
Monte Sano in Huntsville. There are a couple of fairly flat trails that Fred wanted to knock off, because it’s his goal to hike all the trails on Monte Sano this winter. Also, for some reason the spud had suddenly decided that she wanted to scatter the small container of my grandmother’s ashes in a place with a pretty view, and Fred knew the perfect place. We got to the hiker’s parking lot around 11:30 and parked. Then we followed a trail a short distance to a bluffline with a nice view. There, the spud scattered some of my grandmother’s ashes and I scattered the rest. Naturally the wind was blowing in such a way that I couldn’t get a handle on the best way to scatter the ashes, so they blew back on us. After brushing Gram from the front of our shirts, we turned around and walked back the way we’d come. “Do we want to do the 1.2-mile hike or the 3.5 mile hike?” Fred asked. I looked down the trail we were standing on, which was flat and wide as far as the eye could see. “Which one is this one?” I asked. “The 3.5 mile hike,” Fred said. Don’t swallow your gum, folks. Because what I said was “Oh, let’s just do the 3.5 mile one.” Fred about fell over. “Are you sure you want to do that?” “It’s flat all the way around, right?” “It appears so on the map.” He’s no fool. He knew that if it turned out that the last half of the hike was straight downhill, I was going to kick his ass. “Then yeah, let’s do this one.” You’re waiting for me to tell you that as soon as we got far enough into the hike so that it was no longer feasible to turn around, the trail got hilly and rocky, aren’t you? Nope, it was pretty flat and wide for most of the hike. But what appeared on the map to be a 3.5 mile hike somehow morphed into the Monte Sano Death Hike from hell. Once we reached O’Shaughnessy Point – the halfway point, or thereabouts – I was sure we’d be back to the parking lot annnnny time now, but somehow the trail seemed to stretch, and the further we went, the slower I walked and people were coming out of nowhere to blow by us like we were standing still, and I thought we were never EVER going to get to the end. At one point – before we got to the halfway point – I realized that like a dumbass I had guzzled about a liter of water before we’d even left the house to drive to Monte Sano. And then I realized that my bladder was close to bursting. And THEN I realized that though the 1.2-mile hike would have taken us by the bathrooms, the 3.5-mile hike? Not so much. Longtime readers might recall that I’m pretty much a virgin to peeing in the woods and have only done it two times in my entire life, both of them in one outing. To make matters worse, though the path we were on was flat and wide, to either side of the path were hilly areas that really weren’t all that climbable, at least not by me. “Oh, come on,” Fred said impatiently. “Just step behind that tree and squat and pee! There’s no one coming!” With Fred watching one way down the path and the spud watching the other, I stepped behind the tree. A small tree, certainly nothing that would hide my glowing white ass from anyone unfortunate enough to come moseying down the path at the exact wrong moment. Then I squatted down and peed. And peed and peed and peed. Did I mention I had an entire liter of water before we left the house, plus more on the drive to Monte Sano. I just knew someone was going to come along and be struck blind by the horrific sight of my ass, but the gods were on my side that day and I was able to do my business in peace. I did pee all over the back of my sneakers and soaked the hem of my pants, but I’d had SO FRIGGIN’ MUCH WATER that I’m sure the urine was completely diluted. Near the end of the hike, Fred was constantly claiming that he was sure he saw the parking lot. After about the third round of “I see the parking lot! We’re almost there! Oh wait, that’s just someone’s driveway…” I started to ignore him. (Also, FRED And3rson, I’ve SEEN the map, and I am NOT QUITE SURE why you thought the part of the trail to O’Shaughnessy Point was winding and the path back to the parking lot was more of a straight shot, because they are BOTH ten miles long and winding, which even a woman who can’t read a map to save her life can see. Which leads me to think that you’re a sadist who enjoys seeing your wife stumble along in eternal hope that ‘we’re almost there! we must be!’ when in fact we have entered some sort of scientific warp that Michael Crichton could surely explain in ass-numbing detail, but I lack the knowledge, wherein we actual travel 23.45 miles on a 3.5-mile trail. Don’t think you’re fooling me, you bastard!) When we really and truly were almost to the parking lot, Fred said “Oh! There it is! I see the car!” and I said “Oh, shut up. I hate you. You suck. We’re probably a HUNDRED miles from the car.” But he insisted with such certainty, “No Bessie, look! You can see the car right there!” that I looked up to see the car. Which is when my right foot hit a large root loop in the middle of the trail, and I sailed about three feet through air before landing on my left foot, doing a jerk-and-stumble I’m pretty sure I saw once in a Milli Vanilli video, and I was immediately embarrassed, so I snarled at Fred because OF COURSE it was HIS fault that I stumbled because he’d INSISTED I look at the fucking car. “Jesus Christ, baby!” I intended to yell bitchily. “I need to keep my eyes on the trail so that I don’t stumble and fall and break my leg requiring you to carry me out of the woods on your back, which would cripple you as sure as I’m standing here, so STOP insisting that I LOOK at things, and just find the FUCKING END OF THIS PATH!” What actually came out of my mouth was “Can I KEEP my FACE on the TRAIL?” and Fred turned and gave me a puzzled look and said “I guess you can if you want to.” Arrrgh. But we made it out alive, and that’s what’s important. Maybe next week we’ll do the 1.2 mile hike. Or MAYBE we’ll just do a jaunty little hike straight up the side of the mountain. Fun! (If you’re in the Huntsville area and in better shape than me (and really, who ISN’T?), it was the South Plateau Loop Trail. I recommend it as long as you’re not a whiny little bitch like me.)

