* * *
So, the spud arrived safely in The OC yesterday. When we got to the airport, the guy working the ticket counter said that he could get her on an earlier flight to Atlanta so she’d have a little more time there and wouldn’t be rushing from gate to gate. We opted for that, so she ended up leaving on the 2:08 flight instead of the 2:45.
After processing her ticket information, he handed over her ticket and a pass so that I could go to the gate with her, which is when I had to say “Um, wait. I thought I could pay so that she’d have someone take her from gate to gate?” The guy said “Oh, did you want to do that? You don’t have to, since she’s 15, she can just get from gate to gate on her own…”
Which is when I had to look at him as though he were on drugs, because hell-O? Did he really think I was going to send my head-in-the-clouds 15 year old across the country without someone to hold her hand and tell her where to go? I think NOT.
Anyway, I paid the $75 and we got through Security without being wanded (very VERY lax security, in my opinion. I could have TOTALLY gotten a pair of nail clippers through without them even noticing!), I bought her a few snacks for the plane, and we only had to wait about ten minutes before it was time for her to board the plane.
Then I came home and spent the day worrying, of course.
Her flight landed in Orange County at 9:26 my time (and according to, it landed on time), but she didn’t call until almost midnight. Which is my own fault, I suppose. I told her several times to call when she got to California, but didn’t tell her to call as soon as she got in.
But anyway she’s there, she’s fine, and now Fred and I can commence swanning about the house nude all the time. Woot!
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I sure am MIGHTY FUCKING TIRED of going to the FUCKING doctor’s office all the damn time. The mole I had removed from my stomach last Thursday has been draining ever since. It started to look infected to me sometime on Saturday and BECAUSE I AM STUPID AND I KNOW IT AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO TELL ME BECAUSE I KNOW IT ALREADY, OKAY? I took the advice of
SOMEONE and tried self-medicating with a lose dosage of Doxycycline, since it’s an antibiotic. It never did get worse, but it also never got better either, despite the Doxycycline and cleaning it with peroxide and putting Neosporin on it.
Finally, since I wanted to get this taken care of before we leave for Gatlinburg, I decided to call this morning and they were able to get me in at 10:00. The nurse practitioner gave me QUITE a look when I told her that I had dumbassedly self-medicated, but I admitted that I’m a dumbass before she could say anything, so she didn’t have to TELL me what a dumbass I am.
Anyway, she prescribed an antibiotic ointment and an antibiotic to take by mouth, so hopefully this will clear up pretty quickly.
On the up side, my gastroenterologist called last night and said that all my bloodwork came back just fine – no autoimmune hepatitis, no lupus, no nothin’, so he’s pretty sure it’s a fatty liver. I have to go back in six months to have my liver enzymes checked again.
Which is good, because I did a search on autoimmune hepatitis, and guess how they treat it? With steroids. No steroids for me! Yay!
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Such a purty boy.]]>
Did you mean “head-in-the-clouds” 15 year old or “head-up-her-ass” 15 year old? That looks like a typo. 🙂
Yea for fatty livers!
Hey, my surgeon said DO NOT use peroxide to clean wounds — makes them scar.
Didn’t you write recently about an Experience you had with Pizza Hut’s buffalo chicken pizza? Cause I think I had that same experience. What the hell is in that pizza?
First to Nance, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Isn’t it great to be a May 25th birthday girl. I have never in my life met anyone with the same birthday as me so it’s nice to wish you a Hap-hap-happy one!!
On a side note, today is my champagne birthday (I turned 25 on the 25th today whoot!)
Secondly, to Fred.. That was mean, you deserve a kick in the pants… and 15 year old girl has her head in the clouds >
First to Nance, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Isn’t it great to be a May 25th birthday girl. I have never in my life met anyone with the same birthday as me so it’s nice to wish you a Hap-hap-happy one!!
On a side note, today is my champagne birthday (I turned 25 on the 25th today whoot!)
Secondly, to Fred.. That was mean, you deserve a kick in the pants… and 15 year old girl has her head in the clouds >
Sorry about the double post, Robyn your wacky site called me a spammer and told me to click again, so I did, now look! I’m a spammer!!!
I think the airlines are NUTS. They shouldn’t charge (IMO) parents who want to take their minor kids to the gate, I mean you cant go anywhere w/o a ticket anyway, whats wrong with a free pass? I just called my dad, my mom took my grandma to her gate several times and they never charged her. Oh well.
I am glad Spud made it ok. I would of been a wreck!! You are so brave Robyn!
I am also glad your tests were fine.
I got all mine back today and the only thing NOT wrong with me is my kidney’s…not so good.
Damn and I was so wanting a fatty liver like all the cool journaler’s have 🙁
Ummm..that was me up there..did I mention I have a huge case of the dumbassery today myself..Well, yeah.
Don’t know if your pharmacist told you this or maybe you already know but some antibiotics can mess with your birth control and since you guys are going to be doing the nudist thing while spud is away I thought I would remind.
On behalf of one of those military guys, he says “You’re Welcome” OK, actually he said “your welcome” but I like to clean up his grammar.
Hey! The 25th is MY birthday too (an old bag of 41)AND my 8 yr. old’s math teacher’s. We were so honoured to be able to share the day with Nance.
“…and now Fred and I can commence swanning about the house nude all the time. Woot!”
…made me laugh out loud. 🙂
I want to crawl in bed with purty boy. Think I’ll fit?