
here. If you’re part of the ‘burb, please change your links to reflect the new location – journals and blogs are listed alphabetically by name. I ended up taking down about 100 listings because they hadn’t been updated in months (sometimes more than a year!) or didn’t have a GFY link on their main or links page. If you’re supposed to be on the list and you’ve been removed, be sure you’ve updated at least once in the last two months and have a GFY graphic or text link somewhere on your main or links page, and email me to rejoin. I so rarely make the arbitrary deadlines I set for myself that I’m pleased as punch to have made this one.

* * *
I believe that I mentioned yesterday or the day before that the DVR box had reached complete failure and all we could do was use the remote to change channels. We couldn’t even get the guide to come up, let alone record anything. The guy who came out Sunday was supposed to have a box with him but didn’t, and said someone would be out “Monday or Tuesday” with one. When no one showed up Monday, Fred called the service center and discovered that someone was scheduled to come to the house Tuesday between 5 and 8 pm. Which wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem except that the spud’s band had to play at a PTA meeting that night and we wouldn’t be home for at least part of that time. Fred rescheduled for Wednesday between 11 and 2, and so I was showered and presentable by 10, in case the cable guy showed up early. I waited and waited and waited, doing various and sundry chores around the house, reading on the couch, flipping channels in the living room. I thought about eating lunch at 1, but I knew that sure as anything the moment I sat down to eat lunch he’d show up. When he still hadn’t shown up by 2:15, I ate lunch quickly, and as I was finishing, he showed up. Do you suppose he had a DVR box on his truck? Why, no. No he did not. He told me that due to the high demand for the boxes only a few people were allowed to carry them on their trucks, and that furthermore, they (the cable guys and gals) weren’t allowed to have DVR boxes at home. This apparently bothered him a great deal, the not being allowed to have a DVR box (due to the high demand), because he went on to tell me that very same thing at least four times before the day was over. Sounds like corporate logic, to me – cable guys having to service DVRs when they don’t know anything at all about them. So he fiddle-farted around (as my mother would say), and got the box to FAIL and reboot for him, and after it rebooted the first time, it promptly rebooted itself twice more for no apparent reason, leading him to say “Well, let me check to be sure the signal’s coming through…”. The signal was coming through just fine (“Fives across the board”, whatever that means) and he spent ten minutes or so calling around to his boss and other cable guys in the area. It was determined that the closest cable guy with a box was on his way back to the office, and he’d meet the other cable guy (Tom) back at my house in about 45 minutes. Tom had two more jobs to do, so he decided he’d go do one of them and be back at the house in half an hour or 45 minutes. He left and I sat down at my desk to chat with Nance and my sister. It had been maybe ten minutes when I looked out the window and saw two cable vans coming down the street. I said goodbye to Nance and Debbie, and waited for them to come to the door. Ten minutes later, Tom finally knocked on the door, holding a DVR box. He went right into the living room and hooked it up, and we stood and watched, waiting for it to boot up and show us the magic. And waited and waited and waited. The box would half-boot, then flash “HDDF”, click, and turn off to start the whole shebang (“she bang! she bang!”) all over again. Tom called one guy, then another, then his boss, then a network specialist, and it was determined – guess what?! – the box was bad. Finally – FINALLY – Fred got home from work, and I introduced him to Tom and left the whole mess in his lap. Fred commented that if the third box didn’t work, we’d get a regular cable box from Tom and buy a damn TiVo. Tom didn’t seem to think that that was a bad idea at all. He located someone who was willing to bring another box to the house and left to do one of the other jobs he had lined up. Long story short – too late! – the third box works, and we have the magic of DVR in our house. I did manage to make the box freeze up and reboot last night, but it rebooted quickly and we didn’t have any problems after that. Thus far I’ve taped two episodes of The Newlyweds, an episode of Roseanne (I’m sorry, I just love that damn show to death), and this morning’s Ellen Degeneres Show. I was going to tape The O.C. last night but apparently you can only tape two shows at one time if you’re playing back a third, and I was more interested in taping The Newlyweds and watching The Bachelorette. I am LOVING the DVR. Just so you know.
* * *
The Bachelorette: Am I the only one who saw the look of frozen horror on Meredith’s face when Lanny’s Momma was talking about how she’d expect that Meredith would be a good christian girl and submit to her husband the way the bible said she should? Is anyone surprised that Lanny didn’t make it through to the next round? Because had it been ME, I would have held up my hand when Lanny’s Momma was going on and on and said “Yeah, I’m thinking this won’t work out. Lanny, you’re the hottest thing in jeans, but your Momma just got your ass kicked out. Buh-bye!”, and I would have run like hell. Did you notice the dead eyes on Lanny’s brother’s wife? When she said “Miz Lawrence likes to be involved in her sons’ lives”? Lordy. I’m sorry, but Lanny’s Momma creeped me out. Oh, and Ian! Am I the only one who laughed out loud when he said to his brother “I’ve never been emotional like this…”? Ha! American Idol: Can I call it, or can I call it? Glad to see Diana and Fantasia go on, but Fantasia sounds so very much like Macy Gray that it’s almost distracting. I did like that cute like Marque and that cute little Matthew, though. Survivor: Tonight! Whoo!
* * *
What the kitties are doing this very moment:
Spot’s hanging out by the window in the master bedroom, watching traffic go by. Spanky, snoozing in the cat bed on the big bed. Miz Poo, trying to decide whether or not to smack that Bean.

