
proof that there was no wardrobe snafu involved in that whole Jan3t Jacks0n b00bie brouhaha. Yeah, I know you’re sick of hearing about it, but how could I not share the link? Also, if it’s true that she was uninvited from the Grammys and Justin wasn’t, that really pisses me off.

* * *
I was reading journals this morning while putting off going upstairs to clean the litter box, and this made me laugh out loud: I just typed “Massachusetts,” which always makes me think of Anthony Heald playing a judge on The Practice. He spits out the word “Massachusetts” as though it were shit marinated in vinegar. I totally remember watching that episode with Fred and how hard we laughed every time he said “Massachusetts.” Glad to see I’m not the only one who remembers! I haven’t watched The Practice regularly in about two years, though I caught a few episodes last year. I thought I might take it up again since we got the DVR last week, but we’ve been having problems with the damn thing and I’m not willing to go through the effort of finding a blank tape and setting the VCR, so I guess that’ll have to wait. Speaking of the DVR, I did what Texas Peach suggested in my comments on Friday (disconnect the power plug in the back for 5 minutes, plug it back in and let it cycle through) and when I turned it back on, the guide was back up and I taped the 20/20 about rich kids that night, but the next morning the guide was gone again. Fred called the cable company, they had him do a few things and then decided it was a problem with the box. They told him someone would be here between 11 and 2 on Sunday (I had no idea cable guys had to work on the weekend!) with a new box. The guy showed up, but hadn’t brought a box with him. He did some stuff outside trying to figure it out, but nothing. He left, after telling Fred that “someone will be out with a new box on Tuesday or Wednesday.” Hey, thanks for narrowing it down, guy. Grrr.
* * *
I don’t believe I mentioned that the Bean has tapeworms. This would explain, I suppose, why that fat, round little belly he developed not long after we adopted him went away so quickly, and he stayed skinny despite his tendency to eat everything in sight. Naturally we’ll have to have all the other cats checked out. I’m pretty sure at least one of the vet’s kids is being put through college by us personally. (Though in the interest of full disclosure I don’t know that he has kids, or that they’re in college) After we found out that the Bean had tapeworms, I joked to Fred that I needed to get me one o’ them. Fred said “Oh, good idea. You should lick his ass!” Ugh. Then I made the mistake of mentioning that I had read somewhere that if you put a bowl of warm milk under your butt, the tapeworm would smell it and crawl out. Fred laughed until he almost passed out. But it turns out that although I had the wrong end, I really had read the idea somewhere. From Bridget Jones’s Diary: Saturday 22 April 8st 7, cigarettes, 0, alcohol units, 0, calories 1800. Today is an historic and joyous day. After eighteen years of trying to get down to 8st 7 I have finally achieved it. It is no trick of the scales, but confirmed by jeans. I am thin. There is no reliable explanation. I have been to the gym twice in the last week, but that, though rare, is not freakish. I have eaten normally. It is a miracle. Rang Tom, who said maybe I have a tapeworm. The way to get rid of it, he said, is to hold a bowl of warm milk and a pencil in front of my mouth. (Tapeworms love warm milk, apparently. They love it.) Open my mouth. Then, when the worm’s head appears, wrap it carefully round the pencil. ‘Listen’, I told him, ‘this tapeworm is staying.’ I love my new tapeworm. Not only am I thin, but I no longer want to smoke or glug wine (p105). You just never know what’s going to stick in your mind, do you?
* * *
I can’t believe there are only two episodes of Sex and the City left. Wah! And only six episodes of Friends. Double wah! (For the record, I think Carrie should end up with Petrovsky and not Big, because he’s been straightforward and honest with her from the beginning, and he clearly wants to be with her. He’s not as much fun as Big, but he definitely has a certain charm. But then, I’ve always had a crush on Baryshnikov, ever since I took ballet lessons as a kid (this is where Fred would start singing the opening bars of “No Rain“.)) My pain is only slightly assuaged by the fact that The Sopranos premieres on March 7th, and The Shield on March 9th.
* * *
We have this toy, a stick with feathers attached at one end, that Miz Poo seems to have adopted. She carries the damn thing around with her, from one end of the house to the other, making a very loud keening sound the entire time. She’ll walk into the room with it in her mouth, making that noise, then drop it on the floor and look expectantly at us. I have no idea what she wants us to do, but cries of “Aren’t you a smart Poo!” just leave her staring at us blankly. Maybe she wants us to pick up the toy and admire it – we’ve taken to calling it her “baby.”
* * *
A few years ago I put up a picture of the church in downtown Lisb0n Falls that has been converted into a house. It’s been fixed up some since then. I still think it’s the coolest thing ever, to have a former church as a house. And the crappy house on Goddard Street where Debbie and the kids and I lived together for a few years. It’s the gold building, and it doesn’t look like time has improved the condition any. A sunset in Portland. I noticed that the sunsets in Maine tend to have more gold and yellows, whereas the ones we see from our back yard have more pinks. I wonder what the difference is? More pollution? The Bean plays shy. Spanky checks out the situation. My dad took this picture of Gizmo when they were visiting Tracy and Kate last Fall. Awwww, love the kitty!

