all just hanging around the house – and I’ll be leaving soon for my ECG and Holter Monitor installation. I can hardly wait to have a stranger flopping my left boob around and squirting ultrasound jelly all over my chest, I can tell you that much. See you tomorrow!
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Is it just me, or does Meester Boogers appear to be trying to look up Fred’s shorts?
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7 thoughts on “2004-11-11”

  1. Good luck with your DR visit. They always give me the creeps. I never feel more alone then when I’m sitting in that cold little room waiting for the DR!!!

  2. Best of Luck Robyn – it probably won’t be as bad as you’re expecting it to be…here’s to a quick appt. and good results!

  3. Just so you know…when I press the letter “J” in my Address bar, I get journal.bitchypoo.com. That should be mandatory, no?

  4. Hi Robyn: You’ll be just fine with the Holter monitor — no pain involved, just a 24-hour nuisance! Speaking from experience, the “flutters” I felt didn’t register so much as a damn blip on the Holter. As a funny aside, a friend of Italian heritage was wearing hers when she dropped into Safeway to pick up groceries. A bit of the wires were visible in the neckline of her dress. Two elderly women in front of her were chattering in Italian which, of course, my friend was able to understand. When one of them noticed the Holter wires, she pointed them out to her companion and they decided that my friend was either a patient or an escapee from the local psychiatric hospital! My friend caught up with them on the way out of the store and advised them — in Italian! — that perhaps they should NOT be talking about things they knew nothing about!

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