new logo for February, by the lovely and talented Ann. Thanks, Ann!
* * *
Yeah, after that halftime show last night, I’m having nostalgic memories of Britney and Aerosmith from a few years ago. I don’t care much about the fact that we saw Janet’s boobie (although, the thought of having a spike through my nipple sure does make me cringe), but I could have done without seeing Janet and Justin humping from one side of the stage to the other.
My friend Liz called last night at 9:40ish when I was waiting for
Survivor Allstars to come on (LOVED IT), laughing so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. It turns out that the assmonkey she divorced several years ago was a big Carolina Panthers fan. Liz, naturally, was rooting for the Patriots, and when the Patriots won, Liz called his house, jeered at him, and then hung up the phone.
Did I mention that she hasn’t talked to him since they divorced? I’m sure he thought he was never going to hear from HER again and I know that hearing from her was a shock, because he called her back and called her a c u n t. She jeered at him some more until he hung up on her.
While I know that story sounds like she’s a psychotic ex, I loathe her ex-husband – one of the biggest jerks I’ve ever known – so much that I think an unwelcome blast from the past is exactly what he deserved.
Plus, I think she needed a little closure. Heh.
* * *
You have just won one million dollars:
1. Who do you call first? Assuming Fred’s with me when I find out I’ve won, I’d call my sister and my parents. Everyone else would get an email or find out through the Momvine.
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? Little yellow Beetle, with a SUNROOF, o’ course.
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? A house for my sister (with an extra wing where I could stay when I visited!)
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Of course – to my sister, to the no-kill shelter I volunteer for, to a few of Fred’s relatives.
5. Do you invest any? If so, how? I’m sure we’d invest as much as we could in a rock-solid no-risk mutual fund.
* * *
So, last week or maybe the week before, Fred and I were watching an episode of
The Shield on DVD. A guy came on the screen, and Fred said “Huh. He looks familiar.”
I said, “I know where I know him from, but I don’t know where you’d know him from”, then went on to tell him that the actor had played Dodger on
China Beach. “He was a lot hotter on China Beach, though,” I added.
This past Friday, I suggested that we watch the premiere episode of
China Beach I’d gotten for Christmas. I put it in, and Fred kept one eye on the show while he fiddled around with his new
“Where’s that guy who was on The Shield?” Fred asked. I wasn’t sure whether Dodger was on the first episode or not, and told him so. A few minutes later, up popped
(Known as
Jeff Kober in real life)
“Hey look, there he is!” I yelled to Fred, who was messing around with something in the computer room. I stopped and rewound the tape.
“Oh yeah, that is him, isn’t it?” Fred said. He came out to get a better look. “I don’t think he’s better looking than he was in
The Shield, though. I think he looks about the same.”
I turned and gave him the
what-are-you-talking-about? look.
“When we saw him on
The Shield, you said he was better looking in China Beach,” he said.
“Um, NO I didn’t. I said he was HOT in
China Beach,” I corrected.
“Well,” Fred spoke as if he were talking to a very small, very stupid child. “It’s the SAME THING.”
Good lord. The man thinks that “hot” and “good-looking” are the same thing! I tried to explain to him that one has nothing to do with the other – a man can be good-looking and nothing close to hot, or ugly as hell but sizzling hot – but I don’t think he believed me.
Can I get some backup here, ladies? Complete with example, please.
* * *
Okay, I’m going to toss up a couple of cat pictures here and call it an entry. I had a busy, busy morning and it’s about lunchtime and I’m hungry. Excuses, excuses… (Pictures taken by Fred. I think.)
Spanky, illustrating why sometimes we call him “Gomer”.
Further illustration…
“We must stop meeting like this….
That logo is so COOL! Ann did a terrific job!!!
Wanna see my nipple?
PS. Spanky’s always been my favourite.
Hot but not good looking: James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano (power is hot)
Viggo Mortensen (craggy faces and great bods are hot)
Good looking but not hot: Orlando Bloom, Ashton Kutcher (too pretty)
Hot AND good looking: George Clooney, Colin Firth, Chris Noth
Not hot OR good looking but a damn fine actor: William H. Macy
Hot and good looking once upon a time but now too wrinkled: Robert Redford
Your mileage may vary!
Let’s see…Christopher Reeve, in his Superman days, was good-looking but not what I would call hot.
Michael Chiklis(sp?) is not good-looking but I think many women find him hot. I’ll come back with more examples if I think of them.
PS So sorry about Tubby…you gave him a wonderful life.
Daniel Day Lewis in “The Age of Innocence” – Good Looking
Daniel Day Lewis in “Last of the Mohicans” – Totally HOT
Hmm, I always thought hot and good looking were about the same thing too. Oh well.
