
here, on Kristen’s site. You’re welcome. 🙂 Other searches: Cat food (we use Purina ONE, the Urinary Tract Health kind) +hair +washed (perhaps this has something to do with the movement toward not using shampoo anymore that several journalers/ bloggers are taking part in? I’m not doing that, because I can’t stand the thought of not washing my hair every day) haircut (I’m going for the next one on the 17th!) dogster (It’s here, but I don’t have a dog, so I’m not a part of it. I’m still waiting for Catster!) These are all searches on my site using the “Search this site” link over there to the right, by the way, not Google hits. (Did you know you could search my site? I have no way of knowing who’s searching on what, by the way, so search away to your heart’s content!) The Google hits have gone way down in the last few weeks, thank god.

* * *
Fred got bitchy with me this morning because I told him I turned on his laptop and installed Trillian to give it a try. “I like it when my computers keep working!” he huffed at me. “I never have any problems with MY computer, but once you start installing shit, it all goes to hell!” Well, I NEVER. (Too bad it’s true!) Trillian seems pretty cool, thanks to y’all who suggested it. I think if I get a chance later today I’m going to install it on my computer and check out all the bells and whistles. Hey! We should schedule a weekly bitchypoo chat! That would be cool, eh?
* * *
So I’ve given up my boycott of Applebee’s, mainly because the spud wanted to go OUT for dinner Friday night, since we’ve had pizza every Friday night for about the last month. Also, I really wanted some chimicheesecakes. We left the house at four (we believe in eating early on Friday) and slowly made our way to Applebee’s in the pouring rain. When we got to Applebee’s, as I was looking for a place to park, a limo pulled around the corner and then sat in the way, blocking me for a few moments. “I wonder who’s in the limo!” the spud said excitedly, her mind no doubt dancing with images of that dreamy Elijah Wood. “No one famous, I’m sure,” I scoffed, then pulled into a parking space once the limo slowly drove past us and stopped again. “It’s probably just the limo driver getting something to eat.” We got out of the car and headed for the restaurant. Just ahead of us, two men – good ol’ boys if I’ve ever seen ’em – walked into the restaurant and headed for the bar. I could see part of one of their faces. That almost looks like Tim McGraw, I thought to myself. But I think Tim McGraw is taller than that. We walked into the restaurant and I requested a booth in the non-smoking section. The spud and I sat down and began trying to decide what we wanted. After we’d placed our drink orders and then our food orders (the spud got the Oriental Chicken Salad Wrap, and I got the Crispy Orange Chicken Skillet), I looked around the restaurant. At just after 4:00, it wasn’t terribly busy – which is one of the reasons we eat so early when we go out. At the bar sat several guys, including the two we’d seen walking into the restaurant just ahead of us. I could see just a sliver of the face of the guy I’d thought looked like Tim McGraw. I decided the only reason I’d thought he looked like Tim McGraw was because of the sideburns. This guy was definitely NOT Tim McGraw. And yet, there was something SO familiar about him… The light dawned. That guy, I thought to myself, looks an AWFUL lot like Larry the Cable Guy. Three chairs down from him sat a guy in a t-shirt with “GIT-R-DONE!” on the back. GIT-R-DONE is Larry the Cable Guy’s catch phrase, if you didn’t know. I sat and stared at the guy, hoping he’d turn so I could see more of his face. He never did turn around enough, but when I heard his voice I decided I was about 75% sure it was him. I pulled out my phone. I am pretty sure Larry the Cable Guy is sitting at the bar, I text messaged, because I didn’t want Larry or his entourage to hear me saying it out loud. Two minutes later, my phone rang. It was Fred, of course, saying “Did he say “GIT-R-DONE”?!” We talked for a few minutes, and then as I ended the call my food arrived. Crispy Orange Chicken Skillet? Two thumbs up. Yum-may! While I was eating, my phone rang. I answered it, and Fred said “He’s doing a show at the Von Braun center tonight! That’s got to be him!” Whereupon I began lamenting the fact that I had left the house without a camera, and also that my phone doesn’t take pictures. “If I had a camera, I’d go over there!” I said. “You can still go over there!” Fred said. “No, that’d be lame.” So I didn’t go over there, but I did spend the rest of my meal staring over at him, willing him to turn around just for a moment. I took a good look at the guys sitting around him, hoping maybe Ron “Tater Salad” White might be along for the ride, but no luck. I spent the weekend feeling very proud of myself for identifying him with only a sliver of his face to go by. And then this morning? I looked on his web page and realized that he was in Huntsville on THURSDAY, and by Friday evening was supposed to be doing a show in Illinois. FRED messed it up when he looked at Larry’s show schedule. I don’t know, though. Maybe Larry had to stay an extra night because of the weather or something. That guy sure did sound like him.
* * *
I was looking through some old pictures last night, and look what I found: That’s me, as a baby. That’s not my mother holding me, though, it’s a friend of my mother’s. That’s my mother sitting across the room SMOKING A CIGARETTE. When I talked to her last night and said “You were practically blowing smoke in my face!”, she got all indignant – “I’m SURE I wasn’t BLOWING SMOKE in your FACE!” Heh. That’s me, at the age of 3 1/2ish. I hated that friggin’ bathing suit. My mother made it for me, and there were two snaps at the crotch, and every time I came out of the water, the snaps had come undone, and I couldn’t snap them myself, so I’d scream for my mother to help, and her friends (who, I’m certain, were plastered) would laugh and laaaaaaaugh. Bastards.
* * *
I have no kitty pics for you today, but Fred did an all-Stanley-Bean entry over the weekend. Go check it out! ]]>

