* * * Wednesday afternoon, the spud came home from school feeling a little under the weather. She took a nap, and when we called her for dinner, she asked if she could put her dinner in the fridge and eat it later, then went back upstairs and back to bed. Around 7, the barfing began. She threw up two or three more times, complaining about how much her stomach hurt, and went to bed very, very early (like, 8:00). Fred, being the worrywart (seriously, I think I worry a lot, but he really takes the cake) wondered whether we should take her to the emergency room, and I finally said “Did your mother take you to the doctor every time you threw up? Because mine sure didn’t. In fact, even when I had a temperature so high that I was high off it, I didn’t go to the doctor.” I mean, she called the doctor, but she didn’t bundle me up and run to the emergency room or anything. Which for some reason reminded me of the time I was 6 or so – maybe even younger – and I felt I wasn’t getting enough attention, so I decided to pretend that I had passed out on the floor. So there I was laying on the floor, half in and half out of my bedroom door, and the floor was uncomfortable. I went and got my blanket and put it on the floor, then arranged myself atop the blanket, looking – I was sure – as if I had passed out. Various family members walked by me, but they didn’t seem too concerned about me, the heartless bastards. Also, around the same age, I was sick and there was someone in the bathroom, so I threw up on the floor outside the bathroom door and I GOT IN TROUBLE. For barfing on the floor. “Why didn’t you KNOCK ON THE DOOR and tell (whoever was in the bathroom) that you were going to throw up??” my mother asked. Uh, ’cause I was too busy actually throwing up? Anyway. So the spud was sick on and off Wednesday night, and I figured she wouldn’t end up going to school Thursday. Thursday morning, Fred woke her up and asked her how she felt (“Better”) and if she wanted to go to school. She said she did, and headed off to take a shower. A while later, she knocked on the bedroom door. “My stomach still hurts,” she said. “Go back to bed,” I said. “Do I have to go to school?” she said. “Would I tell you to go back to bed if I was going to make you go to school??” I said. She allowed as how that made sense, and went back to bed. Fast forward to 10:20, after I had exercised and was about to eat breakfast. She came into the computer room and said “Can I go to school?” Wuh? The child WANTED to go to school. She had a free pass to stay home all day, and she WANTED TO GO TO SCHOOL. Clearly she is not of my genetic material, because when I was her age, if I had the chance to stay home from school for the entire day, I not only would have taken it, I would have done my best to get to stay home the NEXT day as well. Granted, the reason she wanted to go to school was because she had a couple of tests she didn’t want to miss (!), but that wouldn’t have stopped me. After all, I arranged to take my Latin I final early so I wouldn’t have to get up early the day after the Scorpions concert to take it. I guess you could say school wasn’t really my top priority…

Yay! I am first!
Nutmeg is the same way with water. She loves her bath and will jump up on the side of the tub when you shower. Lori bought a water gun to deter her from evil doings and she LOVES the damn thing. Go figure, these freakin’ water lovin’ cats! Damn them. They must have Golden Retriever blood in them.
Ohmygawd, Robyn. I did that lying on the floor thing, too, with the same results.
the weido cat thing is great! At least yours lets you get out of the shower first, tobyman, gets in the shower while I am still in there and takes one! It is soo funny cause he is short haired anyway and then he shakes off and looks so hilarious! We even has a towel specially for him!
No wonder his momma abandoned him at 4 days old, she knew he was an oddball!
Robyn I did the fainty thing too, except out at my swingset…only, my family thought I really HAD fallen. A big production was made and I felt better.
How about Skidd Marque?
The rapper’s FULL name would be “Skid Markee Thong”
Oh, the conversations we have ’round here.
Stumpy is an ungodly fah-reaque of nature.
Hey Robyn, I read your entry from last year…how are your catnip and arabaca plants doing? We need a gardening update.
The Bean’s whiskers amaze me! The tremendously long length and the fact that they kind of curl in front of his mouth is so unique (to me, anyway!).
Either that damn cat does nothing but yawn, or you all sit around waiting to document every single one. Not that I’m criticizing, because he does have a spectacular gaping maw, but WTF? You’ll definitely have to keep up with the dental work on him- of all the cats, you seem to get a big kick out of the displaying of his teeth
Dear Bean:
I love you! You remind me so much of my dear departing Winnie Cat, who was also grey and white and weird. I live in Canada and it’s cold here, but if you’d like to visit I’d make sure there were lots of blankets, and of course lots of treats. Talk to the Momma and the Daddy and see if they would get you a bus ticket to come see the great white north, mmmkay?
Yours adoringly,
p.s. Every time there’s a new pic of you on poo.com, it becomes that day’s background pic on my computer! (no, I won’t stalk you, lovely Bean)
Ahhhhh HAH…….so you DID get that damn dramatic streak. And I thought *I* was the only one to get that (passed it right on to the spudster I did.
I love that picture of the Bean’s whiskers blowing in the wind!
The spud and I have something in common. One time, I threw up at school TWICE and wanted to go back to class. They let me go back after the first time, thinking my stomach might have been upset. But after two times, they MADE ME GO HOME! The bastards! How dare they refuse me an education?!