
Secret Window the DAY it came out, and I have Reality Bites to send back today and “Coupling” tomorrow, which means that I’ll get Cold Mountain the day IT comes out, so I can force Fred to sit down and watch it with me. Whoo!

* * *
I finally – FINALLY! – updated the Go Fuck Yourself page yesterday. I hadn’t done it since MARCH (since I SUCK), and I ended up adding 78 new sites. There were several sites submitted that either didn’t exist anymore or were passworded, so I trashed those emails. This brings the GFY membership up to 373; that’s something, ain’t it? I’m going to try to keep on top of things from here on out… but don’t hold your breath!
* * *
I finished reading The Crimson Petal and the White last night, FINALLY. I feel like I should get a prize for finishing it in (about) a week. I put up a little bit of why I rated it the way I did, but don’t read it if you haven’t read the book yet – there are spoilers. See that here. Yes. Robyn DID recently learn how to do popup windows. Why do you ask? Now it’s time to do a little light Miss Julia reading before I get started on those last three Left Behind books. Shaddup. I read the first seventy Left Behinds, and I have to see this through. LIKE I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN or something. Oh, Rayford Steele, you manly stud. Oh, Buck. (Can’t say as I have crushes on either of THOSE fictional characters…)
* * *
Fred pointed out last week when we were watching something on DVD that when someone falls in a movie or on TV, even if they’re only falling from a standing position to the floor, the shot that shows them laying on the floor always ALWAYS shows them with one leg kicked up to the side. It’s true! Keep an eye out and you’ll notice that there’s always one leg kicked up. It makes me want to throw myself down the stairs and see if I end up at the bottom with one leg kicked up. Heh.
* * *
“No, Mother. NO. I WILL NOT YAWN FOR YOU. Stop making the yawny noises, because I will no longer provide fodder for you. NO. STOP IT, damn you!” “Damn you, wo – ::yawwwwwwwwwn::” “I can’t stop yawning! I hate you.” ]]>

20 thoughts on “2004-06-24”

  1. I love Jeff he’s not in the new series (3rd or 4th I think) that’s just been shown in the UK though.

  2. Jeff, Jeff, sweet Jeff, i wish I could do the squelchy with you.

  3. We started watching The Office last week. It’s good and we do laugh but I gotta worn you. It’s almost painful to watch because the office manager is such a pathetic loser. You’ll see what I mean when you see it.
    What did you think of The Company? It wasn’t quite what I was expecting but it was really good.

  4. I love America; however, American TV should never try to imitate those wonderful British comedies we can see daily on PBS stations. If you haven’t tried any, check out Last of the Summer Wine, Keeping Up Appearances, Waiting for God. And not just the sitcoms. There are great dramas and continuing series like Ballykissangel, The Darling Buds of May, various Mystery adaptations introduced by Diana Rigg, and the list goes on.
    Another example of American TV messing with British acumen can be found on TNT’s Touching Evil. The British offering is much superior.
    Thanks for testing NetFlix. Think I’ll try it too.

  5. I finished the first Left Behind book a few weeks ago. And, man, did that suck but yet I also feel compelled to read the next one (if I can get someone to loan it to me, that is–I can’t bring myself to buy it).
    I also like lurking on the Left Behind messageboards (because I’m a freak). People believe some weird shit.

  6. Re: Netflix. Can I just say, “I told you so!” Another addicted customer. (I should get a commission for all the people I’ve helped talk into trying it!)

  7. So maybe you’re the reason why MY “Secret Window” listing says LOOOOONG WAIT!
    And, the pop up window… Your source code is a hell of a lot longer than target=”_blank”. Is there a secret?!

  8. Jude – awww, that makes me saaaad! I LOVE Jeff!
    Deirdre – kind of a “so bad it’s good”, isn’t it? 🙂
    Nance – Clearly I was irritable that day. Hee!
    Grace – the pop up windows I’ve been doing recently (with the pictures and the text today) is intended to pop up small, the same size as the picture. Before, I was just using target=”_blank”, which would pop up a full-sized (or slightly reduced) window. Does that make any sense? 🙂

  9. Yeah, I’m not interested in seeing the American version of Touching Evil, because Robson Green is in my queue of future husbands-somewhere after Clive Owen [and if they touch his BBC series I’ll kill them], Goran Visjnic and Vin Diesel (although he might be more of a weekend in Vegas).
    Robyn, I think we read up to the same point in the Left Behind series. I got tired of waiting for them to get to the end. Being someone who was brought up in the United Church of Canada (the believe whatever you want church- pretty bare bones in its rituals and dogma) and the Anglican Church (take all the silliest bits of Catholicism and then add some more), the idea of the Rapture is kind of alien to me anyway, so it really was kind of like sci fi.
    Favorite bit from the Office- “Does anyone have the time?”

  10. ‘The Office’ is fantastic! I highly recommend it.
    Watch it and tell us all what you think (although I am sure you didn’t need me to prompt you to do that)

  11. Step off, Dez. Robson Green wants me! Me, I say.
    He’s very good in the Wire in the Blood series, which is available via Netflix. (I have Amelie and Black Adder II to enjoy over the weekend. Hurrah for Netflix.)
    I have The Office in my queue, too.

  12. Robyn, Congrats on hooking up with Netflix finally. LOVE IT!
    I agree the last Left Behind book did suck. I was a huge fan of about the first 3 and then I was compelled to read each one as it came out, but they got suckier and suckier. And I am their target demographic!

  13. Welcome to the BBC America Coupling club. You will not be sorry you joined. It just gets better and better.
    Why, oh why, does America have to totally fuck up a show???? I never made it past the first fifteen minutes of the premiere.
    NOW, what you REALLY NEED is “Cold Feet” (was on Bravo a couple of years ago) which is impossible to get on DVD in America. I may break down and order the PAL version and pay for the conversion because I loved that show…

  14. Robyn, yes it makes sense. 🙂 But I am wondering if you have to type out all of that crap to get the popup window or if there’s something you just click when you are making your entry in MT.

  15. Oh Lori, you make me SAD, because as soon as I read the words “Cold Feet”, I remembered all the good things I’d heard about it, and I thought “Oh! I’ll go add it to my Netflix queue!”, but NOOOOOOOOOO, I can’t. Because it’s not available. Wah!
    Grace – I cut and paste the text from a Wordpad document. There may be a MT shortcut, but if so, I don’t know about it. 🙂

  16. Robyn-
    Did you know about the blockbuster deal that they have now? Depending on your local store,(at mine you can rent three videos at a time, unlimited, for 25 a month) the lady at blockbuster said that the most that it would be at any store is 30 for the month.
    I love netflix, but theres something great about just dropping the videos off and picking them up as I want them…

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