
5ive Days to Midnight last night when Fred said “Look at Stumpy.” and pointed toward the window. I turned and looked, and saw Meester Boogers standing outside the living room window peering at us. As we watched, he meowed at us, and then sat down to watch us. I can only imagine how fascinating it must be to sit and watch The Momma and The Daddy through the window watching TV, because the cats seem to love it, and take turns doing so every single night. If we look over at them, they look all pathetic and sad like “Why would you lock me out of your fun TV watching? Why? Whyyyyy?”, as if they’ve forgotten that a mere 15 feet from where they sit is the cat door through which they travel ten thousand times a day. If they look sufficiently sad and cute enough, one of us (read: Fred, because as far as I’m concerned, they can sit there and look sad ’til hell freezes over before I’ll get up off my comfy couch) will open the door and let them in, and they always look overwhelmingly grateful. Not two minutes later we heard the thump of the cat door opening and closing, and then we heard the sound of an angry small animal. “Squee!” it said angrily. “Squee! Squee! SQUEE!” Fred and I both jumped up to run into the other room, but before we could get very far, Meester Boogers hauled ass into the living room, his jaws firmly clamped around the body of what I thought at first was a bird. It sounded a lot like the baby cardinals that have been brought into the house. “Squee!” it reiterated. “Squee! Squee! Squee!” “Stumpy!” I said loudly, and clapped my hands at him to make him drop the poor thing. “DON’T CLAP YOUR HANDS AT HIM!” Fred said, and bent down to grab Meester Boogers. “I think it’s! It’s not a bird!” “What the hell is it?” I asked, and ran over to open the door. “I don’t know! Some kind of mammal!” Now let me digress for a moment to say that I spent many minutes taking shit for having clapped at Meester Boogers last night, and yet “some kind of mammal” is the height of brilliance? Hmph. Fred ran out the door with Meester Boogers in his hands. “Squee!” said the mammal in Meester Boogers’ mouth. “Squee! Squee! Squee!” Fred dropped Meester Boogers and Meester Boogers dropped the squealer, and then Meester Boogers was a blur as he went after the little mammal and caught him again, clamping his jaws around the mammal’s stomach. “Oh my god!” I said. “Is it a chipmunk?” It seemed to have the tail of a squirrel or chipmunk, but seemed too small to be a squirrel. “Squee!” said the little animal angrily. “Squee! Squee! Squee!” Fred yelled at Meester Boogers and reached down and grabbed him and shook him a little, and then Meester Boogers dropped the squealer and Fred hung on to Meester Boogers, and the squealer ran away. “It’s climbing up the side of the house!” Fred said in amazement. “Yeah…?” “Up the bricks! It’s climbing the bricks!” I went over to where Fred was standing, holding Meester Boogers, and looked up to where he was pointing. Sure enough, the mammal was running quickly up the side of the house. I went in and got a flashlight so we could see it more clearly, and we decided that it was a young squirrel. It stayed there near the top of the house for an hour or so, and then when Fred went out to see if it was still there, it had disappeared. He checked the ground beneath where it had been to make sure it hadn’t died and fallen to the ground, but it was nowhere to be seen. Upon talking about it later, we decided it was a pretty damn good thing that Meester Boogers hadn’t dropped the squirrel when I clapped my hands at him, because the idea of chasing a little squirrel through the house is not one that fills my heart with joy. He was awfully cute, though. I hope he’s okay. I’m sure that next, That Bastard Meester Boogers will bring a skunk into the house.

