Office Space and were watching O Brother, Where Art Thou, I decided that if Meester Boogers were human, he’d be George Clooney in O Brother.
Then I sang “Iiiiiiiiiiii am the Stuuuuuuuuump of Constant Sorrowwwwwwwwww!”, which amused Fred to no end.
Further, we decided that Spanky would be Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) due to his less than brilliant brain, and Miz Poo would be Pete (John Turturro) due to her temper. Heh.
* * *
Saturday afternoon I was about 70 pages into
Desecration (book number (I think) 9 of the
Left Behind books), and I thought “My god, this book SUCKS, I don’t EVEN give a shit what happens to any of these people.” and then I realized I was rooting for the Anti-Christ, which is when I realized that life is just TOO FUCKING SHORT, and I tossed it and the other two books making up the rest of the series into the library donation box.
I felt like a MAJOR weight had been lifted off my shoulder. I was really dreading reading those books! Now I don’t gotta. Whee!
* * *
I got a call from my doctor’s office this morning. They got the lab results back already, and they definitely got all of the precancerous stuff this time. THANK GOD, because the last frickin’ thing I want to do is go back and have MORE skin taken. My back throbbed all weekend long despite the Aleve I took, and this morning I woke up with my back itching so badly that I ended up getting out of bed and rubbing my back on the doorway to stop the itching.
Not to mention that the band-aid I gave Fred to put on my back yesterday morning (since I can’t actually reach the area) stuck so badly that when he took it off last night it left a big-ass welt where the sticky part had been. It hurt so badly that I about fell on the floor and burst into tears. Thank god I don’t have to keep it covered anymore! It’s still a bit sore and sensitive, though.
* * *
This week’s pet store kitty pics are
here. There’s an absolute ton of kitten pictures. At one point I had seven kittens out running around in the cat room, and it was like a circus. Hilarious, too.
* * *
Fred wants to see
Fahrenheit 9/11, but it’s not playing anywhere around here. In fact, the only places it’s playing in the entire state are Montgomery and Mobile, and both of those are way too far to drive. I guess we’ll have to wait ’til it comes out on DVD.
Speaking of movies, we watched a TON of movies this weekend, because it rained most of the time. We watched:
Office Space, O
Brother Where Art Thou,
Spartan (but turned it off after about ten minutes due to boredom),
Get Shorty,
The Meaning of Life,
Touching the Void,
Nemo, and
The Hunted. Except for
Spartan they were all good in varying degrees (except for
Phantasm, but more about that in a minute), but the biggest surprise was
Touching the Void, which was far better than I’d expected. It had the definite feel of a documentary even though it wasn’t, and it actually, for about ten seconds, had me wanting to try mountain climbing myself. I got over that pretty quickly, but I highly recommend
Touching the Void.
As for
Phantasm, Fred rented it because he remembered it as being this REALLY good movie from 1979, but it sucked. At one point I looked up when “Mike” was on the screen, and said “He looks like Debra Winger.” For the rest of the movie every time Fred had to look at the kid, he laughed because the kid DOES look like Debra Winger. Rent the crappy-ass movie and see for yourself!
* * *

“Iiiiiiiiiiii am the Stuuuuuuuuump of Constant Sorrowwwwwwwwww!”
O. M. G. with the kitties already! I am going into sugar shock. Must. Resist. Urge. For. New. Kitty.
Glad you are precancer-free! Whoot!
Farenheit 9/11 is playing in Birmingham at one theater. If you are interested I can send you directions and times.
I’m going to be getting a kitten in August and one of the two names on my short list is Pickwick…when I saw the picture of Pickwick up on the Pet Store Kitties page, I couldn’t believe it! Maybe it’s a sign…I’ll just come on down to Alabama from Ohio and pick Pickwick up…how does that sound?
I can’t seem to remember which pet store it is that you volunteer for–and do you know if it’s a national program that they have for taking in strays and adopting them out? I’m absolutely adopting a stray kitty, and I’d like to help out a local agency if I can, but I can’t remember where you volunteer. Thankssomuch.
Robyn, The pet store kitties are too cute! Do they have volunteers come in every day or just you once a week? I LOVE kittens and how curious and playful they are. They would rather play witha balled up peice of paper than an actual cat toy. Cute!
O Brother is one of my favorite movies – “We thought you was a toad!” ….never fails to make me laugh. The soundtrack is pretty darn good – and I have never listened to that type of music, or even country for that matter. All around great entertainment!
Rebekah – Thanks for the offer, but apparently Fred doesn’t want to see it so badly that he’ll drive an hour and a half to Birmingham.