* * *
I’ve said this before (over at the Tater, I think), but I just canNOT stand Phil Hellmuth. Every time I see his face on the TV screen I long to smack him upside the head really hard. Every time he starts with his whining, I yell “Shut UP! God! He’s such a whiny little bitch!” and Fred laughs. Because Fred, of course, LURVES Phil Hellmuth. Ugh. Give me Annie Duke any ol’ day.
* * *
The spud asked me Sunday morning if we could go to the mall, because I had mentioned that I needed to buy some Wallflower refills from Bath & Body Works and she wanted to look at candles or something like that. So after working out and taking my shower, I was ready to go. I looked online at the mall web site, but there was nothing telling what time the mall stores open on Sundays. I decided that I was pretty sure it opened at noon, and so the spud and I left the house at 11:30 since I needed to stop by the post office. We got to the mall at exactly noon, and I was relieved to see a lot of vehicles in the parking lot. Surely that meant the mall opened at noon, right? Wroooooong. And not only did the mall NOT open at noon, it also didn’t open at 12:30 – nothing in the frickin’ mall opened until 1:00. We could have gone home and come back, but I reallllly didn’t want to. So we walked around the mall, and it ended up being like a mini family reunion – not only did we run into Fred’s mother, we saw his sister’s daughter. I haven’t seen his mother since whenever it was in the spring that we went to Memphis, and I haven’t seen my niece since last Christmas. I’m so unaccustomed to seeing people I know when I’m out and about that I almost didn’t recognize his mother when I saw her, because I so wasn’t expecting to see her. So the mall opened at 1:00, and we went into Bath & Body Works, and I noticed that they were hiring for the holiday season, and I briefly considered it, because if nothing else I could spend my paycheck in the same store where I earned it, but I really hate the kind of pushy stuff they’re required to do, where they follow you around and ask if you need help, and then hover over you while you’re sniffing the various scents, and pointing out that “If you buy six more, you’ll get one free!” and “Those are four for $10!” and all that, so I decided it probably wasn’t the thing for me. Also, I hate people, so a job dealing with people? Uh, no. Anyway, I got out of there without buying ANY lotion, though I was seriously tempted to buy a small bottle of Vanilla Sugar, and then I remembered that I have sixty-three (estimated) unused bottles of lotion at home, and I refrained. For which I should get a PRIZE, I should add, because that stuff smells REALLY good. I did buy a $4 yellow ducky for the tub because, well, I CAN, and who wouldn’t love a yellow rubber ducky for the tub? You know you’re glaring jealously at your monitor at gnashing your teeth, you’re so jealous of my yellow rubber ducky. After Bath & Body Works, we went into Hallmark for a minute – not the good one at the end of the mall, but the semi-sucky one over by Lane Bryant – and were out of the mall by 1:30. And that should be it for going to the mall this year, at least until I go to Maine after Christmas and hit the mall up there for the after-Christmas sales!
* * *
Spanky, drunk on sunlight.

