* * * So, my favorite kind of pen ever is the Bic Clic Stic pen – NOT the Bic Stic, but the Bic CLIC Stic so that you don’t have to fool around with caps – and they’re hard as hell to find. I mean, Staples does carry them, but they carry the kind with the soft part where your fingers go so that you don’t end up with a permanent indention in your finger and I just can’t stand the pens with the soft part, they drive me nuts. You can find the Bic Clic Stic online, but they only seem to be available at promotional places, where you have pens personalized and then give them away to promote your company or cause. And while I think it would be cool to have a bunch of yellow pens with “Meh!” on them in black letters to send out to y’all and keep a bunch for me, you have to order at least 150 pens at most of those places, at 90 cents apiece, and can you imagine the speed at which Fred would kill me if I did something like that? So, no. No yellow pens with “Meh!” on them in black ink for us, folks. But I do keep my eyes peeled when I’m at the doctor’s office, because where do doctor’s offices get their pens? That’s right, from drug reps. And where do drug reps get their pens? That’s right, from companies that specialize in promotional items. Thus when I’m at the doctor’s office, I check out the pens they have sitting out in cups for patients to use to fill out forms or write checks or whatever. If there’s a Bic Clic Stic in that cup I so-very-casually reach out and grab it, then write out the check and when I’m done writing out the check I rip the check out of the checkbook and so-very-casually stick the pen in my wallet and put the whole kit and caboodle in my purse. And I do it while looking so very absentminded that if the front-desk/ receptionist chick were to say “Uh, that’s OUR pen, you sticky-fingered whore!”, I could easily put on a fake embarrassed face and say “Oh goodness, I’m so sorry!”, pull it out of my purse, and put it back in my cup. But that has never happened, and you know why? Because the people who work at the doctor’s office don’t give a good goddamn that I have taken their purple-and-white Levaquin๏ฟฝ pen (for instance), because they have 63,000 other pens stuck away for the moment when someone says “Hey, the pen cup is empty! Hand me some pens, would you?”, and they fill the pen cup up and say to each other “I sure wish the patients would steal pens at a quicker pace, because we’re running out of room. Damn drug reps!” So anyway, a few weeks ago I went to the doctor’s office, and while I was there, I spotted a Bic Clic Stic pen, and I stole it – that’s right, folks, I plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face STOLE IT, and I should be locked up and the key should be tossed right OUT the damn window! – and then when I had to go back a few days later I spotted ANOTHER Bic Clic Stic pen, and I STOLE THAT ONE TOO, and the other night when Fred and I were laying in bed, I TOLD him that I had stolen the pens, and he was as horrified as if I had suggested that he stay up until 10:00. He was HORRIFIED, he was AGHAST, he could not believe that I would have the utter gall to STEAL a cheap plastic PEN from his beloved Dr. Judy, and none of my insistences that it was OKAY, that they EXPECTED people to steal pens, and that the doctor’s office didn’t PAY for the damn pens anyway, nothing I could say soothed his horror. I half-expected to wake up the next morning to find him gone, the hangers on his side of the closet swinging empty, but he seems to have repressed the horror of finding out that his wife STEALS cheap pens, so y’all don’t remind him, okay?

You definitely need to get an orange kitty.
If you really want them go to http://www.websitelabels.com, click promotional items. I just bought them for a client (the clic stic ones) 300 for $99!
I would totally buy a yellow pen that says “MEH!” on it. Who wouldn’t?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Randi’s mom announces that Randi is dead to her after this whole thing is over. She’s that much of a beeyotch. And I’m a little squicked out by how mad Randi’s brother is about this whole thing…excuse me? Why do you care so much? hotelnewhampshire
As the proud owner of one very large 13lb orange kitty I totally agree with that sentiment that you should have one!!!
Why buy what you can steal. Isn’t this half the fun of going to the doctor, in fact after signing in there is no fun. STEAL THE PENS.
And I thought I was the only one who stole the pens..except hubby does it too for me:)
The guys at my office use the same pens–fit easily in shirt pockets. We get them from reliable.com (On sale! 5.88/doz) or vikingop.com (7.26/doz).
Of course you should get some more kitties!