35 thoughts on “2004-02-09”

  1. Oh look, da Kitty caught a bird…
    Actually, my Ophelia does the exact same thing with the same toy. It’s pretty funny, especially when she brings it to me at 3 AM when I’m trying to sleep (not)!.

  2. Yep, my cat does that, too. She thinks she’s caught and killed a fierce beast for you. You should congratulate her for being such a marvelous and brave hunter. Then shake it in front of her face and throw it away. She’ll probably fetch it.

  3. Mary – I do have to say that I like Big more. You’re probably right about Petrovsky only wanting her for a plaything – the whole “Oh, I’ll just pay for your apartment” thing kinda bugged me. You know they shot three different endings and none of the actresses know how it’s going to end? I’m guessing they shot one where she ends up with Petrovsky, one where she ends up with Big, and one where she dumps ’em both. That, or she tries to steal Smith from Samantha, and Samantha cuts her throat. Heh!

  4. Hee, oh no, it’s just like Tiger and the Jingly Bell of Doom! What makes his worse is that the feathers are attached to the bell, so on top of the rrrowring, we get the jingling of the bell…sigh, that is so funny. Be sure to give her plenty of praises for carrying it around and “hunting it,” lol, it’s the only way she’ll leave you alone.

  5. I don’t know how you were able to take that video without laughing your ass off! Such a cute Poo!

  6. Ahhh! I didn’t expect a picture of my VERY OWN kitty! Those very curtains? Destroyed.
    Big! Big! Chris Noth! Big!

  7. Oh, and I understand why you wouldn’t recognize it, but isn’t that “stick with feathers on one end” actually a “feather duster?”

  8. Heh. No, it’s not a feather duster! It’s a cat toy that vaguely resembles a feather duster, but the feathers are too few and limp to dust anything with. Also, there are a few shiny ribbons in and amongst the feathers. It will make an appearance next week in the award-winning short film “Hey Daddy, Don’t You Wave that Toy Around So Fast!” starring Miz Poo and the Bean.

  9. Heh Kate..that was funny. (no it wasn’t) Yes it was….. anyway….you two sound like me and my sister.
    I think she is treating it as a hunted victim too and seeking your approval for the “kill”. I had an outdoor/indoor cat once that would bring real dead birds etc.. and would make that sound and do the same thing.

  10. Ha! I love that noise Miz Poo is making. Reminds me a lot of the whine my Max follows me around with in the morning. It’s the “if you don’t pet me RIGHT NOW, I just might die” meow.

  11. I heard somewhere that Justin’s appearance at the Grammy’s was contingent upon his public apology, and that the offered the same deal to Janet, and she refused.

  12. After reading about DVR on your site I was like dang I need that but, woe is me it’s not here yet and isn’t expected until midway through the year or the end of the year. Knowing my luck guess which option I’ll get? Now I have a sever case of DVR envy…

  13. I wonder is Ms. Poo is missing Tubby and is comforting herself with the cat toy. Any chance that Tubby like to play with that toy?
    One of my cat’s adopted a small crochet pillow not long after we lost the other one in an unfortuante hit and run. She carreid that pillow around for months.
    My prayers to you and your kitties!

  14. Interesting point, Holly – she’s done it with different toys from time to time before now, but it does seem that since Tubby died, she does it a LOT more. As in, every single night she carries it from downstairs to upstairs, and again in the morning she carries it back downstairs. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a reaction to missing Tubby, definitely.

  15. My cat Nouveau does the same thing except it’s with my shoes that I wear around the house. They are sort of a cross between mules and flip flops and they’re made out of rubber. She’ll bite into one of them and carry it around crying the whole time. She does this mostly at night and gets so loud she’ll wake me up doing it. Couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to put them on to take out the trash or go into the basement and can’t find one or sometimes both because she’s moved them. I always figured it was more of the mommy instinct coming out, her moving her babies around ya know. Mainly because she very rarely does it with anything else. Every so often she might find a small plastic bag thats filled with something (anything) and do the same thing or a small cat toy but like I said that’s rare. And since she’s definitely a momma kitty and not a daddy kitty it’s only my shoes she does it to. Oh well, gotta love her.

