
am less fluttery, or because I’ve been busy all morning long and just haven’t noticed. I cut down drastically on my caffeine over the weekend, so if that’s causing it (or helping to cause it) maybe that’ll help. I have no idea why I’m so resistant to the idea of caffeine-free Diet Coke. I think it’s because I assume it must taste differently, but surely it doesn’t. Does it? And it’s not like I drink Diet Coke for the caffeine, anyway (though the caffeine-withdrawal headache I’m sporting today begs to differ), so why do I care whether I drink caffeine-free or not? I bought a bottle of the caffeine-free this morning and I’m going to give it a try. I expect there to be no difference at ALL in the taste, but if there is I’m going to be peeved. I mean, GOOD LORD PEOPLE, I switched from regular Coke to Diet Coke to save on the calories. Now I have to switch from Diet Coke to caffeine-free? What next – am I going to have to give up soda altogether and drink nothing but water? Wahhh!

* * *
Someone posted in my comments yesterday (or Saturday, I don’t remember which) and asked if I’d update the “Journals and blogs I read” page. The short answer is yes I will, because I’ve actually been working on it for the past few days. The long answer is, I’ve got another blogrolling list going, and am adding the journals and blogs I read every day – the problem is that I don’t have a list of links in my favorites. If I find a journal or blog I like and they have a notify list, I join the notify list. If they don’t have a notify list, I add their url to my Change Detection list, and when there’s a change on their page, I get an email from Change Detection. My point is that if I read your journal or blog but you don’t update very often, you might not end up on the list. To make the list as complete as possible, I’m going to take the rest of November to get my list up and running, and then I’ll let you know where it is and y’all can peruse my links list to your heart’s content.
* * *
Spot seems to be getting back to his old self, thank goodness. He came down and demanded food this weekend when I was mixing up turkey burgers for Fred and the spud, but I had already mixed the ground turkey with the oat bran, Dale’s steak sauce, and egg, and once you adulterate the meat like that, Spot won’t eat it. Fred chopped up a few pieces of raw chicken for Spot, who ate some of it and then wandered off. He’s been eating a ton of cat food, his color is a lot better, and he’s been a lot more sociable these past few days. This morning when I was doing laundry, he kindly came into the laundry room to demonstrate to me that Spanky’s not the only cat who likes to pee over the side of the litter box. I was touched by his thoughtfulness, I really was.
* * *
We were sitting in the living room watching TV, Fred eating his snack of a peanut butter and applesauce sandwich and I eating my snack of a blueberry bagel with peanut butter. “Would you like a bite of my sandwich?” Fred offered. “No thank you,” I said. “I think I’d like to buy some almond butter and try a sandwich with that,” Fred said. “Hmmm,” I said. Five minutes passed as we quietly watched TV. Fred turned to me. “Almond butter is like peanut butter,” he said earnestly. “Only with almonds.” “No shit, babe, really?” I snickered. He ignored my mock surprise and nodded. “I bet it’s good.” “I’m sure it is.”
* * *
I wandered by the organic section of the grocery store this morning and caught sight of all-natural almond butter. I picked it up to make sure there was nothing but almonds in it and was about to put it in my cart when I caught sight of it. $10.19 for a little jar of almond butter. I put it back. For a price like that, it better be pretty damn good, that’s all I’ll say.
* * *
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31 thoughts on “2004-11-08”

  1. Hey Robyn, you have mentioned a couple times about feeding your cats raw chicken, ick..do they not get sick from it? Obviously if you feed it to them it’s ok….no doubt. Just curious about this!

  2. Christy – they haven’t yet. We don’t give them a lot – probably they’d eat an entire half a breast if we’d let them – just a few small pieces. Of course, we don’t let them lick us on the face afterwards, either! 🙂

  3. I laughed at the almond butter exchange. Sounds like something me and hubby do. I get almond butter at the health food store. It’s between 6 and 8 dollars a jar depending on the maker and if it’s raw, raw organic, certified raw organic, roasted, blah blah, blah blah blah…..

  4. Christy,
    My cats say raw chicken tastes just like raw wild birds! Hee! Sorry I could not resist! :-p
    My cats personally prefer raw steak. Once heat hits it, they require gravy!