The more the merrier! Think about your poor, Anderson-kitty deprived readers *sob* ๐
I vote for a female kitty this time, Miz Poo clearly needs a girlfriend to smack on the head:-)
Plus, you’ve got to consider gender discrimination, if you get a girl kitty, there will be exactly the same number of boys and girls at your house(counting you, Fred and the Spud):-)
Squirrel (with only two cats:-)
Staples online carries the Bic Clic Stic (minus the annoying soft part). They’re $5.85 for a dozen. But, alas, they do not come in yellow nor do they say “Meh!”.
My husband knows I too am a pen nut. He lifts pens for me ALL of the time. He brings me at least 1 home a week and I love him for that!
I LMAO when you described Fred and the HORROR he was going through when you told him about the pens, the hangers swinging in the closet comment made me spew Diet Mountain Dew out of my nose.
It BURNS, it BURNS !!!! Heh.
I’d totally buy a pen that said Meh on it, I’d probably by 3, because I lose pens as fast as my husband can steal them ! HA
Have a great day !!
~Denise~ in Geogia
Totally agree on Fantasia and Diana! I wanted to like Matthew too, but I really think he did nothing for the song rather than the song doing nothing for him. Even if Fantasia doesn’t make it on people votes, I’m willing to bet that she gets in as a wild card, cuz Simon likes her so much.
Hmmm,I’m going to the doc today. I usually ask the ladies if I can one or two of those fat,colorful pens(which I am then able to more easily find in my purse).I shall look for the aforementioned pens there today.
I think there would be more than enough other readers who would be willing to pay above your actual cost and shipping to get a pen with “meh” or “bitchypoo” or “From Chunk to Hunk” written on them. Heck I want two of each ! :o)
…ask the ladies if I can HAVE… Heh,left a word out there(wanders sheepishly away).
I know this is going to make you jealous Robyn, but when I was at my last doctor’s appoinment, the nurse asked me if I wanted any pens, I said sure and she threw about 15 of em in a bag (yes there was some Bic Click Stick pens too ๐ and sent me on my merry way. I was happy. Got some cool looking pens now.
I voted for Diana! That girl has got it! Very talented young lady.
I am not good at hints. Who is wanting the extra kitty? Fred?
My doctors office always insists I take at least one pen home with me.
Do the pens have to be the round ones, or will triangle shaped ones work as well? Just asking cos I have an assload of pens here in the house, as I too, am a pen thief. If it’s pretty or write neat, my inner child says, MINE!
Oh, and I would so buy a pen (or two, or a dozen) if they were cute or, even, not to much.
I used to work in a Dr.’s office and for kicks we would watch which paitents took the pens! Some pens were awful and we couldn’t get anyone to steal them. Occasionally, some do-gooder would come to the window and tell us that the lady that just left TOOK our pen! The best part would be the look on her face when we would tell her that we had about 1,000 more in the back. Robyn, you are just doing your part to help keep your Dr’s office uncluttered.
Orange kitty, Robyn. You know you want one.
I’m with Fred and the Spud. You do need another kitty. And I agree with the other commenters–an orange kitty. My husband is a pen stealer. Not only is he a pen stealer but if they just have one pen left out, he’ll request another and then steal them both. He’s also been known to request caps and cups. When I tried to break him of his habit he just said, “As much money as I’ve spent here they owe me a cap!” Apparently they agree because they have never turned him down. In fact one place gave him THREE caps when he asked for one.
My favorite pens are the Uniball Gel pens. I have a hard time finding them…but usually can find a box or 2 at Office Depot. Good luck finding the pens and deciding on a new kitty. Poor Bean won’t be the baby anymore!
YES, let’s get an orange kitty! A girl orange kitty! Please, please, please, can we get one?
I actually want one of those for myself, but w/ my living and working circumstances I currently am unable to, but as soon as they change when I graduate this spring…. So let me live vicariously thru you guys til then!
I work in a doctor’s office now, and we must not get our fair share of drug rep pens, because we are always going around hunting them down from exam rooms to put back in our little basket so that patients have something to write with. Hmm, I’ll have to check into what’s up w/ THAT.
When I waitressed in the not-too-distant past, my restaurant made us use pens they had made with our company logo on it (it was quite the upper scale place), so that when we gave them to guests to sign their credit card slips it would “look nicer.” Yet they made us pay for them–25 cents apiece. So you better believe I was hunting guests down like dogs if they tried to disappear with my pens. Hey, man, 25 cents a pen will add up quick, and I lived off other people’s tips!