* * *
The spud and I had to go to her school last night after dinner to order her high school class ring. I don’t think I got my high school ring until I was a Junior and the spud is only a Sophomore, but at least this way she’ll get to wear it for a few years before she realizes that anyone who wears their high school ring past, say, the first year of college is a big goober. She chose this ring, if you were curious. We ordered it in Celestrium, which is the least expensive metal offered. I do love my child, but I don’t love anyone enough to lay out the $450 for 14K gold. That’s just ridiculous, y’know? Anyway, we got to the school right after 5, because the Balf0ur reps were going to be there from 5 – 7. There were a good number of people already there, but most of them were clustered around the display case of rings, so the spud and I went and stood in line to wait for the next available rep. You know, people are just such a huge pain in the ass. See, when the spud told me it was time to order a class ring (or asked if she could have one, anyway – it’s not like she said “Time to order a class ring. Pay up!”) she brought home the order form and booklet, and anything you needed to know was contained in that booklet. Yet people showed up with NO FUCKING CLUE about what they wanted and the sales reps were having to fill every friggin’ square in the order form in for these dumbasses. THEY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE THE COMMON DECENCY TO FILL IN THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. It took each parent/ child combo ten to fifteen minutes to have their stupid, stupid forms filled in by the rep. Know how long it took once the spud and I sat down in front of a rep? Three minutes. BECAUSE WE HAD OUR FORM FILLED OUT. All we needed to know was what size ring the spud wears and then the rep took the rest of the time to add up what we owed (my god, those rings are expensive. And the spud chose a nice average-priced ring, not one of the expensive ones.) and asked “Did you want to pay it all at once?” and I said “Yes” and she checked the “Pay all at once” checkbox, and then that was it – I didn’t even have to write a check because I had already written the debit card information in the correct place. Three minutes, folks. We waited 35 minutes for the idiots in front of us, and it took us all of three minutes. You know, it would never occur to me to show up at something like that unprepared. Because there’s no friggin’ reason you have to sit there and spell out your name and address for someone else WHEN YOU COULD HAVE DONE IT YOURSELF. Yet people show up all half-assed and “Oh. Was I supposed to fill out the form myself? I had no idea. Because I’m a half-assed idiot.” What the hell is that about? Always be prepared, people. Don’t be an annoying half-ass or one of these days I’ll snap and hit you over the head with my purse. And I have a heavy purse, oh yes.
* * *
The hunter. The mighty, mighty hunter.
* * *

20 thoughts on “2004-11-02”

  1. Boogers looks a little dishevelled. Rough night last night? ha
    You have not cornered the market on stupid people – we have them here in Canada too, in abundance! hee
    Have a great day!

  2. Boy, that Meester Boogers sure knows how to nab ’em! Poor little squirrelly-squirrel. Yes, I’ll bet you would have had quite a post for us today if M.B. had dropped the squirrel inside your house!

  3. I was just going to comment on Mr. Boogers dishevelled look, but someone beat me to it. To me, Mr. Boogers almost looks like a squirrel was curled up by Mr’s behind!
    It must be rough being such a good hunter only to have The Mommy and Daddy make him drop it! No wonder he needs to yawn so much. That’s a lot of work for no gain! Hee!

  4. Sorry – I was so excited about M. B. that I forgot about the dumb-ass people in the world. I agree, fill it out before you get there stupid! I even have my voter registration application filled out for when I go vote. I’ve moved since I last voted. Luckily I can register and vote at the same time. I’m leaving in about 1/2 hour to vote. Yippe – Lines away.

  5. Dude. We have had a squirrel stuck in our house before. It was when we lived in Virginia; the monster had broken through the bird cage thing on the top of our chimney. We came home, and Jabba Kitty was “SSSssSSSSS” at it, sitting by the fireplace, and when we walked into the house, all hell broke loose. The thing kept trying to get out through the window. It would dash across the huge living room and SPLAT bounce off the window, then run in a circle across the living room and SPLAT bounce off the window. The kids were terrified. Finally Scott opened the double front doors and shooed it out.

  6. Val – I know! Poor mistreated Meester Boogers. We never let him have any fun. 🙂 I’m only sad that I didn’t have the camera read to snap pictures, because that would have really made the entry.
    Susan – My sister once had a chipmunk living in her apartment and she didn’t even know it. Her cat brought it in, and they thought it had been chased back out the door, but a few days later she was laying on the couch, and the chipmunk ran across the floor! That story just cracks me up, ’cause I imagine the chipmunk hiding and sneaking out during the night to forage for food.

