8 thoughts on “2004-10-04”

  1. That same thing happened to me today at Diaryland! Hate it when that happens.
    Oh! You watch The Amazing Race, right? Television Without Pity as “My Ox Is Broken” T-shirts! I want to get one so badly but we are broke. They are red, but I thought I remember you laughing about that and thought you might be interested in the shirt.

  2. Your entry today is even better with that wet cat picture at the top! That cat isn’t pissed at being wet; it’s pissed because Diaryland ate its entry!

  3. I bet the entire time you were writing, you were thinking “This is scathingly brilliant, Pulitzer Prize Award Winning Stuff here!”. I hate when that happens. I did the “100 Things About Me” thing, meaning to send it to some friends, and have them reciprocate…and the words were flowing and of course it was a masterpiece, and dammit if I didn’t save it!
    Did you see my comment a few days ago, suggesting
    you (ok, begging you) to use that Dec. pic from your Kitty Calendar of Tubby w/the Santa hat to make Christmas cards?? I really really think you should……huh, canya, willya please??

  4. I think we’ve all done that – either you close it without saving or the power goes out – I’m sure tomorrow’s entry will be simply brilliant =o)

  5. I think that good old Murphy thinks it’s funny like that for us to lose at least one great, long post every year.

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