  16. It makes a lot of sense that she might be doing it because she misses Tubby… Cat has been doing odd things since one of my dogs died last month, even though I really didn’t think he even liked Crash all that much. He’s been sleeping under the covers with us every night (he used to like to kick Crash off his bed in the middle of the night and sleep there – he hadn’t slept with us since he was a kitten), and he keeps trying to get our other dog to play with him, which he never did before. (Go figure – I guess he and Crash really did used to play together. I always thought it was more one-sided, that Crash was just bothering Cat since Cat never seemed too thrilled about it.)

  17. I bet it’s a missing-somebody-or-something kinda thing, too (the Miz Poo thing). My roommate tells me that every morning when I leave the house, Snoopy makes that sort of sad, pathetic, high pitched cry. Sometimes she does it when she thinks I’ve left the house but am just in another room, and when I am actually there to go investigate the noise she makes, she has one of her little toy mouse in her mouth, and is either just sitting with it on the bed, or is walking around with it. If she sees me she’ll drop it on the floor and look expectantly at me. So sometimes I’ll throw it and she’ll go chasing after it, and eventually bring it back, making the same noise as before. Weird little creatures.

  18. The tapeworm story – oh my God, I remember hearing that when I was just a kid! Only in the version that went around my neck of the woods (literally), this poor woman had a HUGE tapeworm lodged in her intestines and the doctors feared it was too risky to operate, so instead they TIED HER TO A CHAIR and dangled a piece of RAW MEAT in front of her mouth, and the gigantic tapeworm smelled the meat and came up her throat and out her mouth, where the doctors were standing by with (nets? a stun gun?) to capture it.
    The nightmares I had over that one (shudder)….

  19. My position on the Janet Jackson thing: you don’t wear a nipple shield if you don’t intend to show it off.
    ‘Nuff said.

  20. Hey Robyn,
    My cat Hayley does the same exact thing with the “feather stick”. When we’re gathered all together as a family – either around the kitchen table or the TV, or even after we’ve all gone to bed, it won’t be long before we hear that strange meow … and the sound of the feather stick dragging along behind her as she comes to join us.
    As soon as she appears and drops the raggedy old thing, I always respond with, “Got your baby?? Awww, Hayley got the baby.”
    Guess I’m not as original as I thought!

  21. Dang ! I just might become a medical clairvoyent!I had been concerned lately about how Stanley Bean’s young kitty face has had an older,”Bill the Cat” or “Keith Richard”,haggard look to it. The tape worms explains it all. Poor fella.
    Then a man in our church suffered a heart attack last year and recovered well from it,but he didn’t seem to me like he REALLY felt well. He just didn’t look right. A month ago he went to the doctor and they found cancer in his bladder.
    I guess it’s really not clairvoyence,but just that I’m good at visually noticing detail. I’ve been an artist since I was a child…
    Get well Beanster! Debra

  22. sorry the reboot on your DVR didn’t work and that the box needs replacing…just keep it in mind for when you get the new box. It does need to be done every so often to clear out the hard drive…you don’t lose anything you have recorded..at least mine doesn’t. I made sure to ask about it before we did it the first time. They thought we needed a new box too but it just needed to be reset.
    Once you get one that works right..you are gonna looooooove it!

  23. Ohhhhh Miss Poo! She is so proud of her kill! She is lookin for validation that she is a good girl and a mighty hunter! I wish mine would play with toys rather than bring home the real thing, dead or alive!
    Poor Beaner. Can’t be fun.

  24. awwww….
    Miz Poo has a bay-bay!! My girl Saudi does this with dirty socks… it’s usually neediness on her part, she just needs some extra lovin’…

  25. also, I think that Petrovsky is a lee-tle too demanding…what about Carrie’s needs, dammit? I’m with Miranda on this one…

  26. To appear at the Grammy’s Justin had to apoligize ON the Grammy’s (which he did).Janet wouldn’t do it..so she couldn’t be on.

  27. To appear at the Grammy’s Justin had to apoligize ON the Grammy’s (which he did).Janet wouldn’t do it..so she couldn’t be on.

  28. Unless, of course, your house that was formerly a church is no longer a church because the congregation disbanded after the preacher killed his wife…….like the one right down the road from me. I always wonder if the people who live there now know about it.

  29. I love the video. I have a huge cat also, well, she’s not huge but she’s gained enough weight that she is roughly the size and shape of a cinder block with fur.(since your Tubby tragedy, I have become more worried about her). Anyway,she is big enough that she can’t jump up on my lap comfortably anymore but while I was watching the video, she came crawling around my feet to see where that other cat was. probably the most interested she’s been in anything lately. I love seeing your cats and now I want to get a couple more.

  30. I love your pictures of Maine. I’ll play the movie of Poo’s baby when my co-worker goes to lunch. I don’t want to share with her my slacker activities. Have a lovely Tuesday, Robyn.

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