
go donate. You’ll feel good and without all that caffeine in your system you’ll sleep like a baby tonight. I promise!

* * *
So on Sunday I did something I haven’t done in the almost three years we’ve lived in this house. I grabbed my Swiffer, went out to the garage, and Swiffered the hell out of the cobwebs and old spider webs that have been building up near the ceiling. I freaked out a bunch of spiders – I didn’t go out of my way to kill any of them, as long as they ran when they saw me coming. There was one spider with long, spindly legs who got a bit combatative, though, so I had to squish him. After I Swiffered the walls and ceiling, I swept the floor, vacuumed the rugs, and straightened up a bit, and it actually looks pretty good out there – at least for now. But the sad thing is that EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve worked out for the past 2 1/2 months, I’d look at the walls and ceilings and the floor, and think “DAMN it’s nasty out here. I need to get my ass out here and clean…” and by the time I was done working out, I’d think “Yeah, get out here and clean? I THINK NOT.” It’s clean now, though, and I think you know what that means. That’s right. I don’t have to do it again for another three years!!! (For the record, I do vacuum out there every couple of months…)
* * *
Also, I’m done cleaning and rearranging the spud’s bedroom. AND I vacuumed the stairs yesterday! I’m just a house-cleaning fanatic, is what I am.
* * *
I had all-journaler dreams last night. Not only did I visit Nance (she made me talk baby talk to her cats. Yes she did!), I went and saw Jane’s Elliot as Che in Evita (he was wonderful, of course. Put Antonia Banderas in the movie version to shame), I also helped Allison pick out a wedding dress (she looked FABULOUS, dahlink. Possibly she won’t really wear a red wedding dress in real life, though), and lastly I ran around trying to help Mo stuff Harve into a side-load cat carrier. I blame it on the PMS.
* * *
Exciting news! At least for me! You probably won’t be excited at all, though! My sister changed her tickets to Hawaii so that she and Brian will be landing in Hawaii on the same day as the spud and I! This means the entire time we’re there, they’ll be there, too! Woot! Seriously, I’m pretty damn excited that she’ll be there the whole time I’m there – before, I was going to get there on a Wednesday and she was going to get there on the following Saturday, which meant we’d only have four days together. Now we’ve got seven. Yay!!! Can you tell I’m getting really excited about our upcoming trip to Hawaii? ‘Cause I am!!! Wickedly excited!!!! Okay, I’ve used up a week’s worth of exclamation points. I’ll shut up now.
* * *
So, remember when a few days ago I mentioned I had to register for a blogspot account and didn’t know what I’d use it for? Yeah. Well, I went in and cleared out all my cookies, and now I can’t log into WordPress to post something over at the Tater. None of my usual user names or passwords work, so I’m shit out of luck. I’m pretty sure I’m about to delete it and start it up over at Blogspot or one of the other free places. I’ll let y’all know what I decide!
* * *
He’s the sleepingest kitty in the whole wide world.]]>

15 thoughts on “2004-06-23”

  1. You know what it means when you dream about me, don’t you? Why, it means that . . . hell, I don’t know.
    We’re even though. I dreamt about you (and journalled about it) in 2000, and then again a little while later – something about Fred stealing all of my clothes without asking . . .
    Gah! PMS. It’s gotta be.

  2. I would never force you to talk baby talk to my cats (because I would be horrified, we only speak to them using adult words…like, “Waldo, you rat fucking bastard, get out of my WAY!” – ha).
    But I would talk about you like a dog after you left if you didn’t at least acknowledge their presence. Heh.

  3. Robyn, I left you a comment re: The Shield finale and checked back to see you hadn’t responded. Knowing what a great communicator you are, I wondered if there wasn’t a problem. Boo hoo!
    Anyway, here is what I asked…who was the gal that Vic was boning after he shot that guy? I thought, at first it was his wife…but nope.
    Also, I had the same thought Fred did when Dutch said he would take the blind runt kitten.

  4. Thank you for being you Robyn. Even on regular, average cleaning the garage days, your positive energy and friendly personality come shining through. And more often than not you put a smile on my face. Thanks.

  5. Hey man, I would LOVE to have your help in picking out my dress… as long as you didn’t say “damn, you DO have big boobs” and “you look sort of …. husky in that one.” yes, yes, both of those sentences have been addressed to me. And they wonder why I don’t smile in the pictures. 🙂
    Also, I’ve dreamt about other journalers before, it’s wierd because it’s usually about people’s pages that I lurk on, and I forget that I don’t know them in *real life* heh, you know what I mean?

  6. Bonnie – first AND second! 🙂
    Mo – Oh, that wasn’t a dream. That was real life. Fred still likes to walk around in your clothes… 😛
    Nance – Like THAT would happen. It’d be more like “Oh, hi Nance. WHERE ARE THE CATS???”

  7. Amy – that was the woman who was working (keeping books) for the Armenians – they were forcing her to work for them by holding her sister hostage, and in the previous episode (I think it was), the Armenians killed her. I was a LEETLE surprised to see her going at it with Vic!
    Webster – Awww, thank you! 🙂
    Allison – I would DIE before I’d call anyone husky!!! What an eeeeeevil word. Heh.

  8. Amy – the Armenians killed her sister, I meant to say. She was in hiding – or in a safe house, I don’t remember which – and when Vic showed up to tell her they’d gotten all the bad guys, she was apparently overcome with relief. Heh.

  9. hehheheheeee! I don’t know about all of you, but I am STILL hooting over CAT TOWN!!! I really love the end of the Dance Contest Episode, where El Guapo and the Little Redhaired Cat ‘get down’.
    Oh, sorry….does that constitute as a ‘spoiler’?
    Now my son is hooked on CAT TOWN too….although he does wonder about the woman who writes it….
    Thanks again for the link, Robyn and Jane

  10. Hey Robyn, since you’ve been answering questions and since I’m feeling all nosey, what ever happened to Moira? You used to mention her from time to time but haven’t in a while.

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