blogrolling‘s bitch. I have a blogroll for everything. I have a blogroll for the blogs I check that are passworded or members-only, I have a blogroll for the blogs and journals I read that I have Change Detect-ed, I have a blogroll for the Go Fuck Yourself ‘burb, and I even have a blogroll so that I can change my links page over. I can’t help it, it’s just so cool!
Also, I’m a dork.
Regarding “My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance” last night, I have to say that I was actually a little impressed by the way Randi’s Mom and Dad pulled together to be there for their little princess. I mean, while unhappy enough about the way it was happening, at least they were willing to suck it up and be there for her.
That asshole of an older brother of hers on the other hand, with his Jake Busey-looking self, and the dead, flat, serial-killer eyes, what the FUCK? I mean, who on EARTH gives that much of a shit who their sibling marries? I can guarantee you that if I were in Randi’s place, my family might be puzzled and make fun of me and place bets on how long it’d last behind closed doors and toss a coin to see who has to be around to pick up the pieces when it all falls apart, but they’d have the class to pretend to be happy and attend my wedding and plaster big fake smiles on their faces while it was going on.
I told Fred that if Randi and her family don’t end up getting the money, she should be sure to let that brother of hers know exactly whose fault it is. What a self-centered jackass.
When the actress playing Steve’s mother said “Will there be any simpler appetizers (at the reception)? Steven likes Rice Krispy Treats and Hot Pockets…”, Fred turned to me and said “Steve sounds like our kind of people.” Heh.
* * *
Yesterday was not a good day to be the Bean. (On a side note, we are calling the Bean “Stumpy” and “the stump” more and more lately. This, after Fred wouldn’t let me name him “Stubby” because it would be “making fun of his handicap.” Hmph.) First, he was sleeping in the cat bed which sits on the table at the end of the couch. The cats like sleeping there, especially when the lamp is turned on, because it’s so warm and cozy. Anyway, I glanced over in his direction in time to see him sit up, turn around, yawn, lay down, and then stretch. The bed was a tad too close to the edge of the table and he stretched just a tad too exuberantly, and as I watched, he slid over the side of the table onto his stupid little head.
I gasped, which startled Fred, who yelled “What???” from his position two feet away from me. I told him that the Bean fell off the table, and he got mad at me, as though I had gasped ON FUCKING PURPOSE GODDAMNIT IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN HE GETS MAD AT ME FOR SOMETHING I DO INVOLUNTARILY and then I snarled at him and stomped off, but not before checking on the stump, who was sitting on the floor, shaking his head and licking his paw, but was apparently okay.
Last night at bedtime, Fred went upstairs and I finished reading my email and followed him, book in one hand and bottle of water in the other. I stepped on the top step, and as my foot went down with no small amount of weight behind it, the mayday horns went off in my head, and an instant later I realized that I was putting my foot down on something warm, furry, and purring. I flung myself onto the other leg, throwing my bottle of water in one direction and my book in the other. The foot I was now standing on slipped, and I skidded down three or four steps, yelling “DAMN IT!” at the top of my lungs.
Fred came out of the bedroom, cats scattering in all directions, their tails bushed out and eyes wide and dark.
“I’m okay, you need to check Stumpy!” I said. “I think I stepped on him hard! I don’t know where he went…” Where he went was in the master bedroom under the bed, where he was out of danger of having fat women tromp on him. It turned out he was okay, but he was pretty skittish for the rest of the evening, and he certainly kept his eye on me whenever I came near.
Poor dumb Stumpy.
* * *
Not long before he went over the side, I believe.
The spud took this picture not long after we got the stump. The earnest look on Tubby’s face just cracks me up.
25 thoughts on “2004-02-17”
I gotta tell ya, that Obnoxious Fiance show makes my stomach hurt. Whoever thought that one up was really *mean*! I know I’m a wimp, but I would have caved and told my family by now because I couldn’t stand to see them suffer. Also, I wouldn’t like them to think I’d lost my mind and was actually considering marrying that great big horse’s a**. I bet even in real life he’s the kind of guy you just can’t stand. I don’t care if it *is* a million dollars, to age my parents one more day would not be worth it. That Rande – she’s gonna have some ‘splainin to do.
