The Bachelorette last night (we watched American Idol) and I managed to fuck it up and miss the first ten minutes or so of the show. Which is all that cute little Kelly Jo was apparently in, so I only got to see about ten seconds of her trying to explain something to the way-too-talkative Ryan. I was glad to see Ian and Lanny make it into the final four, but if Ian wants to go any further, he’d better start opening up. Also glad to see Ryan gone – that boy talked WAY TOO MUCH and he was too needy to boot. Cute guy, but he needs to calm down a tad.
On American Idol last night, I was glad to see the pen salesman go through, as well as that cute little redhead – John Stevens? Something like that – and the girl whose name I cannot remember. She was in the group with Scooter Girl and she had purple (red?) dyed hair. To me, she looked JUST like Betty Boop, so now that’s what Fred and I call her. (Oh look, here she is! Amy Adams. Funny thing is that I had sucked it up and was going to go through all the contestants to find her and she was the first one!) I cannot believe that damn Lisa Wilson made it through, though. I liked her when she auditioned, but that whole blowing off working to hang out in the pool with that annoying guy (he didn’t make it through, did he? I hope not!) just got on my last nerve. Clearly I’m getting very old and crochety, when seeing kids partying instead of working for what they want pisses me off.
* * *
I rented and watched
Thirteen last week, and believe you me, folks, I gave a quick prayer of thanks at the end of the movie that the spud has never – and I’m willing to bet never will – put me through anything like that.
Speaking of the spud, I turned on her computer to check her chat logs (don’t even look at me like that. She knows there’s no such thing as privacy on her computer when it comes to chatting and never will be as long as she’s young and dumb). I scrolled through the names, recognizing most of them (she does most of her chatting with me, her cousin Brian, my sister, my parents, and a few friends from school). I came to one I didn’t recognize and opened the log, figuring it was going to be a friend from school whose nickname I didn’t recognize. It was a 19 year-old guy from India, and what was the spud’s response?
Cracked me up, it did. The guy responded with “Y?”, but she ignored him and he went away.
Good spud.
* * *
Okay, it’s a crappy, windy, cold, rainy day, and I want to go sit on the couch in front of the fire and read and wait for the cable guy to show up, so I’ll toss up a bunch of Bean pics and call it an entry.
Bitchy Bean.
Nosy Bean.
Sleepy Bean.
“What the hell’s going ON?” Bean.
Yawning Bean.
Yawn-and-stretch Bean.
Cute-n-cuddly Bean.
Love-the-daddy Bean.
Nighty-night Bean.
(All pictures taken by Fred, who will complain if I don’t credit him.)
RE: American Idol.
I am glad Scooter Girl was cut. She annoyed the hell out of me!! I liked that guy with the hat who looked too “old.” He seemed nice and had a good voice.
ok, as a non-pet owner, that pic of Bean in the dishwasher kind of skeeves me out. NOT that it is my house or any of my business.
P.S. Edited to add that my last comment must have seemed bitchy. So I apologize. I do enjoy seeing pics of your kitties. I just don’t have any pets of my own due to allergies.
Ok, now I am confused. I thought AI wasn’t on last night. It was on Monday, and Tuesday, but I couldn’t find it last night and I watched “The Apprentice” instead, which sucked. Tracy is CONVINCED you have me hooked on reality tv. I am NOT hooked, but I like AI.
Nicole – no, it didn’t come across as bitchy, at least not to me. But keep in mind that the Bean was in an empty dishwasher. We don’t let him climb in and amongst the clean dishes. Well, *I* don’t. I can’t swear that the spud doesn’t.
Kate – Yeah, we were surprised to find that it came on last night as well! I think from here on out it’s only on one night a week, though I can’t swear to that! Also, there’s nothing wrong with being hooked on reality TV. It’s good for you!
Due to complete laziness, I missed the last half of American Idol and the first half of the Bachelorette. Grrr, really annoying when the stations do that. Why cant they just get along.
Love the Bean pics. Not like, love. 🙂
I was so glad that Ryan got cut on the Bachelorette, too. I really like him until the point where he decided to tattle on Rick during one of his dates with Meredith. Just seemed weird to me. Like maybe his prescription for Prozac ran out? It was downhill after that.