Amy – I’m saving your question to answer in an entry, ’cause I know you’re not the only one wondering.
Hannah – This was the third time I’ve seen the movie, and I told Fred we should just go ahead and buy it, because it’s as funny the third time as it was the first. Tim Blake Nelson just absolutely cracks me up – he’s perfect in that role!
It’s playing in Chattanooga, but that’s probably too far also.
“O Brother” is one of my favorite Coen Brothers movies and right up there in the all time list. My favorite line is not “we thought you was a toad,” but Nelson’s tortured screeches followed by “Them sireens loved him up and turned him into a horny toad.” Other faves are “He’s bona-fide” and “Ma haar!!” as Clooney wakes up and goes for his hairnet and comb. Clooney is also in the Coen “Intolerable Cruelty” (not a great one by the standards of the rest of there stuff but still better than most of the stuff out there) and he almost had me wondering if he was going to get to say “Maaa teeth.”
My favorite of the Coens’ is “The Big Lebowski.” For the musical number. And the nihilists and the weasel and “Do not fuck with the Jesus.”
“Office Space” is another of our favorites. I want to get Jamie a red swingline stapler for Xmas, but I can’t find a Canadian source for them. The Swingline site is well aware of the status of their product- it has its own entry in their product info. I may have to break down and order it from them. Ajay Nadhu- the geek obsessed with “Federal Pound me in the Ass Prison” has a cameo in Bad Santa which was hilarious. I don’t think I can look at Lauren Graham again without thinking what she chants in the car.
Phantasm is the one with The Tall Man and the weird ass ball, right? Scared the hell out of me as a kid, but I bet it didn’t age well.
Re: “Left Behind” series. You really haven’t had the full experience until you listen to one of the books on tape and hear the narrator say “CaahhrrrrPAAAAAAAAtheeeeeeeaaah!” I believe that’s the first time I ever giggled at the anti-Christ.
Angela – Yeah, it’s even further than Birmingham from here, I believe.

Elle – You’re right, it didn’t age well at ALL. Fred was disappointed because he remembered it as being REALLY good. Which I’m sure it was in 1979.
Nettie – “Giggling at the Anti-Christ” would be a good tagline. Hee!
Bonnie – Oh, I guess I forgot to provide the link back to the picture of him, eh? He’s here about halfway down the page.
F 9/11 was very very good – very thought provoking. maybe take a weekend trip to b’ham ??
I read that F/9-11 is going to be opening at 800 more sites so you might be getting it closer to you soon.
There’s a show on the Independent Film Channel called Dinner For Five. Jon Favreau hosts it and has 4 guests that are in the film industry and they sit around and dicuss and eat. Stephen Root (Milton) was on one of the shows and he said that after that movie Swingline had to start making red staplers. They never had before that, it was made especially for Office Space. They received so many requests that they had to start making ’em.
By the way, he’s in Dodgeball, funny as hell. Laughing so hard a couple times I was crying.
Christine – Hmmm, maybe. We keep talking about going to Birmingham one Saturday to visit the zoo – why not visit the zoo AND catch a movie?
Katrina – it was a total Stephen Root weekend for us. We saw him in Office Space, O Brother, and he did a voice in Nemo. When we saw him in O Brother and Nemo, I said “There’s Stephen Root”, and Fred would say “Who’s that?”, and I said “Milton.” Heh. Speaking of Dinner for Five, I have it in my Netflix queue. I’ve heard good things about it!
I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 Friday night. The information provided (quite a bit of which I knew already) continued to blow my mind. I love Michael Moore’s style. I really think it would be worth the trip to see it.
Though I’m not shocked the conservative south has such limited showings. Up in New England, I can see it in about 20 surrounding towns! 2 alone are 5 mins from my (suburban) house.
I read Fahrenheit 9/11 is coming out on DVD in September! (Before the elections…)
So, you don’t have THAT long to wait.. AND yes, I also saw that they’re releasing it to more theaters… it did open at #1 this weekend afterall…
and hell, it sold out here in Kansas… it’s gotta be doing well!
“It hurt so badly that I about fell on the floor and burst into tears.”

Where’s the badassssss?
Just kidding — I’m alergic to band-aid adhesive, so much so that it eats off a layer of skin from anyplace except my hands. I have to make a preventative big deal about it at doctor’s offices and hospitals, otherwise — BAM! I’ve been slapped with a bandaid faster than I can blink and I get a big weepy owie down the road.
AAAACCCKK! I don’t want to hear my badass girl tell us how it hurt and she had to take Aleve! La la la I can’t hear you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m glad that Bonnie asked that about Rumble, ’cause I was wondering the same thing. The picture of just is paws hanging out of the cage was pretty great. I can just see some old cat singing the blues, waiting for his release.
the kitty pics were great. we are up to nine kitten/cats at our house now. I’m going to be to 300 soon of that i am sure! And im allergic to cats! Those girls are going to have to take cats with them when they move out!
Just in case you were wondering how the Left Behind series ends, let me sum it up for you.
Jesus shows up and boy is he pissed.
I really anjoy the captions for your cat pictures. They are hysterical!