18 thoughts on “2004-02-12”

  1. Cute kitties as always! Glad to hear you DVR is now up and running and getting the job done !
    Have a good one !
    ~Denise~ in Gorgia

  2. I like how the other kitties sleep in the cat beds, but the creative Bean sleeps on the sweater dryer! Hee.
    Also, Lanny’s momma…hasn’t she ever heard the Bible command for sons to LEAVE their families and CLEAVE to their wives? Ummm, yeah. So scary.

  3. Oh…Robyn…my husband and I are discussing possible places to move in the future that are warmer and less snowier than here. Alabama came up and he wondered about the discrimination that might take place there. We want to adopt kids of other races and wonder if AL would be a bad place to live comparitively. What do you think?

  4. Sadly I am not a big fan of Fantasia (pun intended) 🙂
    There can only be so many Macy Gray’s, Bonnie Raitt’s or (insert another “different-but when you really think about it not so beautiful a voice) sounding superstar here.
    Honestly, there are some singers that have been popular for years and we have grown accustomed to their voices but when you think about it, they would of been bashed on American Idol.
    Funny ain’t it?

  5. I agree that Lanny’s mom was way too much and she probably has scared off more than one woman in Lanny’s life. Some boys still are boys when momma’s are like that. I have a teen son and no way in heck would I ever act that way towards one of my son’s girlfriends. I noticed the father was sort of pistol whipped and the other son too. I think the mom had it all wrong, she may believe the husband is head of the household but Lanny’s mom is the one that controls what goes on in that family and she definitely wears the pants in the family. The men in that family are so scared of her and I am glad Meredith did not give a rose to Lanny. In fact, it I were Meredith, I would have told the three guys, Chad, Lanny, and Ian that Matthrew is more man than any of them and he was the only one that deserved a rose. His family was nice and welcomed Meredith with open arms. Ian is too secretative and that would scare me off that he didn’t let her meet his whole family.

  6. “She bang! She bang” OMG!!! Even though it’s terribly wrong (hee) – that is a family favorite at the moment!!!! One of the kids acting stupid?! give them a She Bang! She Bang! You are a funny, funny girl Robyn.

  7. JUst a technical question but can you record two channels at the same time? How many can your record at the same time?? 😀

  8. Okay I’m with you on Diana and Fantasia…but I am not sure Fantasia will last due to her being so much like Macy Gray. Diana too as much as I loved her she seemed as though she kept singing in the same key?? What do I know I’m a shower singer, driving in the car singer…and so on…I haven’t really gotten into the Bachelorette but SURVIVOR..I’m there God I love that show. Have you caught the big obnoxious fiance? I must admit I have gotten a little hooked on it and may even peek at the littlest groom (reality t.v. addict that’s me)
    So do you think Richard Hatch is going to be shark bait? Funny thing, he’s from Rhode Island, as am I and after he became a “star” my daughter and I saw him at the theater and she just about freaked out (she’s too young to know about giving egos boosts that they don’t need) funny though to see him out and about and clothed…
    okay I’ve rambled enough…love the kitties..

  9. after you were raving about it, i went out and got one myself and i LOVE that thing. thank you for pushing me over the edge. it makes my life sooo much easier.