Did someone adopt Dell Rose? Because, I tell you what, if she is still at the pet store and you don’t adopt her, I may just have to jump on a plane to come down there at get her. My vote is for Dell Rose.
I don’t know from furball quotas, but it’s a fact (little known, but a fact nonetheless) that there’s a set amount of mischief that must be done in any house containing cats. This mischief is divided equally among the cats, and of course if one of them isn’t pulling his or her weight in naughty cat tricks, then the others have to work that much harder.
The same is true when you lose a cat. So ask yourself: Am I willing to make my beloved Poo work so much harder each day? Am I going to run The Bean ragged trying to make up for Tubby’s mischief loss? The answer should be obvious.
(psst, Dargie works for Cats, Inc.)
Hey Robyn
I am a nurse in an office and what we CAN’T keep are the Viagra pens. I hate the cheap flimsy plastic ones, but we just got a bunch of the heavy silver oh-so-classy-and-refillable ones. My BF gets a huge kick out of the Viagra junk and so far he has a pump handsoap dispenser with fake puffy viagra pills floating around in it, and just last week I snagged him a wall clock that proudly exclaims “Isn’t it time to talk about Viagra?”
We have drawers and drawers and cupboards full of pens and all those damn note pads. So I always manage to take a few cool ones. One of the docs I work with actually made an oak display case and collected pens for awhile, it is pretty neat. He must have over 600 of them in there.
I know I would LOVE to buy a yellow MEH pen though. I was sorry I never got in on the Tubby loot when it was available. I would have loved to have a Tubby mousepad and maybe a Tshirt.
Jane: That’s what I thought about the brother, too – but I couldn’t remember what book it was from! Heh.
Thanks, y’all, for all the links to pens! ๐
Kay R.: Fred AND the spud are wanting a new kitty!
Roseann: No, they’ve gotta be the straight pens – the triangular ones hurt my poor sensitive fingers! ๐
Laurie(inOLY): Yeah, someone adopted Dell Rose. I could totally have gone for adopting Dell Rose. Maybe then Miz Poo would carry HER around instead of that cat toy. Heh.
pffft! Tell our most beloved Fred to mellow out. I myself and a professional pen theif. Anyone follish enough to lend me their pen to use, loses it. This goes for waitress/waiters, WalMart checkers, coworkers, EVERYONE! I am not overly picky about the pens I take, but I do have my favs and drug rep pens are often the best. I base my pen preference on the way they write. Since I am a nurse and have to use black ink for my notes, I am put out when a pen I steal writes in blue or red ink, but I recover quickly and just use it to write checks from then on. Trav often acts embarrased of my pen theivery, but I just tell him to get over it. I am a penklepto…..I cannot help myself *innocent eyes*
Hey Robyn, I’m with you on Diana and Fantasia!! I wished I could have voted for both of them ( you only get to vote once right?) Matthew did nothing for me, and the others were just “OK”.
I have an orange kitty, Beavis (yes after THAT Beavis), he’s always been a crazy little cat!! Aren’t most orange tabbys male?? I thought I’d read that somewhere.
I have an orange kitty you can have. He is floppy and blows boogers out of his nose. He’s ‘special’. I love that you steal pens. I usually go in and peruse the collection, make my selection and walk out. I wish I could be more sneaky.
From one pen thief to another! STEAL BABY STEAL!
I can never have enough pens!
You know, for a second there, I couldn’t tell which end of Miz Poo was Miz Poo’s head. It was kind of scary…
like a mound of Poo!
Hee! Sorry, couldn’t resist!
And you know you like the hissing and the cat-fighting…you gripe, but if they didn’t do that, you’d be creeped out by the silence…and you still wouldn’t get any sleep.
So, you’re telling me that when you told Fred that you stole the pens, he said: “You’ve got to be shitting me!” (=
Melissa: I think you can vote as many times for as many people as you want on AI, as long as it’s within the 2 hours after the show.
Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty _________ There’s something missing! Oh yeah – the fifth kitty. Come on we know you want another loving, toe biting baby. ๐
1. Get me a pen next time you go.
2. I love those people playing Steve’s family! I hope they all become famous after this thing!