  5. Ladybug – nope, that’s Miz Poo on Friday (Fred took the picture, by the way). From that angle she looks smaller than she is. I guess that’s her “good” side! 🙂

  6. Maybe I’m weird, but caffeine-free Diet Coke tastes different than caffeine-laden Diet Coke. To me, caffeine-free has a weird aftertaste. That’s why I don’t drink it.
    I don’t drink coffee either, so I need something with caffeine to keep me awake!

  7. Robyn, do you do what I do when the cats are sporting a particularily cute face? I make my husband look and then he must sport the require “aw” face otherwise I will get offended that he does not find our cats as cute as I do. Hee!

  8. Buy toasted, salted almonds, and put them in the food processor forever. Almond butter. Yum.
    Uh, I thought you couldn’t stand ground turkey.

  9. Amy – but of course I do! He must look and be as amused as I am, or I pout. Hee!
    Kate – I can’t stand ground turkey at ALL – Fred and the spud were having turkey burgers; I was having plain ol’ ground round burgers. MUCH yummier, at least in my opinion. 🙂

  10. Try cashew butter for the ultimate indulgence! Pricy; not for everyday eating.
    Caffeine-free Diet Coke tastes different than Diet Coke.

  11. Don’t want to put ideas in your head, Robin, but caffine-free Diet Coke taste flat to me! It’s like they took all the fizz out of it with the caffine.

  12. I switched from regular diet coke to caffeine-free diet coke and barely noticed a difference in the taste. Now, several months later I can’t tell a difference at all. I say go for it!

  13. I, like you used to drink Pepsi, then switched to Diet Pepsi, and now I LOVE Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. It just took a few cans and I was good to go. If it came to that, or giving up pop altogether, I was very determined to LURVE it! That caffeine withdrawal headache is a BUGGER! Hang in there!

  14. You can try krema.com, they have several different kinds of nut butters – including almond butter (12 oz for 4.99). We bought the variety pack awhile back after seeing them on Food Network and they were pretty good. At least the hubby really liked the almond and cashew butters. I must say I did not care for the all natural stuff – I grew up on Peter Pan and it’s still my fave.

  15. Greetings from Australia, Robyn! I’ve been reading your journal for almost two years now but I’m a shy commentor so this is my first reply to one of your entries. I had to comment today, because last night while channel surfing who did I catch sight of? Our very own Fred Anders0n!
    He was the topic of a section of that night’s eposoide of a show called “Media Watch”, I’m not sure if you have it there. This section dealt with plagarism in the media. Not that Fred was accused of plagarism – more so, a journalist here in Australia made a fictious character called “Frank” Anderson, who was an Australian version of your Fred. The reported journey of Frank’s weight loss was exactly the same, almost word for word, of execerpts of media reports in America of Fred’s story. For instance, the quote “I sat on my ass on the couch, grabbed a packet of Little Debbies” (not verbatim), was turned into “I sat on my butt on the couch and grabbed a packet of Tiny Teddies”. I was wondering if you’d heard any of this story? It just seemed so bizarre!

  16. Love love love the pic of Miz Poo! So cute! Just wanted to ask you how your dish network was holding up. I know you’ve still been having some problems with it. We have had nothing but problems with the company and dish itself. We had a very rude installer come out to the house and I had it out with him the 2nd time, our dish goes in and out constantly, goes from color to b&w, and now this last time it went out in some stronger winds and the company wanted to charge us over 100 dollars to come out and fix it!!! What??!! So we are sending it all back and using cable. We just found out our local cable company has DVR, which I am dying without, so I’m elated. We live in Illinois by the way, so sounds like they have problems all over! Just thought I’d ask how yours is holding up.

  17. Hope you’re flutter-free soon. As much as it pains me to say it, drink a bunch of water, too. Being dehydrated (even if you don’t feel like you are)can aggravate arrythmias.

  18. Our local health food Co-Op has a machine that grinds Almonds into Almond Butter for us. You just end up paying for the almonds and you grind as much as you want (they have the same thing for peanut butter).

  19. LOVE the picture of Miz Poo. “You will feed me treats and give me skritchies and let me lay in the sunshine all day. Or you will die.”
    Caffeine free anything sucks. I had to give up caffeine last December, due to abnormally high blood pressure. When I started my diet in April, I started drinking caffeine again…mainly because it’s so hard to find diet caffiene free anything around here and I’m too lazy to go to the grocery store! At least my BP meds keep my BP down…for the moment, anyways!

  20. What is going on with your other diary, ‘Bitchypoo’? It has not been updated since August, is kaput?

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