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I finally watched last week’s episode of The Bachelor last night. Andrew Firestone sure is easier on the eyes than Aaron was, isn’t he? The group of bachelorettes sure seem a lot younger this time around.
My favorite part of the rose ceremony was watching one of the (few!) brunettes – I think it was Liz, but I’m not positive – give looks of hatred to all the girls who got roses. A girl would walk by her with a rose, and she’d look them up and down, and then glare daggers at her.
What kills me is that these girls spent ONE EVENING with the bachelor, and if they didn’t get a rose, they were in tears. Surely they weren’t that invested in the guy, for crying out loud? I guess it was mostly the blow to the ego, rather than getting attached to the Bachelor, but still.
And speaking of television shows, did Ruben kick ass, or what? I LOVE THAT SONG, and even let out a little shriek when he started singing it. In fact, I’m going to go see if it’s available on Grokster yet right now.
Hm, doesn’t seem to be out there yet. I guess I’ll have to be happy with The Manhattans’ version for now.
God, I love that song.
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Hey, know what I haven’t done in a while? Answered reader questions – and I still have plenty to answer!
Reader Patty asks:
Has anyone in your real life spoken about your journal/ site/ etc.?
And Reader C asks:
Does your daughter or anyone in your family (mother, sister etc) read your journal?
The only person I know in real life that I’m certain reads my journal – aside from Fred – is my sister, Debbie. No one else, that I’m aware of, knows that this journal exists. Fred’s stepsister found his site, and there are links from his site to this one, so it’s possible that his stepsister and, in fact, his whole family reads this journal, but if they do, I don’t know about it. And if they are reading, I’d prefer to continue not knowing about it.
Reader Judy asks:
When you moved to Alabama did you experience a great deal of culture shock when you moved into the deep south? Was it like dropping out of the sky into Oz? Or vice versa?
I actually have a funny story about my move to Alabama. The spud and I drove from Rhode Island to Alabama over the course of two days. At the end of the first day, we stopped at a motel in the hills of Tennessee. I went in to get a room, and the desk clerk had the thickest southern accent that I have, to this day, ever heard, and I couldn’t understand a word that was coming out of her mouth. I had to ask her to repeat everything she said not once, not twice, but THREE times. When we were finally in our room, I sat on the bed and thought to myself “What the FUCK have I gotten myself into? I’m never going to understand a word anyone says to me in Alabama, it’s going to be like living in a foreign country, I’m never going to be able to get a job, and everyone’s going to think I’m an idiot!” Near tears, I called Fred, who reminded me that I was in a very rural part of Tennessee, that Huntsville is a fairly large city, and that the people who live in the area don’t have accents quite that thick. And he was right – every now and then I’ll have a problem understanding what someone’s saying to me, but it rarely happens.
Of course, some of you would say that that’s because I’ve developed my own southern accent, but y’all would be big LIARS.
I honestly expected that the stereotypical southern women – you know, big hair, made up to within an inch of their life – would be the kind of women I’d see all over the place. And while I’ll see one every now and then, it’s not the norm, really.
I think it’s probable that if I’d moved to a more rural town, things would be a lot more different, but there are so many people who live in this area that are from other places, that it’s more diverse than you would expect living in the south to be.
Have a burning question you’d like answered? Let me know.
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Every once in a while, I check my stats for pico search, to see what y’all are searching for within my site. After not checking for quite a while, I looked at the stats yesterday. What’s the number one thing people search my site for?
What’s up with that? I had 75 searches on Athena. Second on the list was Bullshit, with 6 searches. (Yes, 6. Not 60, but 6.) The question, I guess, is whether it’s 75 different people looking for Athena, or one person looking 75 times. It’s really enough to make a girl curious, y’know.]]>