  10. I think the only reason that Chad or Ian made it through to the next round is because Lanny’s mom is truly scary. I think Lanny would have had a chance if it weren’t for her. And what about Chad lying about his job? And Ian refusing to introduce her to his family? Those are some real scary dudes, man. I probably would think twice before accepting the upcoming “surprise” invitation in the one on one dates with anyone but Matthew. Chad and Ian can stay in their own rooms, thank you very much.

  11. Glad you got the DVR up and running..I can’t believe you had to go through 3 boxes to get one that worked! What brand is yours??? Ours is the Scientific Atlanta Explorer something or other and so far we’ve had no problems with it…well once we got it up and running that is. I messed it up when we first got it and had to do the reboot I told you about. Every now and then it does something funky but other than that it is great…Enjoy!!

  12. I was sorry to see Lanny go. He was an awesome guy and, I think, good for Meredith. It was really a shame that his mom had to open her mouth. The things she was saying would scare off anyone!!
    On the other hand, I’d bet my life that Lanny has about 1000 Texas Baptist women hunting him down!! He’s a great catch. Hopefully his mom will see how intimidating she comes across; she really ruined it for them.
    I have to say that I love Meredith *so* much more than Trista!!

  13. I agree that it was obvious that Meredith had to boot Lanny. I actually like him better than Chad or Ian, but his mom was TOO much. And his reaction to his mom wasn’t great either. He seems to think that she is perfectly normal. If he had even been like “my mom is a lot to handle, brace yourself” or had acted like he recognized that his mom was annoying, I would have liked him better. I can’t believe Chad lied about his job. He also seems kind of boring. Ian is too distant. Matthew is great, though!

  14. Amy – I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask about the discrimination that might or might not take place in this area, since I hardly ever leave the house. 🙂
    Kay R – Yeah, I know what you mean about the singers with distinctive voices. I like Fantasia, but I’m not sure how far she’s going to get since she’s surely be saddled with “Exactly like Macy Gray, only younger”.
    Okiechick – I believe you can tape two channels at one time, but you can’t tape two and also watch a third, if that makes any sense.
    Jennifer – I hope that Richard stays around for a little while longer, just because he’s SO Richard and he absolutely cracks me up.
    Lisa – I’m not sure that I’m too crazy about any of the guys who are left. I liked Chad, but the lying about having a job is definitely NOT a good thing.
    Texas Peach – Ours is the Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000. I printed out a user’s guide online since the cable guy didn’t give me one (!), and it’s helped out a lot!
    Thea – I read somewhere that he was on a morning show in Dallas and asked out the weather girl, who said “yes.” Scary Mom or no, I bet you anything Lanny will have more women than he knows what to do with!
    Marie – Exactly! 🙂

  15. I absolutely hatehatehate fantasia’s “endzone” dance. I agree with what everyone is saying about her voice, but she needs to stop bopping up and down when she sings.
    On a tivo note, we got a version a while ago that worked great, but since we moved and now have directtv, we can’t record something and watch something else at the same time…something about not enough inpl;………………………..(woah…lola says hi!)inputs on the receiver or something…So I ask husband, what is the point, why not just use a vcr, and he just stares at me like I’m insane…boys…

  16. Congrats on the DVR finally!
    Forgive me Robyn, but in his pic, Spanky looks like he has an abnormally long leg and paw so it has to extend over the edge and hang there. Then again, it’s probably just my warped self seeing it that way. =)

  17. Argh this weeks AI hasn’t been shown here yet (UK) oh well better get used to seeing results before the show.

  18. Robyn-
    I think you have the same DVR that I do (I like to call it my TiFaux). We had a lot of trouble with ours at first, but after replacing the box about four or five times, we appear to have a stable one. There are two types of software that come with the box — SARA and Passport. We have SARA, but I hear Passport is a lot better, sadly, and the cable company chooses. Also, from what I’ve discovered online, the cable companies don’t know shit about the DVR service, so you may as well always just ask for a new box, especially now that your signal has been tested and it’s fine. Our cable company will let us bring in the old box to the offices and swap it for a new one, which sure saves time instead of waiting for an appointment. And also, you can record two things at the same time, and then you can’t watch live TV, but you can watch something that you had recorded earlier.
    If you have any questions, let me know. We’ve had ours for almost a year, and despite the problems, I’d never go back!

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