* * * It’s apparently time to back up my computer, reformat and reinstall everything YET AGAIN. Although Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on my system, whenever I try to see a .pdf file, my whole system locks up. Reinstalling doesn’t help, and Fred can’t figure out what the problem is. Also, opening Word is a ten-minute process, wherein I click on the Word icon, and it spends ten minutes opening. The Adobe Acrobat Reader wouldn’t be such a big problem except that we get our bank statements electronically now in – you guessed it – a .pdf file, and if I can’t see it, I can’t print it. If I can’t print it, I can’t balance the checking account. If I can’t balance the checking account, without a doubt there’ll be some huge-ass check that I forgot to enter in my checkbook and one day I’ll go to buy sushi with my debit card, and the debit card machine will say “You don’t have enough money, dumbass!”, and the cashier will give me a pitying (or annoyed) look and take my sushi away. And then I will have no sushi, and that can’t be anything but bad. Perhaps we should just start reformatting on the first of every month instead of waiting until something goes wrong. That sounds like a FUN way to start every month! OR MAYBE I JUST NEED A NEW COMPUTER.

Once again, The Mighty Bean demonstrates that he has absolutely NO concept whatsoever of his own size. Hee!!!
That Bean is a mean drunk.
Oooh! I’m jealous of your daffodils!!! Mine are just starting to send up little green shoots this week. My irises should bloom pretty soon, though; they started coming up last week.
Bad Cat meows like that when he’s high. Maybe he’s calling out a phantom cat for a fight.
We waited until our daughter was out of high school to move out to the country. I don’t think we could live in town again after seeing what it’s like out here. We love it! We’re quite a ways out of town so I see where it just wouldn’t have worked well until we were empty nesters. We love the peace and quiet and the beautiful scenery. Never had that in town at all. The view from our country home spurred my website name…The View From Here.
Have you asked the Spud how she’d feel about moving to a new school. Obvious answer…I know. Just thought I’d ask. lol
Robyn…email me about Sushi. Is it good? How do you prepare it? Do you? I hear it’s good, but I’m scared.
When I started getting into destop publishing/web design, I started collecting fonts etc. and I read somewhere that if you save the font in the settings/control panel/fonts section, it can take FOREVER for load Word.
So being married to the anal rententive man that I am, I have to copy and paste them in the correct directory when I actually want to use them, and then cut and copy them back to where I store them when I am done. And my windows opens up lickety split.
I’m completely convinced that Adobe is just train wreck for computers, freezing things up randomly. Sometimes it freezes me, sometimes it doesn’t. I HATE adobe acrobat. Hate hate hate.
Hope the font thing helps. 🙂
Mo – contrary to popular belief, not all sushi is raw fish. don’t quote me on this, but I believe it is the combination of rice and seaweed paper that classifies it as sushi. If you can’t buy it in your grocery store pre-made, you can make it in 3 easy steps. 1. make sticky rice. 2. spoon sticky rice on seaweed paper in kind of a line. 3. add fixins (cucumber, crab, chicken, wasabi, spam…etc.) and roll up into a tube, like a burrito or enchillada.
My husband and I have been looking at houses in North Florida, near Pensacola. You have no idea how cheap (I mean affordable) houses there are compared to here! A starter home for a first time buyer here costs close to $175,000! There, you can get a house with a pool for $60,000! It’s amazing!
You should definitely continue the house/land search; it’s possible you could find a place near enough that the Spud could continue in her present school…if you paid out-of-district fees.
My husband and I are in the process of moving from the city to a rural area, and remodeled a 100-year-old farmhouse. It’s been exhausting, but well worth the time/work since we paid an obscenely low price for this place with five acres in an IDEAL location…about two miles from a college and one mile from a small shopping mall for convenient shopping. AND in an area where many Birmingham commuters are relocating; got to be a good investment too!
That Spanky’s a mean drunk.
I swear I didn’t read Sandy’s note before I posted mine.
Have you thought about switching to a Mac?
I bought a new one in December and I am still waiting for it to crash. My PC crashes daily….
Robyn, I forgot to mention that you were in my dream last night. I dreamt that you guys lived in a townhouse in a cul de sac across the street from my pastor. It was so real. We were visiting my pastor and I kept telling everyone how you and Fred lived across the street and had 4 cats and the Spud. Although in the dream, I couldn’t remember Fred’s name. The minute I woke up, I said, “D’oh! It’s Fred!”
The Bean’s about to put the smack down on somebody. He looks just like somebody yelling at their kids, “Shut the hell up! I’m trying to sleep here”
I switched from a larger town school to a smaller country one, and it was the best move for me. There weren’t a lot of extracurriculars, and that’s a big downside, but the smaller size gives shy people like me a better chance to socialize and do well. Just my experience 😉
By the way, I quit my job today!
Adobe Acrobat acts up terribly on my computer too
You might try this place and see if they can help you with bitchy computer: http://www.techsupportforum.com It’s free and the guys there were able to help me with a crash I kept getting on startup. You may want to start with the HijackThis fixer program and forum. HijackThis can give you a report about what’s happening behind the scenes, and if you post your log in the HijackThis forum the experts there can tell you what to fix.
If that doesn’t work, well, a reformat is sometimes just the right kick in the rear that it needs.