The "Terms of Use" are provided for both your protection and
mine, they are written to clarify the terms under which the images
contained within this collection may be used.
* The backgrounds, graphic sets,
and Graphics you see throughout this section are all original and
copyrighted ©
Endearing Images. Your use of these backgrounds on your
personal home pages means you agree to these terms.
Save all images to your own hard drive if you do not know how to
download to your own hard drive then please email me.
Only the Graphics specified within the collection of linkware are
permitted to be downloaded, uploaded or placed in another directory;
all images that comprise the site itself are the sole, exclusive and
permanent property of the artist and may not be reproduced by any
method including screen captures and/or downloads.
Do not add my designs to any collection, compilation cd or
My linkware may not be used by individuals developing web sites for
others for financial gain (whether actual income and /or bartered
for trade) whether from the site itself or from the web page
developing service.
*Do not use Graphics from the linkware collection if you are
creating sites for others at no charge and then advertise these
sites within a client portfolio to acquire additional paying
Do not alter my designs other than adding text to blank buttons and
headers. This means don't resize them, change the colors, or
otherwise adjust them. If you can not do this yourself you may email
me and we can work something out.
Do not mix and match any of the sets. They are made to be used with
that set and that set only.
Commercial use of my Graphics are prohibited.
My Graphics are linkware, that means to use them you must provide a
link back to me with the link I have provided.
If you choose to use one of my sets please email me.
If you have a question regarding any of these terms, please contact
me. |