I reject the new name! I like Bean better! Bean Bean Bean! So there! ;-P
Jake Busey! That’s who he reminded me of! Talk about fugly, look at her sister too, damn… Randi and her other brother got all the looks in that family. And if I was her by the way, a stern “whothefuckdoyouthinkyouare judging me with your nappy crew cut and short man syndrome self” speech would be next on the agenda for her brother. What a dick!
You are so right about Randi’s older brother…what a dickhead! The way he’s so over-protective of Randi gives me the creeps in that “flowers in the attic” sort of way…ew. (and he TOTALLY looks like Jake Busey..thanks for pointing that out for me) I get the same feeling when I watch Newlyweds in regards to Jessica and her “daddy”….yucko! 🙂
He looks a little “bent” in that picture Robyn!
Just kiddin 🙂
When you wrote “with his Jake Busey-looking self, and the dead, flat, serial-killer eyes” I about spit out my water! That was a dead on description if I ever heard one.
I am in total agreement about the taking bets after the wedding stuff. I wrote practically the same thing in my blog this morning.
I hated my sisters first husband. But I did not feel like it was my right to say anything and we all went behind the church and placed our bets afterwards but alas it last 6 years but it DID end!! I still lost though. Dammit.
Layla is GORGEOUS!
Awww! It’s the Tubster. *sniff*
Hey, is that an old movie or is that Fred’s monitor? ‘Cause I know you got the fancy-ass flat panel!
Ha … “mayday horns” … ha, ha. That’s the noise I’m always hearing in my head!
I totally agree with you re: MBFOF and Randi’s stupid brother. I was equally impressed with how her parents had stepped up and were supporting her, though not too keen on her decision.
Also, I had a dream last night that Miz Poo was pregnant and had little Miz Poo kittens! Cute!
I swear, if I were in Alabama I’d be driving to that pet store to pick up Layla right now. She’s my kind of kitty.
Both of my cats have been trodded upon – they have to learn to get outta the way and I bet ol Stumpy learned his lesson.
Miz Poo is HUGE! I had no idea how portly a Portly Poo she was.
I think it’s kinda neat that Randi’s brother is so against her being with actor Steve – they showed that the wedding DOES happen so I think he eventually chilled out. I can’t wait to see the finale but I don’t want it to be over.
Robin, though they are stuck up, they appear to be a very close family. My family is really close, and if one of the siblings was planning to marry someone that appear to be really weird and obnoxious, I am sure it would cause a problem in our family! Though we would eventually show up, we might put up a fight similar to Randi’s siblings! That said, I love the way Steve acts, and I think he is adorable! I just think they know Randi as being sensible, and to see her just come out of the blue and say she is getting married to a guy she would not even take a second look at, I think they are shocked!
Kay R, no offense, but if you loved your sister you would have let her know how you feel instead of placing bets on how long it will last! It is ulitmatley her decision, but being that she is your sibling, of course it is your business! If your own family isn’t your business, than I don’t know what shoud be! That guy loves his sister very much, and obviously thinks she’s lost her marbles. He’s angry and frustrated!
You are right-on about Randi’s older brother. He looks and acts like a SNOBBISH ASSHOLE! And i thought to myself last night, his eyes look like those of a serial killer..just dead. I can not imagine any of my family refusing to go to my wedding, no matter what they thought of the guy.
Marti–no offense taken but please read:
That was tongue in cheek. We did not ACTUALLY place bets on the marriage. And no I do not feel it is my business unless he was an abusing asshole or something, and by the way he wasn’t. He just had a toxic personality kinda like Steve and noone really liked being around him. I didn’t have to live with him. She tired of it and divorced him.
