
* * * Can I just take a moment to say that credit unions ROCK? Our personal checking and savings accounts are at a local credit union where Fred’s had an account since he was a wee one, and our business account is at a local bank. If we go out and use our credit union debit card to buy something at a local store, we can immediately come home, go online, bring up our account, and the transaction is already there. If we use our business debit card, it takes days for it to show up online. The credit union has started something new, too. If a check has cleared, you can click on a button next to the check number, and SEE THE SCANNED CHECK, front and back. That fucking ROCKS. On the other hand, last week we transferred money from PayPal to our business bank account (we were woefully unprepared for just how many padded envelopes we’d need during the first week), and although the money was shown on our account as available, it didn’t actually go into the account until midnight, and so when we bought envelopes at Staples, our bank charged us a THIRTY DOLLAR NSF fee. Which they reversed when Fred called to complain. Fuckers. I would say as a general rule, credit unions rock and banks suck. If we could switch our business account over to the credit union, we’d do it without hesitation.

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I’m FAR too excited by the fact that I just saw TWO hummingbirds at the hummingbird feeder. We’ve had one visiting the feeder all week long, sucking down the sugar water so often that I swear he’s developed a little pot belly, but today is the first time I’ve seen two of them. Unfortunately I’m not having any luck getting a picture of the little guy because he likes the side of the feeder that I can’t see from my desk, and if I get up to get a picture, the movement startles him and he flies off. I think I’m going to get Fred to move the pole a bit further away from the window, and maybe I’ll have more luck. It’s so funny to see one not in flight, isn’t it? I finally ran out of the red commercial hummingbird mix and made my own yesterday – boiling sugar and water together – and they seem to like the homemade stuff even more. Yes, I am a dork. And proud of it!
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I was walking through the library – the windows of which look out onto the bird feeders – and I saw that our squirrel was back dining at the And3rson buffet. “Miz Poo!” I said. She was sitting on my desk, waiting impatiently for me to get my damn water and get my ass back to her for some belly-rubbing. She looked at me with interest. I gestured toward the library window. “Squirrel! Go get the squirrel!” I’m trying to train her to understand what the word “squirrel” means, because when my parents’ dog Benji hears the word, he loses his mind and hauls ass into the back yard, yapping his fool head off whether there’s actually a squirrel or not. Miz Poo looked at me, her eyes darkened, and she looked out the front window rather than the back window where the squirrel actually was. “Miz Poo! Squirrel!” I said, waving my arms in the air. “Squirrel!” Her tail began whipping around, and she made a chattering noise, all the while staring out the front window. “Get the squirrel, Poo Pie! Go get the squirrel!” I encouraged, and she jumped onto the floor, ran to the front window, and stared out at the front lawn. I finally had to go pick her up and show her out the library window where the squirrel was before it all clicked in her mind. And sadly she’s one of the smarter cats.
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We were watching The Amazing Race last night (no spoilers here, because once the clowns were gone, I didn’t really much care who won), and when they landed in Hawaii, I started having a yen to visit Hawaii. “We could go in a few years. Hey! We could go for our 10th anniversary!” I said. “That would give us plenty of time to save up!” I think Fred got the impression I wasn’t serious, but won’t he be surprised in 5 years when I tell him to pack, we’re leaving for Hawaii for a week?
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1. When was the last time you laughed? When Fred had his nightly snack – a bowl of popcorn – and stuck his face in the bowl because he had a glass of tea in his other hand. He was so damn cute I had to go over and hug him ’til his guts shot out his mouth. 2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? Fred, I’m sure. Can’t have been too important, though, ’cause I don’t remember when or what it was about. 3. Who was the last person you emailed? My sister-in-law, who comments as Kate. She sent me pictures of her DAMN adorable cat Dulcinea. I had to go find Miz Poo for a belly rub. 4. When was the last time you bathed? 8:30 this morning. I shower every morning, although Wednesday I didn’t shower or take a bath, and felt grungy all day. That’s probably the first time I’ve skipped a shower in 10 years. 5. What was the last thing you ate? A Grilled California Cobb salad from McDonald’s with homemade honey-mustard dressing. And a super-size Diet Coke!
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Y’all have a relaxing weekend!]]>