
Which Happy Bunny Are You?

You are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You’re adorable, but a little out there. It’s alright, you might not have it all, but there are worse.
(Thanks to reader Kris who sent me the link!)
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This cat looks an awful lot like Fancypants, doesn’t he? He’s here, too. (Thanks to Nance who sent me those links and cracked me up)
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You know, I am neither pro- nor anti – Howard Dean, and I just don’t get the brouhaha over his speech in Iowa. To me, he didn’t look like he was “losing it” at all – he looked like he was trying to hype up his supporters and getting pretty excited in the process. Kind of nice to see some emotion from a presidential candidate, though after that there’s no way on god’s green earth the man will get himself elected (although, I’m told that there was no way he was going to be elected before the YARGH speech either, so there ya go). That said, the man has some seriously craaaaazy eyes. It might be interesting to have him in charge of running the country just to see how long before he snaps and declares war on South Dakota.
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I got a box of birthday presents from the lovely and wonderful Nancypants on Saturday. What did I find in the big box o’ birthday love? Why, the best presents possible, of course!
A cozy fleece blanket featuring my favorite shade o’ yellow! And a framed picture of MY BAYBEE!
Also, there was a cat ink stamp and a pad of ink. I would show you the efforts of my using the stamp, but I am fumble-fingered to the extreme and managed to make a bit of a mess of it. I’m no Kathy or Stefani when it comes to being talented with the stamps, believe you me! (Nance also tossed some therma-care heat wraps in the box, with the suggestion that I stick them on my ass if I get cold. Hee!) Nance rocks! As does Dale. Rock, I say! I had the blanket wrapped around me when I was sitting in front of the computer this morning, and a tiny little edge of the blanket was resting on the desk. It took about 10 seconds for Miz Poo to sense that there was unused blanket somewhere in the house, hunt it down, and sit her ass down on it. When I got up to go make breakfast, I left the blanket on the chair, and when I came back a minute later, Miz Poo had claimed both the blanket and the chair for herself. I sense that there is a battle of epic proportions in my future, a show-down between Miz Poo and I as to just WHO the blanket belongs to. (And I suspect that I won’t be the winner of that battle, sadly.)
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While I’m thanking people, I’d like to thank reader Sofia in Sweden, who sent me a Magnetic Poetry Kit for Cat Lovers – can you believe I didn’t already have one of those?! Please email me so that I can thank you properly, Sofia! Thanks also to Anelie, who sent me the soundtrack to Xanadu (shaddup, y’all, I love that movie!)!
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Hee! That Erin sure does crack me up.]]>

22 thoughts on “2004-01-26”

  1. Apparently I’m a kiss-my-ass happy bunny. I dont know if it applies, but it really makes my day. 🙂

  2. Man, that is a really great present of Miz Poo in the frame. I have Snoopy in a frame too, and she is right up there on the shelf w/ the framed pics of my parents and my brother. She’s family, too!
    It says that I’m the happy bunny that says “You’re dumb” and something about me liking to use harsh words and enjoying putting other people down. Well, I guess I do, but only those people who are on TV or the radio or the internet who can’t actually see or hear me. ‘Cause that’s the only way it’s fun. 🙂

  3. LOVE the photo of the kitties in front of the fire. It’s like they are at the kitty spa or at a really laid back camping trip

  4. I got the: you are the “you’re so dumb” happy bunny. you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting others down.
    I can’t imagine that! Hee.
    You need to practice with that cat stamp thingie because I’m telling you, we cannot let Kitchenlogic Kathy be the Queen of Everything including the Stamping! Snort.

  5. Well, I will have you know I was thoroughly excited last year when I bought a Bargain Bin copy of the VHS of Xanadu for like $3! I was ecstatic!!! The only thing better would be to own the soundtrack. My fave song in there was the scene when the rockers and the 30’s singers mixed it up and sang together on the rink. Are we dweebs or what? :o)

  6. Thanks Robyn!! I was beginning to think I was the only person in the world who didn’t see what all the excitement was about Dean’s speech. He was excited and wanted his workers to feel the same. I don’t think he’ll win either but at least he’s fun to watch!!

  7. Lori – I like that song, too – especially the part where they start to blend! Also, I love it when Olivia sings “Suspended in Time”! Oh, I love the whole damn movie, I really do. I had the album back when the movie came out, and I spent many an hour daydreaming about how wonderful my life would be if I looked like Olivia Newton-John! Heh.

  8. Any moron can stamp! C’mon!!! You’re as much a moron as anyone else!!! And I mean that in the nicest of ways. Sincerely yours, The Queen of EVERYTHING!!!!!

  9. I thought for a moment the new blanket was a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer cozy. It’s very very pretty.
    I, too, am cute but psycho. PARTY!

  10. I can’t stamp either. I got some stamped notecards in the mail from Kathy with a jewelry order and thought “that sure is pretty and it looks terribly easy” So I went to the craft store and spent a small fortune on stamp stuff and I just suck. Badly. I’m in the special olympic sector of the “any moron can do it” stamping world. But I love that blanket!

  11. Happy Bunny = Your a Dumbass. True.
    Robyn, I wonder if FancyPants hide in an amazon.com box when you returned some books and then Amazon turned around and sold him to the Wicked Wish Woman? Ha! Ha!

  12. The Happy Bunny I happen to be is “You suck and that’s sad” I wanted the cute one “Cute but psycho” Oh well, we can’t have everything in life can we? Great birthday gifts BTW, I love the framed pic of the Poo
    ~Denise~ in Georgia :o)

  13. The framed picture is so pretty.
    I agree about the whole “Howard Dean” thing. When you see the video, it’s no big deal, but hearing the audio out of context sounds really funny.
    People grumbled that Al Gore never showed any emotion, and now they say Dean’s showing too much?
    Hee…any state not mentioned in his speech is going when he declares war. Prepare yourself!

  14. Hehehehe…….is it sad that I still have that album? 😛 And don’t forgot who gave you the movie dear sister:P

  15. Awwwww I miss the Fancyone.
    And Xanadu is one of the greatest movies EVER! I dare you to tell me it isn’t!

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