I hope Matthew wins, but Lanny wouldn’t be a bad second choice. Lanny is such a hottie and I love southern, cowboy-type men anyway. 🙂
I am always amazed at how well-behaved the spud is. I’d love it if one day (if you haven’t already) you wrote an entry and told us all about your philosophy of parenting for us upcoming parents-to-be.
Thanks for understanding, Robyn! I don’t want to offend.
Glad Meredith got rid of Ryan M. last night. I think I like Matthew best. I am from Buffalo though, so I want to see what they show for Chad’s home visit.
Last season for American Idol, it was on Tuesday nights 8-9 and the results show was Wednesday from 8:30-9:00, I think.
I have a TiVo and a DVR from Time Warner Cable. Each has advantages over the other but I swear you will not be sorry! It completely changes the way you watch TV. Since both you and Fred are tech-savvy, I don’t think you’ll have any problems. Congrats!
We have the DVR through our cable company too and I LOVE it! The only thing is..when you record two shows at the same time, you have to watch one of them or else a prerecorded show. Other than that it is fantastic!!
My youngest daughter was the same way on the computer..I think it is great. We knew she was cause once when hubby was out of town, he made up a screen name and profile and tried talking to her. I know I know…but I wanted to be sure she was being safe on there. And he isn’t a perv..once we tested her, he deleted the name.
I love the Bean pics…he is just so adorable!!
Can’t wait to hear how you like the DVR. They just became available in our area and we’re getting hooked up as soon as possible.
And about The Bachelorette? I thought I liked Ian, but his whole “I don’t believe in verbal confirmations” line was just weird.
Survivor tonight! Go Rupert!
Hurray for the Spud!
Love the bitchy Bean.
The Bean looks so long and lanky now. Like a gangly teen!
I hated Ryan M. Geez man…take a breath. He was so whiny last night. “what does she want?” “what does she want?” Maybe her share of oxygen buddy! Or maybe someone who actually LISTENS to her. Sheesh!
Good for the Spud.
Way to go, Spud! Way to go, Fred & Robyn for letting Spud know the “unbreakable” rules of computer use!!
I love the dishwasher picture. It seems I have a few of those pictures. I don’t quite understand why cats love the dishwasher. I suppose it’s must be pure nosyness. I can understand why non-pet owners would freak. Do notice the dishwasher is empty. . .
I am absolutely thrilled to see the Bean in the dishwasher (because now I know that I am not alone in having cats who climb into places they should not be).
And I’m not being bitchy when I say that I think it’s kind of funny that people get skeeved out over seeing cats/dogs/pets/whatever doing something like that. I’m more skeeved about things that people do (pick your nose lately, Robyn). Ha!
LOL Love that cat!
Way to go Spud!!
When I lived in a house with a dishwasher all my cats at one time or other entered it. Now since I have to do them by hand two of them sit at my feet and cry over and over until I stop what I’m doing and pet them. Then they’re content for about 5 minutes until they have to jump up on the counter and sit in my way crying all over again. They’re always where they’re not supposed to be. We need the plaque that says, “In this house cat hair is a condiment.”
And I’m finally going to be jumping on the wagon and watch the Bachelorette. I recorded it last night and will probably watch it tonight.
I have one of those DVRs from DISH and I really like it. It’s not as flexible as TIVO, but that’s not really a big deal for me. It doesn’t record things it thinks I’ll like, which is fine by me because those choices are about 85% guaranteed to be wrong. (i.e., no, I don’t want to watch everything about the penal system just because I watch Oz…unless it has Chris Meloni naked or liplocking Lee Tergeson.)
Have to say, you’re raising one smart girl there. If more parents were like you and Fred, the world wouldn’t be full of whining brats who blame everyone else for how fucked up their lives are.
Okay, that picture of the Bean in the dishwasher cracked me up. Now if only our pets would actually help us do the housework. 😉
And clearly you’ve taught the Spud well. I wish all parents were as conscientious.
Forgot to add that my thirteen year old cat used to sit on the counter and stare at the sink while listening to the dishwasher drain. And my younger cat used to drink from the faucet when we confined her to the bathroom at night. Gotta love those wacky animals.
