
poor people in Pensacola, Gulf Shores, and Mobile, that’s for sure. I suspect there was some flooding on the road behind our back yard, though, because those fuckers were out there at FIVE TWENTY AM with their big, loud trucks and the constant backing-up. Luckily I was tired enough that I only woke up for a few minutes, long enough to growl “I hate you fuckers!”, check the clock, and snuggle with Miz Poo before falling back asleep.

* * *
I have forbidden Fred to ever darken my doorstop with that piece of crap movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Because it looks like the biggest pile of steaming crap to ever cross my television screen. They haven’t even bothered to make it look halfway interesting – they just say “Oh! Jude Law! Oh! Gwyneth Paltrow! Oh! Angelina Jolie!” and expect people to bust their asses to go watch the fucking thing. I don’t think so.
* * *
Alec Baldwin was on The Daily Show the night before last, and we watched it last night (we tape the show every night and watch it the next evening). After Alec and Jon Stewart had been talking for a few minutes, there was a straight-on shot of the both of them, which is when I realized that Alec Baldwin has himself a HUGE noggin. His noggin gives the Affleck noggin a run for its money. I bet if you got the Affleck noggin and the Baldwin noggin in the same room, the combined noggin acreage would just suck all the oxygen out of the room. How’d you like to wake up in the dark and see the Baldwin noggin coming toward you? I bet your life would flash in front of your eyes. Fred thinks Alec Baldwin looks mean, like he’d punch you as soon as look at you. After some examination, I had to agree. He’s got mean, glittering, tiny little pig eyes located in that huge noggin of his, and I bet if you said something that he took exception to, he’d think nothing of knocking your ass across the room, then crushing you with his huge head. I just hope I never run into him in a dark alley, that’s all I can say.
* * *
Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.
* * *
Is it just me, or does he look like a bat in this picture?

29 thoughts on “2004-09-17”

  1. My husband is actually into all that sci-fi crap and he even says “That looks like the STUPIDEST thing ever to come out of Hollywood” This coming from a man who *enjoys* B-rated 80’s movies…

  2. God! You are so f’ing funny
    “he’d think nothing of knocking your ass across the room, then crushing you with his huge head”.
    LOL stuff today. 🙂

  3. You’re killin me with the Alec Baldwin description!!! 😀 We have a neighbor kid who we think we should dress up as an alien for Halloween because his head is so big! (NO we don’t let him hear us) Yeah, just slap some green paint on his face and throw on a pair of those “side blinder” sunglasses old people wear, and Viola! Instant alien. Hee! Look at the size of the noggin on that kid! It looks like Spudnik!

  4. I agree with you about Alec Baldwin, although I think he’d be fun as long as you were on his good side. But for a really big head, take a good look at Oliver Platt. I think he could crush a normal sized human with that huge noggin. I come from a whole family with really big heads, but Oliver Platt’s head frightens me.

  5. ROTFL…your post regarding the “Baldwin Noggin” cracked me up! It’s so true with all of them. I tend to stare at their lips too though … they seem a bit “off.” heh heh ;D
    Such a cute picture of the cat chewing on the bag of kitty chow. He definitely does resemble a bat with that profile. Too cute! ;D

  6. Is this the same Baldwin brother that said if Bush got elected (last time) he’d move out of the country? Why is he still here? One of the other Baldwins (billy? stephen?) is a republican. I bet they have some nice family holidays… lol

  7. I’m so glad that I’m not the only one with absolutely NO DESIRE to see that movie. I keep hearing all this Hollywood kiss-ass about it and want to gag. I would have to be sedated and tied down to my seat to sit thru that.
    Love the batty picture.

  8. The Bean is a bat-cat…should be in the movies. Oh yeah, he IS in the movies!
    We call those senior citizen “side blinder” sunglasses “Sun City Welding Goggles”. Great gag gift out here in sunny AZ.

  9. I have never been able to watch a Baldwin for the head and beady eyes and the whole something is amiss here with their looks syndrome.
    And Robyn, I have never looked at Ben Affleck the same since you mentioned his big head long ago.

  10. Well, now that my secret crush on Alec has been destroyed, I feel much better. I think it was the “He’s got mean, glittering, tiny little pig eyes located in that huge noggin of him,— …he’d think nothing of knocking your ass across the room, then crushing you with his huge head.” that finally got me.
    God, woman, you crack me up!

  11. I’ve always been frightened by the size of Baldwin’s head, and his looks.. He has this evil way about him for sure. Wonder if he ever knocked Kim around.. hmmm..

  12. Apparantly I have to go against the masses! I still think Alec Baldwin is a very good looking guy. Big noggin and all. Granted, he was a little better looking 30 lbs ago but who’s to judge? Not me certainly! So what if he has a big head? As long as he doesn’t start bobbing it around like a bobble head doll, cause that’d just be too freaky.

  13. Actually, I’ve always thought that ALL the Baldwin brothers were kinda cute (even Daniel, back in his “Homicide” days), but Billy’s my favorite.
    When I see Alec, all I can think of is him playing the part of Phoebe’s obnoxious date at the Geller’s anniversary party, taking his “mental pictures”.

  14. Glad you were spared the rath of Ivan.
    All is not lost with the butterfly bush. Just trim back the broken branches. It will come back.

  15. “Because it looks like the biggest pile of steaming crap to ever cross my television screen.” Yesssss! I totally agree, but didn’t realize there are other intellegent people out there, too. It looks like something so novel and stupid it will bring in the crowds and their dollars. For about a week, until word gets out. And NOT my money.

  16. As I was reading the stuff about Baldwin boy’s head, I kept thinking what a great old timey movie that would make, something like :The Fifty Foot Head: or :The Head that Ate New York:
    Funny lady you are! Why have I like yoda been talking all day?

  17. Yes, we know you hate unsolicited advice, but if you just trip the crap out of your butterfly bush, it will grow back next year. Those suckers are hardy.

  18. I agree..you couldn’t PAY me to see that movie!
    And I actually used to think Alec Baldwin was cute …about 20 years ago.
    He’s married to Kim Bassinger , you know. And to make a long story short…..one morning the t.v. was allready on..some movie of hers was playing ..where she looked like some nympho. My husband nonchalantly said”God , she looks like she was made for sex”
    ********how much can I gag?**********
    Now , I am just nauseated and pissed off at the sight of Baldwin and his damn sexy wife!

  19. Hmm…I’ll have to look up pics of Alec Baldwin on the Web to check out his big head… Wonderful Pet Store Kitties! I kept going, “Awwwww…! Awwww….! SO CUTE!!!”

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