Oh and my sister knew how we all felt and married him anyway. They lasted 6 years as I wrote above and produced a child that I love to death.
Robyn and I have the same sense of humor is what I was commenting about.
I love your description of stepping on Bean – that’s exactly how one feels – you really do have a way with the words Robyn – thus why I am compelled to read your journal EVERY day – as you make me laugh 😉 Have a good one.
awwww…my lil tubsie. I miss him.
And Randi’s brother is a dick….but it must run in her family because she leans towards bitchiness herself.
Rats!!! Missed MBFOF last night…working. Can’t STAND Randi’s family…I was rolling with your depiction of her bro…sooo true!! And as far as the stepping on pets thing, I’ve nearly killed myself several times to avoid a sleeping cat or ferret…so dangerous, these animals we love so much…
P.S. Ohhh, such a big sweetie, that Tubby!!! 🙂
Oh ,
I sooo wasn’t expecting to see little tubby.
(as I wipe a tear from my eye)
I have had my fat Stew since he was about 5 weeks old , so even though he weighs 25 pounds , I still say “come here little stew”
I had a story about my friend who is getting married to a guy everyone hates…. but I’ll have to save that for tommorrow.
Thank you for sharing another picture of Tubby.
(sniff sniff)
He is sadly missed and much loved, and you all gave him a great life.
For a second I thought the first picture he was hurt or something poor squished kitty. I sat on pookie once so then I really don’t have any room to talk 🙁
A Battered Sav is basically a Hot Dog dipped in batter and then deep fried. Its very common at fairs or carnivals on a stick and dipped in tomato sauce (ketchup).
I really enjoyed AJ’s book. She also had a series on TV here that was the journey of the book. Latest update on her life I saw in a magazine recently was she is marrying a personal trainer from the gym!
Robyn, I need a Blogrolling tutorial. Please. I’m such a lamer.
I gotta tell ya, that Obnoxious Fiance show makes my stomach hurt. Whoever thought that one up was really *mean*! I know I’m a wimp, but I would have caved and told my family by now because I couldn’t stand to see them suffer. Also, I wouldn’t like them to think I’d lost my mind and was actually considering marrying that great big horse’s a**. I bet even in real life he’s the kind of guy you just can’t stand. I don’t care if it *is* a million dollars, to age my parents one more day would not be worth it. That Rande – she’s gonna have some ‘splainin to do.
I reject the new name! I like Bean better! Bean Bean Bean! So there! ;-P
Jake Busey! That’s who he reminded me of! Talk about fugly, look at her sister too, damn… Randi and her other brother got all the looks in that family. And if I was her by the way, a stern “whothefuckdoyouthinkyouare judging me with your nappy crew cut and short man syndrome self” speech would be next on the agenda for her brother. What a dick!
You are so right about Randi’s older brother…what a dickhead! The way he’s so over-protective of Randi gives me the creeps in that “flowers in the attic” sort of way…ew. (and he TOTALLY looks like Jake Busey..thanks for pointing that out for me) I get the same feeling when I watch Newlyweds in regards to Jessica and her “daddy”….yucko! 🙂
He looks a little “bent” in that picture Robyn!
Just kiddin 🙂
When you wrote “with his Jake Busey-looking self, and the dead, flat, serial-killer eyes” I about spit out my water! That was a dead on description if I ever heard one.
I am in total agreement about the taking bets after the wedding stuff. I wrote practically the same thing in my blog this morning.
I hated my sisters first husband. But I did not feel like it was my right to say anything and we all went behind the church and placed our bets afterwards but alas it last 6 years but it DID end!! I still lost though. Dammit.
Layla is GORGEOUS!
Awww! It’s the Tubster. *sniff*
Hey, is that an old movie or is that Fred’s monitor? ‘Cause I know you got the fancy-ass flat panel!
Ha … “mayday horns” … ha, ha. That’s the noise I’m always hearing in my head!