  7. Meester must be one fast Booger.. My shih tzu tries daily to catch squirrels/chipmunks. No can do, those lil’ things are FAST!!

  8. Amy, I was stunned at how fast he was. He’s such a lazy little Booger that I had no idea he could go so fast! He’s a force to be reckoned with, for sure.

  9. Dayum, Balfour is still around? What a freaking racket! I wish I had done what one of my friends did – she had her parents buy her a real ring instead of a class ring. Not that I wear jewelry, but I would have worn that a lot longer than a class ring.

  10. Ohhh I would be scared to death he’d bring in an animal while I was home alone! Do you shut the cat door while you are home alone?? Yikes…and *shudder*!

  11. My parents refused to buy me a class ring and I was MAD! But on my 16th birthday, they presented me with a real gold ring that I still wear to this day. Much better deal if you ask me.

  12. Henceforth,upon seeing a baby squirrel,I shall gleefully yell,”Squee!Squee!”
    Hm,on the subject of people who come unprepared…How about the people in front of you in the grocery line who wait until their groceries are BAGGED before they BEGIN to write their bloody check ? I fill out everything but the amount on my check before I even enter the store,but hey,that’s just me. :o)

  13. One time I opened the back door to let the dog in and right behind the dog was a squirrel! I wasn’t sure what to do. I was afraid he was going to hurt himself trying to get out. I have a huge picture window and he hurled himself at it. It’s a miracle it didn’t break or he didn’t smash his head in. Then he went behind the dryer to hide. The cat brought him out and then my standing by the door with it open finally got him to go back out.
    This will tell my age probably. I got the nicest class ring they sold. The only one nicer had a diamond in it! Mine was white gold instead of yellow and had an aquamarine in it. Was beautiful. And it cost me $35. 🙂 The standard ring was $25.

  14. By the way . . I wore my ring until I was 25 and then I decided it was time to put it away 🙂
    I still have it too!

  15. That’s like the dumbasses who are inevitably in front of me at McDonalds; they’ve been standing in line for 5 minutes, staring at the menu board with their mouths hanging open, but as soon as they reach the counter, they don’t have a clue what they want for lunch. It’s McDonalds, people! You’ve been there 7000 times before! They only have six things to choose from! For crying out loud!

  16. Wow…my sister was just telling me the other day that her daughter didn’t get a class ring, she wasn’t that interested, and my sis was glad as the cheapest one was over 300 bucks! Mine (in 1972, I was in class of ’74) cost 31 bucks and it was yellow gold. My senior pics came to just over 200 bucks and we got a ton of them, with about 6 poses…..my niece had hers just done and the sitting fee ALONE was almost a thousand!!!! Holy cow I am glad I have a son who probably won’t want a ring and won’t care if we take polaroids of him.
    Our rat terriers have killed off the chipmunk family that dug their way into my basement. Thank God. I about jumped through the ceiling when I was down there doing laundry and one of them went tearing through the pile of clothes I had on the floor. ACK
    The BF and I left for the polls this morn at 5:45, the fire chief let us in the building and gave us chairs….we read our books til about 7:30 when others started coming in….and a group of 4 people had the NERVE to try and cut in front of us. HELL—O!!! As if they couldn’t tell WE WERE FIRST IN LINE
    People ARE such assholes.

  17. I’m one of those annoying ladies who can talk about shopping conquests like your mom does. And I am dying to know: What did the Spud get on her ring? I never got a class ring (my mom agreed to buy a letterman jacket and a pair of birkenstocks instead) but my husband still has his (thankfully doesn’t wear it) and he got the school mascot and a diver. Did she pick the cross? Or just that model with something else? The suspense!!

  18. Speaking of unprepared STUPID people. We went to vote yesterday after work. Some people took a full 20-30 minutes to cast their ballots because they hadn’t bothered to even look at the propositions on the ballot (we had about 15 of them here in CA). It took my husband and I about 2 minutes each to go in, make our choices, and cast our ballots. And how do they expect to make a good decision based on the tiny little prop summaries, anyway? Bah.

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