Steve Buscemi = ugly but hot. Al Gore = good looking, yet UNhot. Tommy Lee Jones, ugly, hot. Orlando Bloom, pretty, not hot. Vin Diesel, beautiful and decidedly hot — ok, he’s an exception. As is Dillon McDermott. But you get the idea.
Hrmpf. Men.
Oh, and I think William H. Macy is VERY hot…and very ugly.
Ed Harris – totally HOT, not that good looking.
Oh, Kate. Yuck. Vin Diesel? Blech in both categories.
Denzel Washington (hot and good looking)
Tom Cruise (good looking but not very hot in my book). Jude Law also falls into this catergory for me.
Spencer Tracy and/or Humphrey Bogart (both dead, I know) not particularly good looking, but both hot!
Jay Leno, neither hot nor good looking
And that guy that plays Captain Dan in Forest Gump? SMOKING and yet, not good looking.
Lori, Gary Sinise is so hot he gives me the shivers! He was very hot as Stu Redman in “The Stand”, too.
Lulu – I’m with you on Christopher Reeve (very good-looking, not hot at ALL) AND Michael Chiklis.
I’ve noticed, though, that oftentimes I’ll think someone is hot, find out they’re total assholes in real life, and the hotness just completely goes away. Odd, ain’t it?
Ummm try explaining to Fred that hot is more of an attitude while goodlooking is physical features. Maybe that will work. I always thought that Patrick Swayze was hot in Dirty Dancing and Ghost (I think, but its been awhile since I saw that movie) but now he’s just good looking because the aging process hasnt been all that kind.
You can never have too many Gomer pictures.
LOVE your new logo!
And I agree with most of you gals re: hot/good looking. Here’s my example: David Caruso – hot but not exactly good looking.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Spanky pictures! He’s always been my favorite Anderson Kitty too. 🙂 And now, for my contribution to the hot/good-looking discussion:
Hot AND Goodlooking: George Clooney, Gary Sinise, Matthew McConaughey
Hot but not Goodlooking: Kevin Spacey, Tim Robbins, Billy Bob Thornton
Goodlooking but not Hot: Al Gore, Senator John Edwards, Stone Phillips
I truly thought the boob was a fake until I read it in the news this morning. Oh well.
My contributions:
I know most people don’t agree with me on this one but – Brad Pitt, totally hot and good looking.
Agree with Cheryle on all of hers and would like to add Jeremy Piven to the Hot but not (particularly) good looking list.
And most of the others I’d agree with, very few exceptions.
Oh yeah, wanted to add Jon Stewert to the hot and good looking list also. I pick on my boyfriend that Jon is my future husband. Hey, a girl can dream can’t she?!
Hi Robyn, I’m a long time reader, and an occasional comment leaver. I usually don’t have any time to watch anything on TV so I find out about various shows from you. I don’t know if you watch the show, “The District” or not, but if so, on Feb. 14th my baby cousin Sydney will be the baby in the pink sweater with a TV mom visiting the police station to see her husband on duty. Just thought I’d share! 🙂
Mmm. Sam Elliot… a little on the “older side”, and not classically “good-looking”… but sssmmmokin’ hot.
Benicio Del Toro – very hot – but not so good looking. There are also a lot of guys who are supposed to be good looking or hot that kind of give me the heebie jeebies – Vin Diesel, Alec Baldwin, James Spader.
I used to think Snoop Dog was hot – but now he gives me the creeps.
Hot but not good-looking: Patrick Stewart. A face only a mother could love.
Harrison Ford in his READ poster for the American Library Association, squatting on a cliff with his hair slicked back in the most dorky possible way. Not so very good looking. But half my class had the damn posted. HOT.
Ack! Jeff Kober is the extremely creepy bad guy from the movie “The First Power”. It has Lou Diamond Phillips in it, and came out in the early 90’s, I think. Kober plays a devil worshiper that is sentenced to the gas chaimber as punishment for his ritual killings. He is then given the ability, by satan, to come back and torture the cop that put him away (Phillips). Knowing Fred’s taste in movies and literature, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s where he knows the face from. 🙂
Oh, by the way, Sean Connery and Tommy Lee Jones…not good looking, but very, very hot.
Sam Elliott – not good looking but oh so hot….and that voice is even hotter.
Clint Eastwood, Billy Bob Thorton: hot but not good-looking
Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake: good looking but not hot…just a l’il too girly…
my 0.02!!!
Jean Reno. not so good looking but HOT. 🙂
Heh…..I was coming in here to post Sam Elliot and I thought everyone would think I was nuts, but two people beat me to it. I think he’s especially hot in Road House.