I totally agree with you re: MBFOF and Randi’s stupid brother. I was equally impressed with how her parents had stepped up and were supporting her, though not too keen on her decision.
Also, I had a dream last night that Miz Poo was pregnant and had little Miz Poo kittens! Cute!
I swear, if I were in Alabama I’d be driving to that pet store to pick up Layla right now. She’s my kind of kitty.
Both of my cats have been trodded upon – they have to learn to get outta the way and I bet ol Stumpy learned his lesson.
Miz Poo is HUGE! I had no idea how portly a Portly Poo she was.
I think it’s kinda neat that Randi’s brother is so against her being with actor Steve – they showed that the wedding DOES happen so I think he eventually chilled out. I can’t wait to see the finale but I don’t want it to be over.
Robin, though they are stuck up, they appear to be a very close family. My family is really close, and if one of the siblings was planning to marry someone that appear to be really weird and obnoxious, I am sure it would cause a problem in our family! Though we would eventually show up, we might put up a fight similar to Randi’s siblings! That said, I love the way Steve acts, and I think he is adorable! I just think they know Randi as being sensible, and to see her just come out of the blue and say she is getting married to a guy she would not even take a second look at, I think they are shocked!
Kay R, no offense, but if you loved your sister you would have let her know how you feel instead of placing bets on how long it will last! It is ulitmatley her decision, but being that she is your sibling, of course it is your business! If your own family isn’t your business, than I don’t know what shoud be! That guy loves his sister very much, and obviously thinks she’s lost her marbles. He’s angry and frustrated!
You are right-on about Randi’s older brother. He looks and acts like a SNOBBISH ASSHOLE! And i thought to myself last night, his eyes look like those of a serial killer..just dead. I can not imagine any of my family refusing to go to my wedding, no matter what they thought of the guy.
Marti–no offense taken but please read:
That was tongue in cheek. We did not ACTUALLY place bets on the marriage. And no I do not feel it is my business unless he was an abusing asshole or something, and by the way he wasn’t. He just had a toxic personality kinda like Steve and noone really liked being around him. I didn’t have to live with him. She tired of it and divorced him.
Oh and my sister knew how we all felt and married him anyway. They lasted 6 years as I wrote above and produced a child that I love to death.
Robyn and I have the same sense of humor is what I was commenting about.
I love your description of stepping on Bean – that’s exactly how one feels – you really do have a way with the words Robyn – thus why I am compelled to read your journal EVERY day – as you make me laugh 😉 Have a good one.
awwww…my lil tubsie. I miss him.
And Randi’s brother is a dick….but it must run in her family because she leans towards bitchiness herself.
Rats!!! Missed MBFOF last night…working. Can’t STAND Randi’s family…I was rolling with your depiction of her bro…sooo true!! And as far as the stepping on pets thing, I’ve nearly killed myself several times to avoid a sleeping cat or ferret…so dangerous, these animals we love so much…
P.S. Ohhh, such a big sweetie, that Tubby!!! 🙂
Oh ,
I sooo wasn’t expecting to see little tubby.
(as I wipe a tear from my eye)
I have had my fat Stew since he was about 5 weeks old , so even though he weighs 25 pounds , I still say “come here little stew”
I had a story about my friend who is getting married to a guy everyone hates…. but I’ll have to save that for tommorrow.
Thank you for sharing another picture of Tubby.
(sniff sniff)
He is sadly missed and much loved, and you all gave him a great life.
For a second I thought the first picture he was hurt or something poor squished kitty. I sat on pookie once so then I really don’t have any room to talk 🙁
A Battered Sav is basically a Hot Dog dipped in batter and then deep fried. Its very common at fairs or carnivals on a stick and dipped in tomato sauce (ketchup).
I really enjoyed AJ’s book. She also had a series on TV here that was the journey of the book. Latest update on her life I saw in a magazine recently was she is marrying a personal trainer from the gym!
Robyn, I need a Blogrolling tutorial. Please. I’m such a lamer.