I just bought a Replay-TV DVR for 50 bucks last week on e-Bay. Can’t wait to get it hooked up and join the 21st century.
What is it with cats and the dishwasher? We live in the stone age, so we don’t have one, but we have three computers and a lap-top. (Priorities…hee) Our cat likes to hang out in the shower and the empty, dry kitchen sink, but our neighbor’s little baby kitty likes the dishwasher. It always makes me giggle when I see her sitting on the open door checking things out.
This is my first season of watching AI, and frankly, I think that the scooter girl had a good voice, but her attitude was kind of obnoxious and annoying. I like Amy a lot and I hope that she goes really far. I also like that skinny little chick with the short dark spikey hair. They haven’t shown her singing yet, but they did show her at her audition, and I hope they show some more of her soon. She reminds me of Lori Pettit in Point Break.
As always, The Bean rocks!
Good on you, and good on the Spud. I think the problem is that most parents don’t have the technical savvy that you and Fred have, so their kids can basically do anything they want on the computer and their folks are none the wiser. I’m glad that I, too, am married to a computer geek!
Um, don’t take this the wrong way but I want the Bean’s paws! There is NOTHING cuter than kitty paws! (Love the pic of him sleeping in Fred’s arms.)
Remember well your life now cause the DVR will change it FOREVAH!
It is a wonderful, AWESOME thing and your only regret will be that you didn’t get it a long time ago.
Oh, and also you will eventually be sitting there watching a show live and go to forward through a commercial and go DOH when you realize you can’t.
I saw the Bitchy Bean picture and instantly heard a bad Elvis imitation. “I’m your hunka hunka burnin love bayba.” But I’m just weird that way.
Love your new “Bitchypoo” logo with the cats! I think I love it the best of all your previous logos.
Love your new “Bitchypoo” logo with the cats! I think I love it the best of all your previous logos.
Love your new “Bitchypoo” logo with the cats! I think I love it the best of all your previous logos.
Awwww, how proud you must’ve been learning that about the Spud! I like to hear a story every now & then of a kid who actually LISTENS to their parents and isn’t one of those kids you see on Maury Povich ready to get sent off to boot camp b/c they are so out of control. If I ever become a mom (big “if”), I’ll need some parenting tips!
AI should be on 2 nights a week again this season, like it was last year–one night to watch and then vote, and the next night to find out who stays & who goes. I’m so excited–we get to vote next week! Whoo-hoo!
I liked Nicole (aka Scooter Girl), although I could definitely see why a lot of people wouldn’t like her, but her face weirded me out. Her mouth looked way too big, or something–her lips were so huge they looked like they’d been stretched out so far and are now just all loose and floppy.
(Did that sound perverted? Didn’t mean for it to…hee!)
I miss Miz Poo. Do you have any new pics of her? She reminds me of my calico back home.
Love the Bean!!! SO cute!
And hurray for the Spud (and for you for raising such a responsible, level-headed young woman)! Hope I can do as well with my Alyssa!
The Spud seems like a damn good kid. When I was her age, I was smoking weed. 😉
TiVo/DVR Rocks, you will LOVE it! I second the sentiment the Scooter girl is gone, she annoying the crap out of me too! There’s a big “petition” to get her back, blech!! I was surprised that Sarah (curly blond from Cal) was cut, I liked her. I’m surprised that Lisa Wilson is still there, but they never showed her final solo performance….
That Bean is a crazy little kitty!!
If you have a sudden urge to send Bean to Long Island please call me immediately!
DVR freaking rocks. I miss it here in Guam but only have two more months before I can get my hands on another one. In fact, i will probably rent two of ’em.
Yup…add my name to the list of those who have a kitty who loves the dishwasher. My big fat white boy Griffin is very interested; puts his paws on the door when it’s down so he can poke his head in and thoroughly investigate it’s contents, and he sits at my feet the entire time it takes to unload/load it. What’s up with it?
Love the Bean, but we sure miss Tubby!
I am loving these pics of the Bean! Did you or Fred photoshop the eyes in the first picture? If not, holy cow! Love that shot. And how do you get all the yawny shots? I swear I’d have to sit around all day watching my 4 cats with the digital camera all ready to go in order to MAYBE catch one of them mid-yawn! LOL Great job!