I also think Rod Stewart qualifies as being hot but not good looking.
Hot is all about attitude.
Heh…..I was coming in here to post Sam Elliot and I thought everyone would think I was nuts, but two people beat me to it. I think he’s especially hot in Road House.
I also think Rod Stewart qualifies as being hot but not good looking.
Hot is all about attitude.
Barry Gibb of the 80’s was very good looking and HOT!!!!!!!! If anyone does not know who that is, he is the lion haired hunk of the Bee Gees. The guy in his 50’s now and is still considered HOT!!!!!
I have to also add Patrick Stewart is HOT!!!! He played CPT. Picard on Star Trek. I personally thought his voice was sexy and he has great eyes.
Bozoette Mary, you hit the nail on the head with ALL of your picks, baby! But I have to add one:
Russell Crowe: HOT.
In fact, he’s so hot I can’t even tell if he’s good-lookin’.
Okay, Michael Chicklis is totally good looking. I go for more off the mainstream types. Ashton Kutcher.. not hot.. good looking in some lights, but not most of the time.
HOT and somewhat good looking in a skinny geek sort of way: Eddie Kaye Thomas
Also.. Jeff Kober was in Tank Girl.. he played BOOGA. He is SO totally HOT and kinda funky-looking.
He is mainly in crap horror stuff lately.. but he plays bad soooo good. 😉
Hmm, I always thought that hot & good looking were the same, too, until I read all ya’lls comparisons here. Now I see the difference. And Katrina, I agree with you about Brad Pitt–sooooo hot, and incredibly gorgeous. Same goes for the younger Harrison Ford, especially when he’s Indian Jones. Mmmmm…. And I’m probably the exception to everybody’s rule regarding this one: Eminem is so freakin’ hot to me, and pretty good looking. Oh, and add me to the Gary Sinise-is-hot list, too–yum!
Man. We could go on forever, couldn’t we? And I just remembered I’m single, too. (little sigh…)
Spanky is good-looking. The Bean is HOT. 😀 (LOL!) But yeah. There’s a big difference between hot and good-looking – I second most of the men already mentioned!
Okay, I’ll jump in.
Good looking but not hot: Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, Hugh Grant, Tom Cruise
Hot but not good looking: Patrick Stewart, Alan Rickman (he’s *compelling* though), Viggo Mortensen (again with the compelling)
Hot and good looking: Johnny Depp, Sean Bean (yes, *please*), Eric Stolz, Ioan Gruffyd
Decorative but not allowed to speak: Orlando Bloom
Hot is kin to can be sexy but not great looking!
My favorite man: Steven Tyler (met him, kissed him, love him!) Not what many would consider classic good looks, but can’t deny that he’s HOT! 🙂
My Totally Hot But Totally UnGood-Looking List:
– John Malkovich
– Lyle Lovett
– Benecio del Toro
– James Spader
– Tom Waits
I think of good looking more as a romantic/pretty boy thing. Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Jude Law. They are just so pretty- I like to look at them. HOT to me is more sexual energy. Russell Crowe, Benicio, Johnny Depp, Viggo, all very dirty looking boys that I wouldn’t mind doing BAD things to!
LOVE the LOGO!!!
I think of good looking more as a romantic/pretty boy thing. Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Jude Law. They are just so pretty- I like to look at them. HOT to me is more sexual energy. Russell Crowe, Benicio, Johnny Depp, Viggo, all very dirty looking boys that I wouldn’t mind doing BAD things to!
LOVE the LOGO!!!
Ooh yeh. Viggo, hot hot hot hot hot. AND good looking. The guy who played Romano on ER, not as good looking, but just as hot in a different way.
Brad Pitt, Ashton Kutcher, Tom Cruise, George Clooney…meh, they’re nice looking, but don’t put the sizzle in my fahitas.
Ok…no hot men in this comment. I just wanted to let you know I like the new logo. It is so very fitting to your site.
Have a nice day!
Nik! I totally agree with you on the whole Romano in ER is hot thing. Everyone I know thinks I’m insane for thinking it! Nice to know I’m not alone.
David Caruso has given me the creeps ever since I saw “Session 9”. That movie is messed up.
And omg – I LOVE Ed Harris. Love.
We wish to weigh in here…. i know it’s been over a week but we can’t stop talking about this.
harry connick, jr., HOT and good looking
kevin smith, HOT not good looking
jason lee, HOT and good looking
jack black, HOT and not good looking
ben affleck, not HOT but good looking
donal logue, HOT not good looking
steve buscemi, not HOT or good looking