23 thoughts on “2004-03-08”

  1. I loves me some Trillian 🙂 I’ve used it for several years now. It is the perfect answer for me as I am an instant messenger nut. It covers all four plus IRC to boot! And all while using only a minimal amount of resources 🙂

  2. Oh, god, I HATE Applebee’s. Robyn, you should read my latest entry if you want to hear a very pissy vent against them!

  3. You were such a cute little bitchypoo!
    I would have had to say “gitrdone” a little too loudly, just to see if I could get Larry’s attention, if it was indeed Larry, and then just wave or something. Cause I’m a dork like that.
    I’m still on the Applebee’s and the Chili’s boycott.

  4. I love to look on planetfeedback.com. You can read all the letters against any restaraunt or store, company etc..You can also complain through them and it goes straight to the source.
    Will have to check out Applebee’s and see how they are fairing, I am supposed to go this weekend with some friends.

  5. Oops, Robyn meant to add you should of taunted us with the notify saying something like. ‘Today you will see a pic of me in a sex-ay little bathing suit’ HEH

  6. Love, love, LOVE Larry the Cable Guy. Had the very good fortune to work with all four of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour guys when the movie opened — they are all super nice guys – which is rare in this business. I *heart* them. Lucky Robyn — a yummy dinner AND Larry? Some girls have all the luck.

  7. Elle – I saw your Applebee’s rant the other day! But when the chimicheesecakes call, who am I to resist? 😉
    Lex & the other Elle – he’s a comedian. He toured with three other comedians (Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White and – uh – that guy whose name I can’t remember. The “here’s your sign!” guy.) on the “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” and they released the show on DVD. It’s pretty damn funny, actually.

  8. Bill Ingvall is the other guy’s name. And Larry the Cable Guy is my favorite. I can’t wait until he comes through here – last time a selfish cousin didn’t tell me, and I missed it.

  9. You know, I said to myself, “Self, who in the hell is Larry the Cable Guy,” and so I went to the link, where I was promptly offended in the first two sentences. And I don’t easily offend. First off, the fat jokes are offensive, and secondly, they are inaccurate. Roseanne isn’t fat anymore. It’s official, I hate Larry the Cable Guy.

  10. Robyn, thanks for linking to Fred’s journal. It would seem that all the Bean does is sit around and yawn all day.

  11. yeah, i didn’t know who larry the cable guy was either but just looking at his website made me absolutely sure that i don’t like him…do you like him robyn? im really surprised if you do…

  12. I’m not actually a fan – I thought Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Ingvall were funnier (though the funniest thing on that DVD is Ron White telling the “Tater salad” story) – but seeing someone who’s semi-famous is always a kick in the pants.
    “Fred, look! It’s Hitler! WHY didn’t I bring my camera with meeeeeeeeee?”

  13. I completely agree Robyn, Ron white is fucking hilarious! After watching that movie, the hubster and I bought his cd “drunk in public” (they have a “clean” version and a “not so clean” version so of course we went for the NOT SO CLEAN one, heh) and it’s great road trip listening 🙂

  14. Bitchypoo chat sounds great! I’m also looking forward to a BitchyCon (though truthfully, I attend one every time I’m with my mother and sister).

  15. We have a picture of my mother holding me as a baby. She’s feeding me (with a bottle of formula, of course) and a cigarette in her other hand. When I said something to her about it, she said, “What! I blew the smoke the other way!”

  16. Not familiar with that cable guy here on Long Island, but I love that Tim McGraw. Now there is someone I would love to run into!

  17. I once had a home made bathing suit and had similar type traumas. Mine was 2 piece and the top wouldn’t sit over the right part. I must have been about 4 at the time so there wasn’t anything exposed – but I still remember being horrified. And of course my parents friends did laugh at me to further add to the trauma. So I know how you felt.

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