19 thoughts on “2004-10-05”

  1. Did you know that Katy Lederer, Howard and Annie’s sister wrote a book called Poker Face; a girlhood among gamblers?

  2. I LOVE Bath and Body works!! I live in Canada and am always begging my American aunt to bring lots of stuff with her when she visits. Cotton Blossom shower gel and spray, citris herb hand soap and warm vanilla sugar anything.. ahhhhhhhh

  3. I know what you mean about the vanilla sugar. I wore it the other night and ended up announcing “I SMELL SO GOOD!” at least three times.
    Also, once in high school when I had the vanilla sugar body spray on plus vanilla frosting scented lipgloss, the guy sitting next to me in one of my classes announced that someone smelled like cake, and sure enough, it was me. Mm… cake.

  4. I love B&BW, but I miss the bath foam. They took it off the market. It came in a can like shaving cream and when you spritzed it out, it came out in a big puff of foam. Sooooo good!

  5. One would think that with all the sun that Spanky obsorbs, he’d be tan by now. Poor Spanky. white as a ghost just like me. 😉

  6. Bath and Body Works is a dangerous place, but I *really* love Lush (www.lush.com, for those that aren’t familiar with it). I’m lucky that there isn’t a local store in the Seattle area (I have to drive up to Vancouver, BC) or I’d be in some serious trouble. Bath Bombs. Yum.
    And while a nice yellow rubber duckie is a good thing, how about a nice Devil Duckie (http://www.mcphee.com/amusements/current/10893.html)? I have one in bright red sitting on the side of my tub – they come in a wide range of colors. Or perhaps the trio (http://www.mcphee.com/amusements/current/10969.html)would be more your style?

  7. The recount of your hike was hilarious. They have a similar death march around Gatlinburg. My friends, Craig, and I decided to try a little longer hike (and more difficult) than the paved one to Laurel Falls.
    So we decided to try Rainbow Falls. The sign and the hiking map said 2.9 miles. That can’t be bad, right?
    We think they had it backwards…there was no way that son of a bitch was 2.9 miles. More like 9.2 miles!
    About 30 minutes into it, we started seeing patches of snow. 2 1/2 hours later, we were sliding in snow, hoping that we didn’t slip and careen off the side of the mountain…and we still hadn’t found tha damn falls. We had to leave 2 of our friends behind because they just couldn’t go any farther. We soon found this little trickle of water that apparently was supposed to be Rainbow Falls. We had to hightail it back down the side of the mountain to try to make it before it got fully dark.
    We made it, but I’m suprised no one broke a leg or something (namely me). I will NEVER go on that hike again.

  8. Did you see Annie Duke whup Phil’s ass to take first in some invitational tournament? I think it was something like WSOP Tournement of Champions. They ended the show with him wandering around in a state of shock whimpering and whining to himself. It was priceless.

  9. OMG Phil Hellmuth is such a dork! I have never seen a grown person act like such a baby when he loses. I just want to slap the shit out of him and generally state something to that effect every time i see him on tv. GRRRRRRRR!!!!

  10. You mean that you had baths WITHOUT a rubber duck? That is positively uncivilised. Maybe all those jokes about Alabama contain a kernel of truth.

  11. Jackie – No, I didn’t! That’s one poker-playing family, isn’t it?
    Laura – Not yet, but it’s on my bookcase! 🙂
    Michelle – Oh no, now you’ve gotten Fred interested in that hike! If he makes me hike it with him next time we go to Gatlinburg, I’ll know who to blame. 🙂
    Donna – he might look Tubbyesque from that angle, but he’s still skinny as he ever was. Must just be the picture. 🙂
    Bev – didn’t anyone tell you it was national Peeing in the Woods day? Mark your calendar! 😉

  12. At first glance I also thought that was Tubby. In fact I still have my Tubby screensaver.
    Also….Don’t you hate it when your husband gets all skinny before you do? Mine is now “underweight”
    I could just kill him!!!!
    Peeing outdoors is easy , once you get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect.
    My husband and I both changed clothes in our truck (before going out to dinner) and then peed in the parking garage in downtown Chicago. I kept waiting for us to be arrested like that episode of Seinfeld.
    You have my condolences for the hiking. 🙂

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